I’ve been poor and middle class, then poor and middle class again, and now I’m pretty well-to-do. Okay, I’m kind of rich.

On balance, I prefer rich.

But I don’t think I would be the person I am, or the writer, if I hadn’t experienced the whole spectrum—all the ups and downs and sideways.

We live in crazy times; 2020 and 2021 will probably go down as the worst years in a lot of our lives.

But here’s the thing about the problems we’re facing—as I see it, anyway.

The problem isn’t rich people, or poor.

It isn’t men, and it isn’t women.

It isn’t white, Black, or brown.

Or Republican, Democrat, or Independent.

From what I’ve seen, the problem is folks who believe their view of the world is the right one, the only one, and everybody else’s is flat-out stupid.

In my mind, the cause of the problems we’re facing is pretty clear—it’s jerks.

I could be wrong. I might just be one of the jerks.