
First and foremost on my list of people to thank, is my agent, Selwa Anthony. Selwa took me on about sixteen years ago, and in the decade before I finally achieved my dream of being published, she was my rock. Reading the many novels I sent her, advising me how to improve them, sending them off to publishers and then urging me on after my many rejections. Finally, she was able to rejoice with me when Thornwood House hit the bookshelves. When I stayed with her this year at Easter to brainstorm the ending of Under the Midnight Sky, she was so kind, cooking me wonderful meals, showing me her photo album, and making me feel like a member of her family. And her creative input steered the story in a far more interesting direction than I’d originally planned! Selwa is so much more than an agent, and I love her dearly for all that she’s done for me.

Thank you to the other members of my Easter brainstorming team: Linda Anthony, for untangling my story knots and deepening my understanding of the characters. Drew Keys, whose belief in this story blew me away; I’m just so grateful for his enthusiasm and insights, which enhanced the story greatly. I’m also indebted to Josephine Anthony-Phillips, who read an earlier draft and provided some very useful insights. Last but not least, Brian Dennis for kindly chauffeuring me around, and for always throwing his two cents worth into the proceedings.

A special thank you to my crew at Simon and Schuster Australia: Dan Ruffino for believing in my stories. Roberta Ivers for all her hard work, her patience, and for seeing the bigger picture; dearest Bert, your blood’s worth bottling! Kylie Mason for her structural and copy edit, from which I learnt a heap of great things about story flow. The amazing Vanessa Lanaway and Shannon Kelly, whose proofreading and suggestions added so much more depth to the story. Anna O’Grady and Lisa Harrison for working tirelessly to get my stories out there into the world. Christa Moffitt for another glorious cover; wow, could this be my favourite? My deepest gratitude to the kind folks at Midland Typesetters, who always go above and beyond the call of duty for me. Many thanks as well to the sales and marketing team; without you my books would be gathering dust in a warehouse somewhere, so I’m very grateful for your efforts!

Bernadette Foley for editing an earlier draft post haste! Bolinda Audiobooks for bringing my stories to life so deliciously, thank you. My hardworking team at Goldmann in Germany for their continuing faith in my stories, which are always so beautifully translated by dynamic duo Pociao and Roberto de Hollanda.

Ethnee Worland for her knowledge of our family history (and for letting me steal her name!). Vera Nijveld for her enthusiasm and love, and for travelling halfway across the world to go on bookish adventures with me. Sarah Clarke for still loving me from afar; let’s meet again soon, my dearest Clarklington! Shannon Garner, whose friendship always uplifts my spirit. My sister Sarah for all her behind-the-scenes work to keep me afloat. My sister Katie for always cheering me on. Hailey and Luke for making me laugh. My mum, Jeanette, for her wisdom and strength, which helped me forge through some very rocky patches this year. And also for her assistance with some tricky research questions, among them: ‘Mum, what did you use for toilet paper in the 1940s?’ (And you’ll have to read Frankie’s diary to find the answer to that one!)

And finally, a heartfelt thank-you to my readers. Without you I would still be languishing in a shed in the bush, but instead here I am living my dream of writing stories. Your encouragement and kind words touch me more than you know, and keep me striving to become a better writer with each book.

My love and thanks to you all.

Anna Romer