Celia’s need to see her sister increased so much that she decided it was time she did something about it. But what? She wrote to Phoebe, asking if she had any plans to return to England and, if so, maybe they could meet up in London for a few days. She was delighted to receive a reply just a few days later.
Dearest Celia,
As chance would have it, your letter reached me two days before I leave France for good. I’ve found things difficult since Archie was reported missing and although I still hold out hope of his return to me, I have struggled more with each passing month to keep my thoughts positive.
Geoffrey, Doctor Sutherland, is my friend here and is the brother of Jocasta Chambers who you might recall I went to spend time with in Cornwall in December of 1916. He spoke to me last week and told me of his concerns for me and insisted I allow him to make arrangements for me to leave the hospital and go to stay with his sister once again in Cornwall. I know you will be reading this and worrying but please don’t fret. I have to admit to having lost weight, but I am healthy other than that.
I will write to Jocasta and ask if it wouldn’t be too much of an imposition if you also come to stay for a short time. I’m sure she won’t mind. Jocasta is a dear friend and I have often spoken to her about you, sharing anecdotes of our childhood with Charlie. I’m sure she will be delighted to finally meet you.
I shall write and let you know what she says as soon as I hear from her and we can then make further plans.
Until then, my love to you as ever,
Your sister,
Phoebe xx
Celia clutched her sister’s letter to her chest. The thought of spending time with Phoebe and finally meeting her friend Jocasta was exciting. More than anything, she wanted to confide in her sister about Otto, as she didn’t dare risk writing down her thoughts and feelings for the man who she loved so much.
Both of them were separated from the men that they loved and both had spent their time working tirelessly looking after soldiers, witnessing things they couldn’t have imagined four years earlier. Yes, a reunion was long overdue.
She wrote back to Phoebe immediately, telling her she would love nothing more than to meet Jocasta and be able to give Phoebe a hug and catch up with her about everything they had both been through since they had last met. Celia promised to request leave as soon as possible to come and visit her.
The letter sent, Celia made her way to Matron’s office. She hadn’t had any time off in months, but then neither had the other nurses been given much time away from the hospital. Too many injured soldiers and full wards had kept all of them busy and she had been glad of it, until now. Now, she needed to see her sister and see for herself how Phoebe was coping.