By mixing colors with other words and/or doubling-up similar shades, you can quickly come up with powerful descriptions, such as “the October sky was ghoul-gray” or “the starless night was steeped in shadow.”



Anthracite, black pearl, blue-black, coal, crow, dark, dead, ebony, ink, jet, midnight, moonless, night, obsidian, onyx, pitch, raven, sable, shadow, starless, Stygian, subterranean, tenebrous, void, unlit



Air Force, azure, baby, cerulean, cobalt, cornflower, electric blue, delft, federal, ice, indigo, lapis lazuli, marine, midnight blue, navy, neon, ocean, peacock, periwinkle, powder, Prussian, robin's egg, royal, sapphire, sea-blue, sky, slate blue, sorrowful, steel, teal, turquoise, ultramarine, wedgewood



Bay, brick, bronze, brunette, buckskin, café au lait, caramel, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, cocoa, coffee, copper, drab, dun, earth, ecru, fawn, foxy, ginger, hazel, henna, khaki, mahogany, maple, mocha, mud, mushroom, nut brown, nutmeg, pecan, raisin, roan, rosewood, saddle, sepia, tan, tanned, taupe, tawny, toffee, tortoise shell, umber, walnut



Ashen, bleak, charcoal, cloudy, dismal, dove, drab, dreary, dull, gloomy, grizzled, gunmetal, hoary, iron, murky, overcast, pearl, sickly, silver, slate gray, smoky, sooty, somber, stone, sunless, tattletale, tombstone



Aqua, aquamarine, bluish-green, celadon, chartreuse, emerald, envy, forest, grassy, hunter, jade, jealous, kelly, leaf, lime, malachite, mist, mold, moss, olive, pea, pine, sea-green, verdant



Amber-orange, apricot, atomic tangerine, bittersweet, burnt orange, carrot, champagne, coral, deep carrot, flame, lion, orange peel, orange-red, peach, pumpkin, safety orange, sunset, tangelo, tangerine



Açai, amaranth, amethyst, aubergine, azurite, blackberry, bluebell, crocus, eggplant, electric purple, frostbite, fuchsia, heliotrope, hibiscus, imperial, indigo, lavender, lilac, lotus, magenta, mauve, orchid, pinot noir, plum, psychedelic, royal, thistle, Tyrian, violet, wisteria



Apple, auburn, beet, blood, brass, brick, burgundy, candy apple, cardinal, carmine, cerise, cherry, cinnamon, cinnabar, claret, cochineal, crimson, currant, dusky rose, fire, fire engine, fulvous, garnet, hellish, lobster, maroon, ox-blood, raspberry, red amber, rose, rosy, rubescent, rubicund, ruddy, ruby, russet, rust, salmon, sanguine, scarlet, shrimp, strawberry, terra cotta, Titian, Tyrian, tomato, vermeil, vermilion, wine



Alabaster, anemic, bleached, bloodless, chalk, colorless, cream, deathly, drained, drawn, ecru, eggshell, ghostly, ivory, lily, magnolia, milky, milky quartz, moon, moonstone, oatmeal, opal, oyster, pale, pallid, parchment, pasty, peaked, pinched, salt-and-pepper, snow, vanilla, virgin, wan, washed out, waxen, white jade



Amber, ash blonde, blonde, brass, burnished, buff, cadmium, daffodil, flaxen, fool's gold, fulvous, golden, honey, lemon, jaundiced, jonquil, mustard, palomino, platinum, primrose, sallow, sandy, silver-blonde, straw, tawny, wheat, white-gold



Experiment with your own word/color combinations and use them in a descriptive tag. Come up with at least five for each color and feel free to mix-and-match colors (e.g., yellow and brown could be combined as “Her wheat-colored hair fell in waves over slim, tanned shoulders”).