‘Take the other end of this sheet,’ Elsie said, throwing it in Celia’s direction without waiting for her to answer.
Celia took a corner in each hand and waited for Elsie to do the same with the opposite end. They didn’t usually have to fold the sheets but for some reason they had been tasked with doing so today. Or Elsie had, Celia mused. She had been instructed to ask one of her colleagues to go with her to the laundry and help her, and for some reason had chosen Celia, much to Celia’s annoyance. She had no idea why Elsie kept her so near whenever she had the chance and sensed it was to keep an eye on her or to keep her in a constant state of flux.
‘What did you think of Matron’s announcement yesterday, then?’
So that’s why she’s brought me here, Celia thought. ‘It’s a wonderful opportunity for one of us.’
Elsie didn’t say anything further but concentrated on the folding of the sheet. When it was done, she took it from Celia and placed it on the worktop next to her before grabbing the next one.
‘Would you accept the promotion if it was offered to you?’ Elsie asked.
What sort of question is that? ‘I would,’ Celia replied, aware that she had given the wrong answer as soon as Elsie stopped folding to glare at her. Damn, Celia thought, why didn’t I think before answering?
She stared back at Elsie, waiting for a nasty comment to come her way, and as the silence between them lengthened Celia was unable to stand it any longer. ‘And you? Would you accept if it was offered to you?’
Elsie shrugged. ‘I’m not sure. I’d have to think about it.’
Celia could tell Elsie was lying. A sense of unease swept over her. Why couldn’t Elsie have chosen to work elsewhere? Life would be so much easier without this woman constantly trailing her and commenting on her every movement.
‘What’s the matter?’ Elsie asked.
Celia guessed she knew exactly what was wrong but had no intention of giving her the satisfaction of confirming her thoughts. ‘Nothing. Why?’
Disappointment on her face, Elsie shrugged. ‘You looked unhappy there for a moment, that’s all.’
‘No,’ Celia lied. ‘I’m fine. Probably a little tired, maybe. I could do with a holiday.’
‘Couldn’t we all.’

* * *
Celia hadn’t seen Otto for a couple of days but it would be far too dangerous for her to go looking for him. He would have to come across her naturally at some point, and she hoped it would happen soon. She had been kept busy in the hospital and she imagined he was working long hours on the farm. It cheered her to know he loved what he was doing, and those months in the hospital seemed like a distant memory now he was tanned and getting stronger and healthier.
She was on her way to take a note from Matron to the Camp Commander when she saw a group of prisoners talking. One had his back to her but she recognised Otto’s blonde hair and her stomach flipped over. Not daring to acknowledge him, she kept walking and hoped he might spot her. She sent him all her love and wondered if he would sense her thoughts as she passed.
Having delivered the message, Celia reached the front door on her way out of the building, hoping to catch Otto’s eye, but when she stepped outside into the bright sunlight he wasn’t there. Her heart contracted painfully. She had missed her opportunity. Miserable, she kept walking, hoping her disappointment wasn’t too obvious on her face.
She neared one of the large sheds that housed a ward and as she passed an alleyway between two buildings, she heard a ‘Psst.’ It was Otto; she just knew it. Not wishing to alert anyone by acting suspiciously, Celia stopped, pressed a finger thoughtfully to her lip and acted as if she had forgotten something. Then, turning to retrace the couple of steps she had made past the alleyway, she went back and sidestepped into the shady recess.
‘Otto,’ she whispered, her heart pounding as she went to him without a second’s deliberation.
He opened his arms and Celia stepped into them, pleasure coursing through her as they closed around her and held her tightly against his hard body. ‘Celia, my love.’
She slipped her arms around his back and held him. ‘You did see me,’ she whispered, breathing in his warm skin and looking up into his bright-blue eyes. ‘I should have known you would.’
He lowered his head and their lips met in a kiss. ‘I sense when you are around,’ he murmured. ‘I always know when you are near to me and when you are not.’ He let go of her and rested his right hand over his heart. ‘I hold you here.’
She swallowed her emotion, not wishing to waste a second of this stolen time with him by crying. ‘I love you so much.’
‘As I love you.’
He held her to him and kissed her. Celia met his passion, unable to help herself. This was all she wanted out of life. Time with Otto. The freedom of being with the man she loved.
Celia heard a discreet cough behind her and felt Otto’s arms drop from around her. She looked into his face and saw horror as he took a step back from her.
Celia spun round to see who had discovered them.
‘Elsie.’ Her voice was flat as she saw the look of triumph on her colleague’s pinched face.
‘I think we need to talk, Celia,’ Elsie said. ‘Don’t you?’
Otto stepped forward. ‘Please. This is not Nurse Robertson’s fault. It is mine alone.’
Elsie narrowed her eyes as she moved closer to them. ‘I wouldn’t be too quick to share that information,’ she said, keeping her voice low. ‘You would be shot if it was discovered that you lured a Red Cross Nurse down an alleyway to force yourself upon her.’
Celia gasped. ‘You know perfectly well that’s not what happened.’
Elsie raised an eyebrow. ‘Maybe, but I wonder how many other people will believe him over me?’
Celia couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Otto began to speak but, taking his hand briefly in hers, she shook her head. ‘No, Otto. You need to leave this with me.’ Then it came to her what this was all about. She glared at Elsie. ‘You’re going to use this as leverage to persuade me not to accept the role of Sister, aren’t you?’
Elsie clapped her hands lightly together. ‘Clever girl.’
Celia shrugged. She would rather have been the one to get it and suspected that out of the two of them, her record was better and she might have been given it, but Otto was more important to her than any job. If it meant keeping him safe, then she was happy for Elsie to get it, despite dreading Elsie being her superior.
‘Fine. I’ll tell Matron I’m not interested. Satisfied?’ Celia went to turn to Otto, relieved to have resolved the matter.
‘Not so fast, Celia,’ Elsie said, almost spitting her name. ‘I haven’t quite finished.’
Tensing, Celia shook her head. ‘Isn’t that enough?’
It was a simple word but the dread of what Elsie was about to spring on her seemed to fill it. ‘Go on then.’
‘You will tell Matron that you don’t wish to be considered for the promotion because you wish to leave the camp.’
Celia heard Otto’s sharp intake of breath. She was damned if she was going to let this bully get the better of her. Clenching her jaw, she tried to quell her rising temper but, unable to manage it, shook her head. ‘No, I won’t be doing that. And, what’s more,’ she said, feeling stronger in her determination, ‘you can’t make me.’
Elsie laughed. ‘I think the three of us know that isn’t true.’ She jutted her chin in Otto’s direction. ‘It’s up to you. Either you leave, or he gets the firing squad.’
‘They would not shoot me for kissing Celia,’ he said confidently.
‘Maybe not,’ Elsie said. ‘But they might it they thought you had tried to rape her.’
Celia’s mouth dropped open. ‘But that’s completely untrue.’ She thought of her darling, sweet Otto. ‘He would never do such a thing, it’s preposterous.’ Celia stepped closer to Elsie, wishing she hadn’t when the woman’s foul breath reached her nostrils as she laughed. Determined not to let Elsie get the better of her, Celia folded her arms across her chest in defiance. ‘I’ll tell them you’re lying.’
Elsie frowned. ‘And I would argue that you were such a sweet innocent that the thought of anyone learning that he had defiled you was terrifying to you, and that you were lying to cover up what he had done, in an effort to save your reputation.’
Celia swallowed. She was lost for words. She didn’t think she could hate anyone as much as she hated Elsie right at that moment. ‘You would stoop that low?’
‘I will if you don’t go to Matron this afternoon and give notice to leave.’
‘But where will I go?’
‘That’s of no consequence to me.’ She eyed Otto up and down. ‘I’m sure Oberleutnant Hoffman will soon forget all about you.’ She turned to leave. ‘You have two minutes to say your goodbyes before I go to Matron myself.’
Celia stared after the woman, stunned to think that anyone could be so wicked. Otto’s hand rested on her shoulder and he slowly turned her to face him. ‘I will tell them it is all a lie,’ he said softly, his hands cupping her face before kissing her lightly on the lips.
Celia wished it could be that simple. ‘No,’ she argued. ‘They will take her word over yours and we both know that. I can’t let you be punished for something you haven’t done.’
He took hold of her arms. ‘Celia, I can’t let you leave here. Not like this.’
She had to think, and quickly. They had no choice but to make a plan. ‘Otto,’ she said, digging deep for the resolve to cope with what she now needed to do. ‘She meant what she said about only having two minutes. I will give my notice. I can’t risk anything happening to you.’
‘I’ve made up my mind.’
‘How will I know where to find you when this is all over?’
She thought quickly. She had no family home anymore and needed an address for him as a contact. ‘Before the war I considered applying for work at King’s College Hospital in London. I will apply there now.’
‘But what if you do not get work there?’ His healthy, strong demeanour seemed to have lessened in the last few minutes.
She needed to be strong for them both. ‘They’re desperate for nurses,’ she said, hoping she was right. ‘I will tell Matron that the reason for my move is something to do with my family, though I’m not quite sure what yet. I’ll ask her to give me a reference and mention that she had considered me for promotion to Sister. That will help.’
‘Celia.’ He shook his head miserably, looking lost.
She reached up and rested her hand against his cheek. ‘Darling Otto. We will be together, never lose faith in that happening. I will stay there until the war is over and then I will try to find you.’
He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Celia felt all his love and desperation in their final kiss as her heart broke in two.