Still Life: Demonstration

A still life with fruit is always an interesting subject for interpreting forms through shading. This is a good demo for observing the play of light and shadow on common objects.

STEP 1 Sketch the Bananas
Clip your paper to the drawing board. With a 4H pencil, sketch in the curved, oblong forms of the bananas. For accuracy, draw the full shape of the farthest banana, even though its image is partially blocked by the banana in the foreground.

STEP 2 Sketch the Apples
Use the 4H pencil to sketch circles for the apples. To determine the placement of the foreground circle, draw a line under the foreground banana. Line up the foreground apple with the foreground banana.

STEP 3 Define the Shapes of the Fruit
Add stems and sketch the shapes of the individual apples and bananas. You can use dividers or a gauge here to check your proportions.

STEP 4 Add Highlights and Shadow Lines
Before using your pencil, observe the highlights and shadows. With the 4H pencil, lightly sketch where the highlights will go so you will remember to leave them white. Then sketch in where the shadows fall. Keep in mind that the primary light source is at the upper left.

STEP 5 Add Light Values to the Apples
With the 4H pencil, add value and form to the apples with light lines that follow their contours. Use uniform pencil strokes to make the surfaces look smooth.

STEP 6 Add Darker Values to the Apples and Lighter Values to the Bananas
With the HB pencil, darken the shadow areas of the apples. With the 4H pencil, indicate the lighter values of the bananas. Check your work with the value scale.

STEP 7 Add the Darker Values of the Bananas and Finish With Shadows and Background
With the HB pencil, shade the darker areas of the bananas. Use a 4B pencil to add shadows under the apples and bananas, with the darkest part closest to the fruit. Add the background value with a 4H pencil, using uniform pencil strokes. Make the apples slightly darker with a 4H pencil. Use the value scale to check your work and make any necessary adjustments. Sign and date your drawing.

Apples and Bananas

Graphite on drawing paper

11" × 14" (28cm × 36cm)