

The Succession to ‘Umar

abarī’s extended version of the narrative of ‘Umar’s succession (qiat al-shūrā) is the following:

According to ‘Umar b. Shabba←‘Alī b. Muammad [al-Madā’inī]←Wakī‘ [b. al-Jarrā]←al-A‘mash←Ibrāhīm and Muammad b. ‘Abdallāh al-Anārī←Ibn Abī ‘Arūba←Qatāda←Shahr b. awshab and Abū Mikhnaf←Yūsuf b. Yazīd←Abū al-‘Abbās Sahl and Mubārak b. Faāla←‘Ubaydallāh b. ‘Umar and Yūnus b. Abī Isāq—‘Amr b. Maymūn al-Awdī:

When ‘Umar b. al-Khaāb was stabbed, it was suggested to him that he should appoint a successor. “Whom shall I appoint caliph?” was his reply. “If Abū ‘Ubayda b. al-Jarrā were alive, I would appoint him, and if my Lord questioned me, I would say, ‘I heard Your prophet say that [Abū ‘Ubayda] was the guardian of this community.’ If Sālim, client of Abū udhayfa, were alive, I would appoint him, and if my Lord questioned me, I would say, ‘I heard your prophet say that Sālim loves God vehemently.’” Someone said to ‘Umar, “I can point to someone: ‘Abdallāh b. ‘Umar.” But [‘Umar] replied, “God curse you! You were not saying this for God’s sake! You wretch! How can I appoint caliph someone who has been unable to divorce his wife! We have no desire [to get involved] in your affairs. I have not found [the caliphate] so praiseworthy that I should covet it for my own family. If things turn out well, we shall have gained our reward from them; but if they turn out badly, then it is enough for the family of ‘Umar that [only] one of them should be called to account and held responsible for what happened to Muammad’s community. I have striven and have kept my family out. If I succeed in coming out [of all this] even, and no recompense [being given to me], I shall indeed be happy. I shall look [into the matter]: if I do appoint a caliph, then someone better than I has made the appointment; but if I abandon [the idea], someone better than I has done this. God will never neglect his faith.”

So [those with him] left and returned in the evening, suggesting to the Commander of the Faithful that he draw up a succession agreement. He replied, “I had decided after talking to you that I would look [into the matter] and appoint someone over you, the most suitable of you to bear you along the true path.” And he indicated ‘Alī. [He continued], “But I fell into a swoon and saw a man who had entered a garden that he had planted. He began to pick everything, both the young tender plants and the mature ones, clutching them to him and putting them beneath him. I knew that God was in control and was taking ‘Umar into his mercy. I do not want to take on the burden [of the caliphate] dead as well as alive. You should [approach] that group of men who the Messenger of God said are ‘among the people of paradise.’ Sa‘īd b. Zayd b. ‘Amr b. Nufayl is one of them. I am not bringing him into the matter, but rather the following six: ‘Alī and ‘Uthmān, son of ‘Abd Manāf, ‘Abd al-Ramān [b. ‘Awf] and Sa‘d [b. Abī Waqqā], maternal uncles of the messenger of God, al-Zubayr b. al-‘Awwām, the true friend and cousin of the Messenger of God, and alat al-Khayr b. ‘Ubaydallāh. Let them select one of themselves. When they appoint a leader, [you all] should give him good help and support. If he entrusts any one of you with authority, he should convey to him what is committed to his care.”

They left and al-‘Abbās said to ‘Alī, “Do not get involved with them.” He replied, “I do not like dissension [in our family].” [Al-‘Abbās] said, “Then you will see something you do not like!” When morning came, ‘Umar summoned ‘Alī, ‘Uthmān, Sa‘d, ‘Abd al-Ramān b. ‘Awf, and al-Zubayr b. al-’Awwām and said, “I have looked into the matter and consider you to be the chiefs and leaders of the people. This matter will remain among you alone. When the Messenger of God died, he was well pleased with you. I have no fears for you with the people if you remain on the straight path. However, I do fear for you if there is a difference of opinion among you and the people differ among themselves. Off you go to ‘Āisha’s room, with her permission, and deliberate. Choose one of yourselves.” Then he added, “Do not go to ‘Āisha’s room; rather stay near at hand.” He put down his head, exhausted by the loss of blood.

So they went in and held secret discussions. But then their voices became raised and ‘Ābdallah b. ‘Umar exclaimed, “Good heavens, the Commander of the Faithful is not yet dead!” ‘Umar overheard this and awakened, then said: “All of you, stop this!1 When I am dead, hold your consultations for three days. Let uhayb lead the people in prayer. Before the fourth day comes you should have your commander from among you. ‘Abdallāh b. ‘Umar will be there as adviser, but he shall have nothing to do with the matter [of the actual appointment]. ala shall share with you in the decision. If he comes within the three days, include him in your decision. If the three days go by and he does not come, make the decision nevertheless. Who will deal with ala for me?” “I shall,” responded Sa‘d b. Abī Waqqās, “and he will not give a differing view, God willing.” ‘Umar said, “I hope he will not give a differing view, God willing. I think one of these two, ‘Alī or ‘Uthmān, will become a leader. If it is ‘Uthmān, he is a gentle person [fīhi līn]; if it is ‘Alī, he has a sense of humor [fa-fīhi duāba]. 2 How suitable he is to carry them along the true road [wa ari bihi an yamilahum ‘ alā al- arīq]! If you appoint Sa‘d, he is worthy of the office, but if not, the one appointed should seek his assistance. I have never dismissed him for disloyalty or weakness. How perceptive ‘Abd al-Ramān b. ‘Awf is! He is disposed to what is right. [He is] rightly guided and has a protector in God. Listen to what he has to say.”

[‘Umar] said to Abū Tala al-Anārī, “For a long time had God strengthened Islam through your Helpers, Abū Tala. Select fifty helpers and urge them to choose one of them.” To al-Miqdād b. al-Aswad he said, “When you put me into my grave, assemble these people in one room to choose one of their number.” To uhayb he said, “Lead the people in prayer for three days. Let into [the deliberations] ‘Alī, ‘Uthmān, al-Zubayr, Sa‘d, ‘Abd al-Ramān b. ‘Awf, and ala, if he arrives. Have ‘Abdallāh b. ‘Umar present, but he shall have nothing to do with the matter [of the actual appointment]. Stay with them and if five agree to approve of one man, but one refuses, smash in his head, or strike it with a sword. If four agree to approve of one man, but two refuse, cut off the [latters’] heads. If three approve of one of them, and three approve of another, get ‘Abdallāh b. ‘Umar to make a decision. Let whichever party in favor of which he makes his judgment select one of themselves. If they do accept ‘Abdallāh b. ‘Umar’s judgment, be on the same side as ‘Abd al-Ramān b. ‘Awf. Kill the rest if they do not go along with the general consensus.”

So they left. ‘Alī said to some Banū Hāshim who were with him, “If your people are obeyed [only] among themselves, you will never be appointed to positions of leadership.” Al-‘Abbās came to him, and [‘Alī] said, “[The caliphate] has slipped from us!” [Al-‘Abbās] asked him how he knew. He continued, “[‘Umar] paired me with ‘Uthmān and told us [all] to fall in with the majority. If two approve of one, and two another, [he said], we should be on the same side as ‘Abd al-Ramān b. ‘Awf. Sa‘d will not go against his cousin, ‘Abd al-Ramān, who is related by marriage to ‘Uthmān. They will all [three] agree in their opinion. ‘Abd al-Ramān will appoint ‘Uthmān to the caliphate, or ‘Uthmān will appoint ‘Abd al-Ramān. If the other two were with me, they would be of no benefit to me, to say nothing of the fact that I have hope of one of them.” Al-‘Abbās said to him, “I have never urged you to do anything without your later responding to me by holding back in a way I do not like. When the Messenger of God died, I ordered you to ask him [on his deathbed] who should have the rule, but you refused. After [Muammad’s] death I ordered you to bring the matter to a speedy conclusion, but you refused. When ‘Umar nominated you a member of the electoral council, I advised you to have nothing to do with them, but you refused. Just learn one thing from me: whenever people make you a proposal, say no, unless they are appointing you [caliph]. Watch out for these people; they will continue to push us out of this matter [of the caliphate] until someone takes our [rightful] place [attā yaqūm bihi lanā ghayrunā]. I swear in God’s name, no such person will get [the caliphate] without the help of some evil together with which no good will be of benefit!” 3 ‘Alī replied, “If ‘Uthmān survives, I shall certainly remind him of what has happened. If he dies, they will certainly take [the caliphate] by turns among themselves. If they do, they will certainly find me in a position they do not like.” Then he quoted the following verses, applying them to his own situation:

I swore by the lord of the mares prancing one evening—but in the morning they came, nimble hastening to al-Muaab

“The family of Ibn Ya‘mar will certainly stand apart, facing a bloody place, difficult to drink from, they being the sons of al-Shuddakh.

And he turned and saw Abū ala, but did not like his being there. Abū ala said, “Nothing to be afraid of, Abū al-asan!” 4

When ‘Umar died and his bier was brought out, both ‘Alī and ‘Uthmān pretended not to mind which of them would pray over him. But ‘Abd al-Ramān said, “Both of you are candidates for the caliphate. This matter has nothing to do with you. It is for uhayb, whom ‘Umar appointed to lead the people in prayer for three [nights] until they can agree on a leader.” So uhayb prayed over [‘Umar]. When he had been buried, al-Miqdād assembled the members of the electoral council in the house of al-Miswar b. Makhrama—another version is that it was in the treasury and yet another that it was in ‘Āisha’s room with her permission—five in all, accompanied by Ibn ‘Umar and with ala still absent. They ordered Abū ala to prevent anyone from disturbing them. ‘Amr b. al-‘Ā and al-Mughīra b. Shu‘ba arrived and sat at the door, but Sa‘d threw pebbles at them and made them get up, saying, “You want to say, ‘We were there; we were members of the electoral council.’” The electoral council argued about the affair and a great deal of talking went on among them. Abū ala said, “I was more afraid that you would reject [the caliphate] than I was that you would compete for it. No, by Him who has taken away ‘Umar’s soul, I shall give you no more than the three days that you were ordered. Then I shall sit down in my own house and see what you are up to!”

‘Abd al-Ramān said, “Which one of you will withdraw from the [race for the caliphate], and undertake to appoint the best of you?” No one answered. So he continued, “I withdraw.” ‘Uthmān said, “I am the first to accept [this]. I heard the Messenger of God say, ‘[‘Abd al-Ramān] is trustworthy on earth and will be in heaven [amīnun fī alar, amīnun fī al-samā ’].’” All the members, with the exception of ‘Alī, who remained silent, expressed their approval. So [‘Abd al-Ramān] said, “What do you say, Abū al-asan?” [‘Alī] replied, “Give me your word you will consider truth paramount, you will not follow your whim, you will not show any preference for a relative, and you will not let the community down.” [‘Abd al-Ramān] said [to the others], “Give me your solemn promises you will stand with me against anyone who reneges [on your final decision] and you will approve of anyone I choose for you. I impose a pact with God upon myself that I shall show no preference for a relative, because he is a relative, nor shall I let down the Muslims.” He took a promise from them and similarly gave them his word. [‘Abd al-Ramān] said to ‘Alī, “You say you have the most right of those present to the office because of your close relationship [to the Prophet] and your long standing [in Islam] and the good deeds you have done in the cause of Islam, and you have not, [in saying so], said anything remote [from the truth]. But if you were not involved in the matter and were not here at all, whom would you think of them all has most right to [the office]?” He replied, “‘Uthmān.” [‘Abd al-Ramān] took ‘Uthmān on one side and said, “You say you are a shaykh of Banū ‘Abd Manāf and related to the Messenger of God by marriage and his cousin, an excellent man of long standing [in Islam]—and you have not said anything remote from the truth and that [the caliphate] cannot therefore be taken from you. But if you were not here, which of the members do you think has most right to [the office]?” He replied, “‘Alī.”

Then [‘Abd al-Ramān] took al-Zubayr on one side and addressed him in the same way as he had ‘Alī and ‘Uthmān. He replied, “‘Uthmān.” Then [‘Abd al-Ramān] took Sa‘d on one side and spoke to him. He answered, “‘Uthmān.” ‘Alī met Sa‘d and quoted, “‘Fear God, by whom you make demands one of another, and the wombs [which bore you]. God is ever watching you.’ I am asking you in the name of the relationship [raim] of this son of mine with the Messenger of God and that of my paternal uncle, amza, with you, not to stand with ‘Abd al-Ramān, assisting ‘Uthmān against me. I have connections ‘Uthmān does not.” ‘Abd al-Ramān went round at night meeting the Companions of the Messenger of God and those army commanders and nobles who arrived in Medina and consulting with them. Everyone he took to one side gave instructions to opt for ‘Uthmān. Then on the eve of the morning of the deadline, he came to the house of al-Miswar b. Makhrama well into the night and woke him up, saying, “You’re asleep, when I have had very little tonight? Off you go and summon al-Zubayr and Sa‘d!”

So [al-Miswar] summoned them and [‘Abd al-Ramān] began with al-Zubayr at the back of the mosque under the covering that adjoins the house of Marwān, saying, “Let the rule go to the sons of ‘Abd Manāf!” [Al-Zubayr] said, “I throw in my lot with ‘Alī.” [‘Abd al-Ramān] said to Sa‘d, “We are cousins. Throw in your lot with me so that I can choose.” He replied, “If you choose yourself, that is fine! But if you choose ‘Uthmān, then I prefer to support ‘Alī. Have yourself accepted [as caliph], give us some respite and raise our heads.” [‘Abd al-Ramān] said, “Abū Isāq, I have withdrawn from [the caliphate] on condition that I make the choice. [Even] had I not done so and the choice had come back on me, I would not have [the caliphate]. I saw myself in a dream as if in a green meadow rich in fresh herbage. A stallion camel came in—I have never seen such a noble stallion—and passed through like an arrow without paying attention to anything in the meadow, right to the other side without stopping. A stallion followed him in immediately after and left the meadow. Then a fine thoroughbred stallion entered, dragging his halter, turning right and left, going where the other two went and leaving. Then a fourth, a stallion camel, entered and pastured in the meadow. No indeed, I shall not be the fourth. No one can take the place of Abū Bakr and ‘Umar after their deaths and [then] be approved of by the people.” Sa‘d replied, “I am afraid that weakness has overcome you. Do as you think best. You know what ‘Umar’s deathbed instructions were.”

Al-Zubayr and Sa‘d left. [‘Abd al-Ramān] sent al-Miswar b. Makhrama for ‘Alī and talked with him in private for a long time, [the latter] not doubting that he was to be selected for the office [of caliph]. Then [‘Alī] left, and [‘Abd al-Ramān] sent al-Miswar for ‘Uthmān, but the call to the morning prayer interrupted their private conversation.

According to ‘Amr b. Maymūn: ‘Abdallāh b. ‘Umar told me, “‘Amr, anyone who tells you that he knows what ‘Abd al-Ramān discussed with ‘Alī and ‘Uthmān does not know what he is talking about! Your Lord’s decision fell on ‘Uthmān.”

When they had said the morning prayers, [‘Abd al-Ramān] convened the members [of the electoral council] and sent for all the Emigrants and the Helpers of long standing [in Islam] and of excellence and the military commanders who were [in Medina]. They all assembled and there was confusion among the people in the mosque. [‘Abd al-Ramān] said, “People, everyone wants those of the garrison towns to return to them having learned who their supreme commander is.” Sa‘īd b. Zayd said, “We think you are worthy of [the caliphate].” He replied, “Give me some different advice!” ‘Ammār [b. Yāsir] said, “If you want the Muslims to be in full agreement, give ‘Alī the oath of allegiance.” Al-Miqdād b. al-Aswad said, “‘Ammār is right; if you give ‘Alī the oath of allegiance, we shall say that we are in full agreement with what you are doing.” Ibn Abī al-Sar said, “If you want Quraysh to be in full agreement, give ‘Uthmān the oath of allegiance.” ‘Abdallāh b. Abī Rabī‘a said, “He is right; if you give ‘Uthmān the oath of allegiance, we shall say that we are in full agreement with what you are doing.” ‘Ammār upbraided Ibn Abī al-Sar, saying, “When did you ever give the Muslims any good advice?!”

Banū Hāshim and Banū Umayya held talks. ‘Ammār said, “O people, God has ennobled us through His Prophet and strengthened us through His religion. How can you take this appointment away from those of the house of your Prophet?” A member of Banū Makhzūm said, “You have gone too far, Ibn Sumayya! Why should you have anything to do with Quraysh taking the leadership for themselves?” Sa‘d b. Abī Waqqā said, “Get it over with, ‘Abd al-Ramān, before our people fall into civil war.” ‘Abd al-Ramān said, “I have looked into [the matter] and consulted. Do not, members of the electoral council, lay yourselves open to criticism.” He summoned ‘Alī and said, “God’s agreement and covenant is binding on you. Will you indeed act in accordance with God’s Book, the practice of His Messenger and the example of the two caliphs after him?” [‘Alī] replied, “I hope to do this and act to the best of my knowledge and ability.” 5 [‘Abd al-Ramān] summoned ‘Uthmān and said to him the same as what he had said to ‘Alī. [‘Uthmān] replied, “Yes.” So [‘Abd al-Ramān] gave him the oath of allegiance. ‘Alī said, “You have always been partial in his favor! This is not the first time you have banded together against us. But ‘[my course is] comely patience and God’s help is to be asked against what you describe.’ You have appointed ‘Uthmān only so that the rule will come back to you. ‘Every day God exercises power.’” ‘Abd al-Ramān retorted, “Do not lay yourself open to criticism, ‘Alī. I have looked into the matter and consulted the people. They regard no one as the equal of ‘Uthmān.” ‘Alī left, saying, “God’s decree will come in its time!” Al-Miqdād said, “You have indeed, ‘Abd al-Ramān, passed up the one who makes decisions based ‘on the truth and thereby acts justly.’” [‘Abd al-Ramān] replied, “I have indeed exerted all my efforts for the Muslims, Miqdād.” [The former] said, “If you sincerely did what you did for God’s sake, may He reward you as He does those who do good.” [But] al-Miqdād said, “I have never seen such things as have been visited upon the people of this house after the death of their Prophet. I am amazed at Quraysh that they have abandoned someone who cannot be matched in my opinion in knowledge and the ability to act justly. What indeed if I were to find supporters against ‘Uthmān!” ‘Abd al-Ramān replied, “Fear God, Miqdād, I am afraid you will cause dissension.” Someone questioned al-Miqdād, “God have mercy upon you, who are the people of this house and who is this man?” He replied, “The people of this house are Banū ‘Abd al-Mualib and the man is ‘Alī b. Abī ālib.” ‘Alī said, “The people are looking to Quraysh, while Quraysh are [also] looking to their own house. [Quraysh] say that, if Banū Hāshim are put in authority over you, [the caliphate] will never leave them; but so long as it is in the hands of [clans] other than [Banū Hāshim] of Quraysh, you will pass it around among yourselves.”

ala arrived on the day on which the oath of allegiance was given to ‘Uthmān. He was asked to give his own oath to ‘Uthmān, but asked, “Do all Quraysh approve of him?” and was told they did. He came to ‘Uthmān and the latter said, “You still have your opinions open; if you refuse [to give me the oath of allegiance], I shall reject [the caliphate].” ala said, “Will you really reject it?” ‘Uthmān replied that he would. ala asked, “Have all the people given you the oath of allegiance?” ‘Uthmān replied that they had. [ala] said, “Then I approve; I shall not go against the general consensus.” He gave [‘Uthmān] the oath of allegiance.

Al-Mughīra b. Shu‘ba said to ‘Abd al-Ramān, “You were right to give ‘Uthmān the oath of allegiance, Abū Muammad.” He also said to ‘Uthmān, “If ‘Abd al-Ramān had given the oath of allegiance to anyone other than you, we would not have agreed.” But ‘Abd al-Ramān retorted, “You one-eyed liar! If I had given anyone else the oath of allegiance, you would have done so also and would have said what you say now.” 6