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Jacob knew he had his work cut out for him when he decided to relocate to Arizona. It wasn’t much different from Texas, warm breezes and wide-open spaces. December and not a drop in temperature, it was around forty when he’d left Eden’s house and the high would be around sixty for the day.
Living a hotel and house hunting wasn’t the most ideal situation. Jacob would have much preferred to stay with Eden and then she and Sera could move into the new house with him.
That wasn’t going to happen, because while he could still see the love in Eden’s eyes, he saw distrust. Maybe he should’ve tried to find her much sooner than this. Or Eden could have told him about the pregnancy. Mistakes were made on both sides, and now instead of rehashing them, it was time to overcome them. He fully intended to have her and his child back in his world.
God, so much time wasted, Jacob shook his head and focused on the real estate agent.
“Does this price work for you?” he asked Jacob, almost salivating at the commission if he closed the deal.
“Draw up the paperwork, I want to move in by this weekend,” Jacob replied. “My belongings are already on the way from Texas, so there is a bonus if you expedite this quickly.”
“Mr. Sato, it would be my pleasure to work on this for you,” the realtor said.
Jacob nodded. “Now where is a good place to get a Christmas tree around here?”
The realtor ginned. “I can help you with that too.”
Jacob wanted this house to be warm and filled with Christmas cheer to woo Eden towards actually thinking about it as home. From the first time he saw Sera’s face, it was like something righted within him and he saw everything clearer. He was a father and from what his father instilled in Jacob, he knew that it was the most important job of his life.
The SUV he drove was no longer a rental, as he’d dropped that model off at the rental company then went right across the street and bought his own. He bought a car seat and the cashier at the store told him that he could take it to any Firehouse, and they would show him how to install it safely. Luckily, he could do better than that, Arizona might be a new home, but it didn’t mean he was without friends.
After buying the house, he was on his way to see his friend, Dr. Hosea Bennett. Hosea or as he was called Jay to his friends, had a wife and two sons, so he could talk to his friend and receive much needed advice along with help with the baby carrier. While Jacob chose a house right outside of Phoenix, Hosea’s house was in a lovely hacienda style neighborhood surrounded by trees to offer shade in the driveway.
In the smaller shrubbery, there were Christmas lights and on the lawn holiday blow ups, including a snow globe that garnered Jacob’s interest. He pulled in and parked behind the red family Suburban.
Jay stepped out of the house wearing sandals, a pair of cargo shorts and a light green polo shirt. Jay kept his head clean shaven and a wide smile broke through on his ebony face. There was no handshake but a warm embrace with some heavy claps on the back. Jay was like a brother and it was like they hadn’t lived in two separate states for over four years.
“Look at you living the life,” Jacob said pulling away with a grin. “I wanted to say you got fat and lazy but you’re still solid.”
“Speak on, you still looking like you’re ready to kick some ass in a Kungfu movie,” Jay teased.
“I thought we stopped stereotyping each other in middle school.” Jacob laughed and rubbed his flat torso. “But yeah, the eight pack could do some damage on the big screen.”
“Now you’re showing off, eight huh?” Jay clapped him on the back. “Come inside, let me get you something to drink and you can tell me why I need to help you with a baby carrier.”
Inside the house was cool with a fan working in the vaulted ceiling of the ranch style home. There were baseball bats, skates and other items that showed children lived there.
“Where’s the family?” Jacob asked casually.
Jay led him to the kitchen, outside the sliding door was a pool and a bunch of flotation animals, including a unicorn. “Brandon has soccer this morning and Marlowe is in some kind of dance class for three-year-olds,” he answered. “Caroline took them because I just got off shift like two hours ago.”
“I’m sorry man, I can come back, you need to sleep,” Jacob said apologetically.
“Sit your ass down and drink this coke,” Jay said good naturedly. “It takes me a few hours to wind down and then I don’t go back to the hospital until Tuesday, unless they really need me. You know, best trauma surgeon in Arizona and all that.”
“Ego.” Jacob shook his head as he grinned. “But hey, do what you do, you know you’re the best.”
“Tell me about this car seat situation.” Jay leaned against the counter and took a sip of his own drink.
“I have a daughter, she’s six-months old and I found out about her on Tuesday,” Jacob answered. “Her name is Seraphine Akira Kinsley, Sera for short.”
“Whoa, plot twist when did you make a kid?” Jay asked in surprise. “Didn’t the mother call you?”
“Nope, my mother got to her and she bolted, then went off the grid, disconnected her phone and everything.” Jacob sighed. “I guess I could’ve searched harder, but when I woman changes her number, it usually means it’s the end.”
“Yeah, but she left because of your mom, who can be...a lot to say the least. So, I would want to know what was actually said,” Jay replied.
“If I had known from the very beginning my mom was involved, I wouldn’t have stopped looking,” Jacob explained. “My mother didn’t say a thing about it until she was on her deathbed. She told me and asked for forgiveness, then died a few days later.”
“Jesus, I’m sorry man,” Jay said. “Are you doing okay?”
Jacob nodded stiffly. “Doing okay, you know my mother and I had a strained relationship from the time I hit sixteen. I loved her, but I also feel a sense of relief that she is at peace and—”
“And she isn’t fucking up your life,” Jay finished for him.
“I hope she found peace...but yeah,” Jacob replied. “I got some investigators on it and they found Eden, that’s Sera’s mom.”
“I am intrigued by all this,” Jay said with dry amusement.
Jacob grinned. “I show up at the house and she is holding this baby girl and denied she was mine, until I saw that baby’s eyes and I knew Sera was mine.”
“Eden could’ve had a relationship with another Asian male, you ain’t special,” Jay pointed out.
“Ok jerk, I know that. It’s not just the shape of her eyes, but the color. She looks like me and I see myself in baby pictures. She has this soft brown skin and the widest, cutest smile.”
“So, I’m getting that Eden is black, I guess that’s why your mother wanted her gone,” Jay said knowingly.
“You hit the nail on the head, and I love her. Jay, I love her so damn much, then I saw Sera and fell in love with her too.” Jacob’s voice was intense with emotion. “But I have to take it slow, because she doesn’t trust me and I get that, my mom fucked up the entire thing. I met her parents.”
“Both mom and dad?” Jay asked. “How did that go? Wait...I can answer my own question... you are still alive, so it went well.”
Jacob laughed. “Her dad is a retired cop of the Phoenix police department. I thought for sure I was going to get shot if he thought I wanted to hurt his daughter. But we talked and it won’t be easy, but I want her in my life. Hell, as my wife, if she eventually says yes. And I want her living with me by Christmas.”
Jay looked at him skeptically. “You do know that Thanksgiving just passed and Christmas Day is in twenty-nine days... exactly.
“That’s why I need to get to work and I have a plan,” Jacob explained.
“Uh, plans, this sounds like a sitcom that will go horribly wrong.” Jay chuckled.
“I have it under control. I knew that this time it had to be me to make the move.” Jacob watched the water condensing on the glass trail down the side to the coaster. “First step, I bought a house this morning and will have it decorated and set up by Monday. And this is why I need help installing a car seat because I have never done it in my life.”
“Well, if I ever thought it would be some boring story, I was wrong.” Jay grinned. “Let me show you how to make sure your daughter is safe in the car. What is your plan anyway?”
“Twelve days of Christmas.” Jacob followed Jay to the door. “You know, my true love gave to me thing. I plan to give her and Sera twelve gifts leading up to Christmas to show her, I do love her and won’t be leaving again.”
“Interesting,” Jay mused and gave no other inclination of his thoughts on this, one way or the other.
Jacob breathed out a sigh as he pulled the car seat from the back of the SUV. “Do you think my plan will work?”
“I just dated Caroline like a normal person.” Jay laughed. “It just might and if it does... bring your new family over for dinner.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Jacob answered.
He watched as Jay explained how to put in the base of the car seat and the actual carrier locking into place. He then took it out and showed him again.
With it installed, Jacob talked to his friend for another half an hour and noticed the tiredness in his face. After telling his friend to go get some rest and thanking him once more, he set off back to his hotel. Tomorrow, he would go see Sera and Eden. After the kiss by her front door, he knew her feelings and passion for him hadn’t died away. It had been just one of the first steps to gaining his family and the woman he loved.
* * * *
The next day, he went with a sense of excitement to see Eden and Sera. It was Thursday and his realtor kept him updated that the owners did accept his offer and he would meet Jacob the next day to sign the paperwork. They settled for nine in the morning at the hotel restaurant. From there, his movers would be able get in the house and the decorators could start his holiday spread.
Of course, Jacob knew he was throwing money at a problem, but it was with the hope that the next holiday it would be them putting up a tree and decorating while Sera toddled around. The thought made him smile and he could imagine her on little legs, running through the house with tinsel or a tree decoration she took from a box.
He parked beside Eden’s car that was now a black four door Mazda. The upgrade was of course that the other car was definitely too small for a car seat to be held properly. He pressed the doorbell.
Within a minute, Eden opened the door. She was bouncing Sera on one hip and her phone was caught between her ear and shoulder. “Hey Jacob, come on in,” she said in a distracted voice and spoke into the receiver. “Yes, I’m still on hold.”
“Want me to take her?” Jacob asked in a low voice. He noted that since the last time he was there, the house had lights strung up and around the living room and a decorated fake fir tree stood in the corner. Fireplaces weren’t much of a thing in Arizona but Eden had set up one of those fake fireplace kits and hung two stockings, one with her name and on with Sera’s. Jacob made a mental note to get some stockings made for his house and all three would be hung by his fireplace.
Eden nodded.
He reached out to take Sera as she kicked her little legs in excitement. “Hi baby, are you happy to see me?” Jacob asked and she gurgled in response. To him that was an agreement if he ever heard one and he went to sit on sofa so he could bounce Sera on his lap. “What do you want for Christmas, hmm?” he asked while looking into her bright beautiful eyes that stared at him. “A pony? Does my sweet girl want a pony?”
Eden covered the phone with her hand. “Don’t buy a pony.”
He grinned and whispered to Sera, “Maybe a little one.”
“So, there is no one else, everyone is booked, and Rachel is out sick.” Eden sighed over the phone. “Thank you and yes, please get back with me if something opens up.” She swiped her phone screen.
“Something wrong?” Jacob asked.
“Sera’s regular care provider is out sick and tomorrow, I need to go into court with the lawyer I work for,” Eden replied. “Unlike the law firm I worked for in Texas, Powers and Mayes use my paralegal knowledge. They let me learn through researching precedent and its making school so much easier with hands on research and being in the courtroom.”
“That’s great!’ Jacob said enthusiastically. Her career was important to her and he knew that from Texas. “I can watch her for the day.”
“Maybe my mom or dad could stay with her,” Eden said glossing over his statement.
“Eden, I can stay with Sera,” Jacob said gently. “I only have to sign some paperwork tomorrow and I can push that up or meet them in the hotel with Sera.”
“Um, you have never cared for a baby.”
“I can learn, teach me.”
“I don’t want her in a hotel all day.”
“I can stay here,” Jacob countered all her questions logically.
“I will be gone for most of the day till around six,” Eden pointed out. “That’s a full day of diapers, milk, naps and all that good stuff.”
“Eden, she’s my daughter, I will have to get used to it sooner or later,” Jacob answered with a grin. “I got this.”
“What about your meeting?” Eden countered.
“I just have to sign some papers, the realtor can come here,” he told her and watched her reaction. As he expected, her eyes widened in her surprise.
“You already bought a house?” Hesitation echoed in her voice.
Jacob nodded. “Right outside Phoenix.”
“Okay, so you really are moving,” she said.
Jacob smiled. “Have you ever known me to say anything I don’t mean?”
“Good point.” Eden sighed. “Okay, so you are now daddy daycare for tomorrow. I need you here at seven, so I can leave.”
“Or I can spend the night,” Jacob hinted huskily.
A smile hinted her lips. “Trying to sneak that in, nice ... but no. I am not ready for that Jacob. I can’t think past us co-parenting because it means I’d have to admit—”
“—That you still love me?” Jacob asked. “We were separated because of something my mother did, not me. Can’t we just move forward and love each other? That is exactly where we would be now, if you hadn’t run away. Married, a baby and I wouldn’t have missed a thing.”
“Are you’re saying I should’ve put on my big girl panties and stayed?” Eden asked. “Even though I didn’t know where we stood, especially after your mother’s very vile words. Jacob, I’m just hearing ‘I love you’ now with Sera, because when we were together, you never said it.”
“Give me the benefit of the doubt maybe?” he retorted helplessly feeling his anger rise just a bit. Would he be paying a debt for his mother’s actions for the rest of his life? “You knew I loved you, Eden.”
“How did I exactly, know this?” she asked. “Did you say the words? As far as I know, we only ate and hung out at your house because you were ashamed to be seen with me.”
“You don’t really think that do you?” Jacob was shocked to hear the words that escaped her lips. “Jordan and those guys barely got me to go out. I am not one of those party guys by nature. I wasn’t hiding you from the world, Eden I was trying to build with you in our little cocoon. God, there was so many plans and then in an instant, they were gone... you were gone.”
The baby started to fuss in his arms, halting the conversation in a stalemate. Jacob comforted his daughter with a series of shushing noises and talking to her gently in Japanese.
“Pudding baby,” Eden crooned sitting down beside him. “Who’s my sweet girl?”
“Why ever do you call her Pudding baby?” Jacob asked the question amused.
“She’s so chubby and jiggly, like pudding.” Eden laughed. “I was sleep deprived at the time and not thinking clearly.”
“That is hilarious.” Jacob laughed and the baby squealed in happiness. “Do you want to go out today, maybe you can show me around Phoenix, and we grab dinner with the baby?”
“That sounds nice actually.” Eden smiled. “Let me get her dressed and throw on some clothes. Unless I’m going to work, I pretty much wear joggers and t-shirts in case of spit up and honestly, she doesn’t give you a lot of time to get dressed.”
“How about I dress her and you get ready?” Jacob suggested. “It will be my first test and see if I don’t put her clothes on backwards.”
Eden shook her head in amusement. “I’ll get her something easy to wear. She doesn’t like shoes, so we go with socks. She hates them too, but we try and by the time we get out to the car, they’ll be off.”
“That’s because you’re going to run around barefoot like your daddy did.” He lifted Sera up against his chest. “It was hell to keep me in shoes, even now.”
“So that’s where she got that from.” Eden walked away and came back with a little blue tunic dress with yellow flowers, tights and socks that matched the dress. “Here you go. I’ll pack the baby bag as well.”
“The baby bag?” Jacob asked.
“It has diapers, milk, a change of clothes, and a few other things in case of emergency,” Eden explained. “Be back in five...” She looked down at her clothes. “...make that fifteen.”
That was what he’d always loved about her. Eden didn’t put on airs or try to be perfect. She wore light make up and when she was at home, she didn’t mind dressing down. He recalled how she walked around his house in his socks and t-shirts for the entire weekend and he was okay with it.
Well, this isn’t too bad, he thought getting the squirming baby out of the onesie and into her pretty dress. He was good with his hands and deftly got her little legs into the tiny tights and socks. Then he put Sera over his knees to slip the tunic over her head. He lifted her and pulled down the tiny tunic before smoothing her curls that had been ruffled. “There you go, such a pretty princess.” Jacob kissed her on the cheek, and she turned her head getting drool on his face. “Are those kisses, huh? I love you too, Princess.”
Eden was back in less that fifteen minutes wearing jeans and a light blue blouse with flowy sleeves that ended at the elbows. She left her hair loose and the light make up and pink gloss made her even more kissable.
In all actuality, it was always in the back of his mind to be able to taste her lips, but he needed to be slow and careful. “Ready to go.” Jacob held up the baby. “And look, she’s all put together.”
Eden laughed. “Let me get the baby carrier.”
“No need, I have one in the car.” Jacob’s voice held a note of pride.
“Look at you, jumping into the daddy role,” she teased.
“I’m ready for it all,” Jacob’s assured her.
The baby was in the carrier safely and Eden sat in the back-passenger seat with Sera in case she needed tending to. They ended up at one of the local strip malls close by for dinner. The palm trees and the store fronts were all very new to him and he loved the fact the malls had open courtyards with foliage, trees and benches for customers to enjoy outside.
This time of year, it was dressed up for Christmas and twinkling lights were everywhere.
They had dinner and to Jacob, they were one of the many families who were enjoying the evening. Sera taking her first ice cream cone that Jacob held‒ while Eden took a picture of her reaction‒ warmed him down to his core. It was the first time in a long time, he felt the holiday spirit take hold. True happiness had come to him at that moment in time.