Every attempt was made to obtain permission for works in the present volume. If you claim copyright to work appearing in this volume and it is not listed below, please contact us so that this oversight may be amended in future printings.
derek beaulieu, from Flatland: courtesy of the artist.
Sarah Charlesworth, “detail” 1 of forty-five black and white prints fromApril 21, 1978 (1978): courtesy of the artist and Susan Inglett Gallery, NYC.
Sarah Charlesworth, “detail” 2 of forty-five black and white prints from April 21, 1978 (1978): courtesy of the artist and Susan Inglett Gallery, NYC.
Sarah Charlesworth, “detail” 3 of forty-five black and white prints from April 21, 1978 (1978): courtesy of the artist and Susan Inglett Gallery, NYC.
Henri Chopin, “Rouge” appears courtesy of Brigitte Morton for the Estate of Henri Chopin.
Thomas Claburn, excerpt from “I feel better after I type to you” appears courtesy of the artist.
Claude Closky, from Mon Catalog: courtesy of the artist.
Marcel Duchamp, Fountain (1917): copyright © 2010 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP, Paris/Succession Marcel Duchamp.
Robert Fitterman, “Directory,” was first published in Sprawl: Metropolis 30A (North Hollywood: Make Now, 2010).
Nada Gordon, excerpt from “Unicorns Believers Don’t Declare Fatwas” appears courtesy of Nada Gordon.
Donald Hall, “Ox Cart Man”: courtesy of the poet.
Tony Hoagland, “At the Galleria” from Unincorporated Persons in the Late Honda Dynasty. Originally published in Poetry (July/August 2009): copyright © 2009, 2010 by Tony Hoagland. Reprinted with permission of Graywolf Press, Saint Paul, Minnesota, www.graywolfpress.org.
Peter Hutchinson, Dissolving Couds (1970): courtesy of studio of Peter Hutchinson.
Asger Jorn, “Detourned Painting”: copyright © 2010 Donation Jorn, Silkeborg/Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY/COPY-DAN Copenhagen.
Bill Kennedy and Darren Wershler, from apostrophe and update: courtesy of the poets.
Tan Lin, excerpt from BIB: courtesy of Tan Lin.
Shigeru Matsui, “1007–1103,” from Pure Poems: courtesy of Shigeru Matsui.
Alexandra Nemerov. Excerpt from “First My Motorola” appears courtesy of Alexandra Nemerov.
bpNichol, eyes (1966–67): courtesy of the Estate of bpNichol.
Pablo Picasso, Still Life with Chair Caning (1911–12): copyright © 2010 estate of Pablo Picasso/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.
Ara Shirinyan, “Armenia is Great” and “Aruba is Great” from Your Country Is Great: Afghanistan—Guyana: copyright © 2008 by Ara Shirinyan, reprinted with permission of Futurepoem Books, www.future-poem.com.
Matt Siber, Untitled #26, 2004: courtesy of the artist.
Matt Siber, Untitled #21, 2003: courtesy of the artist.
Matt Siber, Untitled #13, 2003: courtesy of the artist.
Matt Siber, Untitled #3, 2002: courtesy of the artist.
Mary Ellen Solt, “Forsythia” (1965): permission granted by Susan Solt, literary executor of the estate of Mary Ellen Solt.
Lawrence Weiner, Two minutes of spray paint directly upon the floor from a standard aerosol spray can. Collection of Sol LeWitt (1969/1968), copyright © 2010 Lawrence Weiner/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.