

The range of emotions Celia had experienced watching her sister marry the love of her life both thrilled and drained her. She couldn’t take her mind off Otto, yearning to see him again even for a few minutes. It had been so long since she had held his hand, or kissed him. Not that they had kissed often, when there had always been someone – either guard or prisoner – around.

Phoebe looked happier than Celia could ever remember her being. She and Archie were clearly besotted with each other and Louis seemed as happy to see them both reunited as she had been. It was strange to think that she now had a brother-in-law, but a relief to know that her sister had a husband to love her. She suspected Phoebe would benefit from having someone to care for, now that she was no longer working.

Celia left them together and walked away, needing a little time to herself to gather her thoughts. She sighed and sat on a bench near one of the flower borders in the nearby park.

She hadn’t been alone for very long when Louis walked over to her. ‘I hope you don’t mind me joining you?’

She didn’t like to appear rude, so smiled and motioned for him to take a seat next to her. ‘It’s a little cold out here, but it helps to clear my head.’

‘Mine too,’ he said, sitting down. ‘I was intending to join you for a walk and went to follow you, but lost you for a bit.’ He peered at her. ‘Please do say if you’d rather be alone. I really would understand.’

She shook her head. ‘It’s fine, truly.’ When he smiled, she added, ‘It must be wonderful for you to see your brother happy, after thinking you’d lost him.’

‘It is. He’s a good chap, Archie.’ He rubbed his hands together, presumably to warm them slightly in the cold. ‘He loves your sister very much.’

Celia nodded. ‘I can see that. I’m so relieved Phoebe has him back. So many others aren’t in such a lucky position.’

Louis didn’t speak for a moment and it occurred to Celia that she might have hit a nerve. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘What for?’ He seemed genuinely surprised.

‘I, er, don’t know you well enough to know whether you’ve lost a special someone.’

He shook his head. ‘No, not now my brother’s come back to us. I’m one of the lucky ones.’ He narrowed his eyes and studied her for a moment. ‘You?’

Celia shrugged. ‘I haven’t lost anyone other than my parents and brother to the war, if that’s what you mean.’

‘But you have lost someone. I can see a sadness in your eyes. You can talk to me about it, if you need someone to share your burden with, you know.’

‘Thank you,’ she said, grateful to him for his kindness. ‘But that’s not necessary.’ She liked Louis and could see how kind he was, but worried that it was far too soon to start admitting to a British soldier that she had fallen in love with an enemy officer.

‘I’ll leave you to it then,’ he said, rising and giving her a slight nod before walking away.

She really couldn’t be happier for Phoebe that she had found happiness, and with a man as adoring as Archie, too, but seeing her sister so in love made what she was missing with Otto even more painful. When would they have a chance to be together? They had assumed their time would come after the war had ended, but still he was being held in that camp.

She stood and walked back the way she’d come. By the time she reached the hospital entrance, Celia felt a little calmer. She had to trust that she and Otto would find their way to be together somehow. She just needed to keep working and wait for their time to come.

* * *

The following morning Celia waited for the doctor to complete his rounds before going to Archie’s ward, finding that he was in the midst of being discharged.

‘I’m so pleased,’ she said, seeing him buttoning the suit jacket that he had worn for his wedding the day before. Celia laughed. ‘You didn’t waste any time dressing, I notice.’

He smoothed down his hair and exhaled sharply. ‘I’ve had enough of hospitals. I’m impatient to head home with my darling wife.’ He took Celia’s hand in his for a moment. ‘I know Phoebe is your sister, but even so, I wanted to thank you for all you’ve done for her, and for me. I don’t know how I would have coped if…’

Celia didn’t want him upsetting himself by focusing on something that hadn’t happened. ‘Let’s not think about it. Phoebe is well, you’re healing more each day. By tomorrow morning you’ll be starting your new life back in Sandsend.’

He smiled and nodded. ‘We will. I hope she likes it there.’

‘She wouldn’t be going back with you if she didn’t,’ Celia teased, aware that her sister would live anywhere with Archie, she loved him so much. ‘Now, if you have everything you need, I’ll accompany you down to meet your wife and brother.’

Celia saw her sister’s eager expression as she stood clasping her handbag in both hands next to Louis as they waited for Archie’s arrival in the reception area of the hospital. She and Archie descended the last couple of steps and Phoebe’s right hand flew to her chest and rested there as she beamed at him before running forward to join him.

‘I can’t believe you’re downstairs already.’ Phoebe kissed him lightly on his smiling mouth and Celia felt emotion wash over her to see the couple so much in love. ‘He was dressed before the doctor had left the ward,’ Celia joked.

Phoebe reached out and put her arm around Celia, pulling her into a hug. Celia hated saying goodbye to her sister. They had spent so much time apart in the last few years, and here they were again, preparing to part. At least they still had each other. She slipped her arms around Phoebe’s waist and held her sister close.

‘I’m going to miss you so much,’ she admitted. ‘But I know you two are going to be very happy together.’

‘Thank you for everything, Celia.’

‘Don’t be silly. You would have done the same for me.’

‘I would.’

Celia could feel her throat constricting with emotion. She needed to see her sister away from the hospital before she made a fool of herself and cried.

‘You two …’ she sent an apologetic smile in Louis’s direction, ‘… sorry, you three had better leave. You don’t want to miss your train.’ She had no idea what time their train was due to leave, but it was the perfect reason to use to persuade them to hurry along.

‘You must come and stay, the first opportunity you get.’ Archie smiled.

Celia had no intention of disturbing the first couple of months of their married life. ‘Maybe not the first chance.’ She laughed. ‘But I’ll definitely come and see you soon.’

She watched the three of them leave, wondering what might happen to Louis. He had seemed happier today, she thought. Celia wondered if he could possibly have met someone, considering he had been at the hospital so much of the time while in London. Oh well, she mused, as long as he’s happy.