The Signs on the House Cusps (continued)

If Libra is on the ascendant, then Aries, where the self projects itself into activity, is in the seventh house, the angle ruling sunset. When everyone else is ready to call it a day, Libra is ready to go into action. The power to relate to others should be his greatest concern. He comes into this sign to attain balance and equilibrium. If he had it already he would not be born in this sign. The sign Libra stands half way between the strictly personal and material Aries and the impersonal and spiritual Pisces.


With Mars-ruled Aries on the seventh house, Libra represents “high windstorms and hurricanes, followed by calm.” The Libra tendency to stir up a storm where other people are concerned is related to the Mars rulership. The stirring up of the energies of the partner usually starts with the Libra, but so sweet is the Libra personality that the partner is at a loss to account for actions into which he is goaded by Libra. When Libra's sense of justice is outraged, he will fight to the death. Many of the war leaders are Librans. It is the angular Mars rulership that is responsible. Hitler and Mussolini had Libra ascendants, and former President Eisenhower is a Libra. In relationships, he has to learn to adjust but if the other fellow doesn't want to, there is war. Aries on this cusp brings strife and difficulties in relationships. Early marriages contracted impulsively in which there are many lessons to learn (Saturn, the celestial schoolmaster, is exalted in Libra) can be part of Libra's experience. An individual with Aires on this cusp would be wise to use the common sense of Saturn and not leap impulsively into any partnership, whether it be business or marriage. Because Libra is a masculine sign it is a difficult sign for the feminine sex. Hiere is a tendency toward domination and positivity that can give trouble where partners are concerned. Uranus, the planet of independence, is the esoteric ruler of Libra. Can one assert independence in the area which has to do with cooperation and compromise? Hardly.


This is the house of other people's resources as well as regeneration If Venus is unafflicted, there is a willingness to share and to help others attain their goals and objectives. With Venus afflicted, there is unwilling- ness to part with any resources. There is a “this is mine and no one can have it” sort of attitude that can lock up the individual psychologically. The position of Taurus in any horoscope is where we are apt to lock up our-selves in matter by getting caught in illusion or its reflection. This is a subconscious reaction due to the exaltation of the Moon in Taurus. Breaks and disruptions can come if the partner's money is dealt with selfishly and unreasonably. This is the seventh house from Taurus' own home and there must be cooperation with “the other” or “others” if there is to be a free-flowing lovingness and shared experience.


There is love of travel due to a great curiosity about life and people. Libra's approach to religious philosophy is through the mind, not the mystical and devotional approach. It is through reason and logic he wants to know the why of the cosmic law, and his journey to the mountain top of spiritual consciousness is through knowledge and the occult path. On the personality level, the ninth house rules in-laws (third from the house of the marriage partner); and if Mercury is afflicted, it would be wise for Libra not to live close to his in-laws. Gossip and bickering would be a constant source of irritation.


Cancer rules the public, and this sign on the tenth house shows the power that draws Libra into a public career or work that has to do with the public. There is a subconscious feeling that enables Libra to know what the public wants. If the Moon is afflicted, this can involve many changes in the career, due in some measure to an innate restlessness in the individual. With Cancer here, the mother would be a very strong influence in the life—whether for good or ill would be shown by the aspects to the Moon, especially in relationship to Saturn. For instance, with Saturn square the Moon in a Libra's chart, there would be too strong a domination from the mother. Because of the strong sense of duty and responsibility, the Libra will not be able to get free and break from the “womb of the past.” This blockage causes deep-seated resentment which is stronger because it is unexpressed. In later life, when the parent is gone, there is a feeling that life has passed the Libra by. Because of these conflicts, Libra often has difficulty with skin eruptions. Irritations of this sort have to break through and, if not talked out, will break through the skin. Sympathy and understanding must be emphasized.


There is a great friendliness and outgoingness in Libra. He is the diplomat par excellence for he is friendly and optimistic in his approach to life. Libra has many friends since he seeks to please. He wants to be pleasing and to be liked. His desire for approbation is very strong. In group associations, he shines because he is tactful and conscientious and has a strong sense of justice and good will. This is the house of goals and objectives; through kindness and the right use of his will, he can achieve success. If the Sun is afflicted, obstacles and difficulties due to false pride and egotism will stand in the way of achievement.


With Virgo here, there can be a strong interest in health and a secret concern about health conditions. The twelfth house is the hidden side of the personality, the subconscious self which can mean subjective sustainment or self-undoing. If Libra is inwardly critical where other people are concerned (even though he may be outwardly friendly), there will be health difficulties with which he will have to deal. If he gives himself in service (Virgo) through understanding and compassion (the twelfth house is ruled by Pisces) he will have superb health. Wherever Virgo is placed in the chart, there must be service and no criticism. This is doubly so when it is on the twelfth house, for the keynote ot this house is “serve or suffer.”


With the sign ruling the seventh house (others) on the first house of personality, it is the development of the Libra's relationships with others that is of primary importance. He cannot function as a personality, for he has turned the corner of the nadir of involution and is starting the journey back to “the Father's house”. He is evolving out of materialism into a deeper understanding of the meaning of life. Thoughts of marriage relationships, partners are natural to Libra from childhood. He thinks in terms of what “we” shall do. His need for companionship is very great, for he does not like to be alone. It is difficult to get a clear- cut decision from a Libra. He sees both sides of the question so clearly it is hard for him to take sides. It takes time for him to form opinions and arrive at facts. He prefers to play safe, for he wants to be liked by everyone and does not want to declare himself even if a principle is involved. This is why many people consider him to be undependable in a crisis. He will not stand and be counted in an important issue if it will put him in disfavor with anyone. Libra is forever trying to strike a balance—mentally and emotionally—but he rarely attains it. The scales dip to one side and then the other in an effort to see both sides and judge fairly. Back of it is the tremendous desire not only to please, but also to have peace at any price. In order to attain any peace worth having, it is necessary to function from the highest principles and let the chips fall where they may. Venus ruling this sign gives him charm and kindness, but Venus is apt to get lost on the personal level if it doesn't use the strength of Mars (ruler of the first house) to give courage and conviction.


It is difficult for Libra to be generous with his resources, for Scorpio's reserve and tenacity in the house of finances does not make for sharing tendencies. This is why it is difficult for him to part with his resources or possessions. He clutches these too tightly because of a hidden insecurity. He is afraid of lack in his later life, not realizing that “what is fear of need but fear itself.” Libra is very secretive about his finances and personal affairs and will resent deeply any attempt to pry into his affairs. Wherever Scorpio is placed in the horoscope, there is a need for reorientation and regeneration; in this house, it calls for a new slant of values, an orientation toward spiritual values, for this is the half-way point between Aries and Pisces. Personality must die in order that the soul may come forth in all its glory. Then Libra learns the true peace that the world can never give—nor take away.


Optimism and cheerfulness are the signature of Sagittarius, sign of the higher mind, in the third house. An executive and legal type of mind and good judgment of character make Librans excellent lawyers. In my files, I have more lawyers born in Libra than any other sign. Libra, ruler of the seventh house, rules the lower courts; Sagittarius, ruler of the ninth house, rules the higher courts. With Sagittarius on the house of the conscious mind, it is not difficult to see why we have so many lawyers born in this sign. Libra is not a stay-at-home, for he likes to travel and explore far horizons, whether mentally or physically. Brothers and sisters have a philosophical trend of mind, and there can be literary talent in their family ties.


The sign of responsibility on the fourth house defines the attitude of Libra to his home and family. There is a strong link with the mother. With Saturn rulership here, a tendency to cling overlong to home ties and a resentment creeps in later life because “the umbilical cord” was not cut sooner. There is a strong tendency to selfishness in the roots of the being which must be broken or there will be much solitude in later years. Libra is property conscious. He wants to own his home and usually does. He does not like to be moving around, for he wants to put his roots in one place and stay there. There is strong pride in family ancestry. It is difficult for Libra to part with family heirlooms, for he is bound to family possessions through sentiment.


Here is where the Librans “let off steam.” Aquarius is the lawbreaker, while Capricorn is the lawmaker. You can be free of the law only when you no longer need it. Uranus' freedom comes after the discipline of Saturn if it is to be true freedom and not license. Libra can have the freedom of self-expression in this house if he has accepted the discipline of Saturn. Many Librans appear extremely conventional to the world, but is isn't always so with Aquarius on this house. Unconventional love affairs are often part of Libra's incarnation, especially in his early thirties. The co-regent of Aquarius, Saturn, presents his bill in due time, and Libra decides the price is too high. Later in life, the understanding gained through suffering is helpful in aiding others toward understanding. Trouble with children comes through the rebelliousness of Uranus. Libra should teach his children the value of discipline early in life; with Aquarius on this house, he will not be able to teach it to them when they reach their teens. If he spoils his children, with Uranus and Saturn as co-rulers of Aquarius, the parent will pay a heavy price.


This is the house of self-adjustment, and Pisces here can bring subjective sustainment or self-undoing. With Pisces in the house of health and service, Libra must sacrifice his personal supersensitivity to the needs of others. When he allows his emotions to run riot, the result can be ulcers. Too much worry, especially where his job is concerned, can lead to difficulties in the physical body. Libra is a hard worker and, with Pisces on this house, is very apt to overwork because of his strong sense of responsibility. Libra needs to leave his work behind him at day's end and relax with some creative hobby. He must learn to let his mind be the controlling factor in his service and work, not emotions.


In Scorpio lies the battlefield between the threefold personality and the soul. This is the most critical of the signs, for here the battle rages between the two selves until there is a victory or defeat. In Scorpio, Mars rules the death of the personality and the birth of the soul, whereas in Aries, Mars represents the birth of the personal self. Scorpio deals with creativity, generation, degeneration, or transformation. It is the only sign that has three symbols: the scorpion, symbol of the unevolved self, who will sting himself to death rather than forego the pleasure of stinging; the eagle, the bird that flies higher than any other; and the phoenix, the bird that rises from the ashes of its old self, symbol of resurrection.


Scorpio's first impulse into activity starts in the house of adjustment, humility, and service—the willingness to be nothing in order to be something. This is Scorpio's hardest lesson. Scorpio has a sense of tremendous power, but he is not always able to bring it into operation on the outer levels until he is regenerated. He is an excellent and indefatigable worker, but he is seldom in the foreground until the personal self is mastered. “He who loses himself shall surely find himself” is the sentence that gives the key to the Scorpio mission. In Taurus, the power is coiled-up energy and latent; in Leo, it is in activity becoming self-conscious and the personality must die. “Lest a seed fall into the ground and die (or seem to), it shall not bear fruit.” Scorpio runs into difficulties with co-workers and employees because of his super-critical nature. Also he is far too quick to pass judgment on others. He is a good worker and a hard worker often driving himself mercilessly. He is apt to drive others as well. When his efforts go unnoticed and unappreciated, he feels much resentment. He needs to know that only those who appreciate earn the right to appreciation. There is a keen interest in health and dietary laws. Often the best doctors and nurses are born in Scorpio.


Scorpio's resources lie in the house of “the other” and not in himself. Scorpio has to learn stability and steadiness where partnerships are concerned. There is a great stubbornness in this sign that makes for difficulties in partnerships. Relationships call for equality and a responsibility that Scorpio would rather avoid. He would much rather be a lone wolf—and often is. With Taurus on this cusp, there is an air of independence that is camouflage, for he is very dependent on other people. Scorpio must serve others, since this is Taurus' seventh house. Once he gives his affections he does not change easily. He is fixed in his ideas as well as in his affections. He has a deep and intense nature. When he marries, he will do all he can to stay in the marriage, no matter how difficult the going. His pride will not allow him to give up. Seldom do you find people with Taurus on the seventh house going through a divorce court. The higher types in this sign have great gentleness and kindness for Venus rules the seventh house. This gives Venus the opportunity to lend its warmth and lovingness to any relationship.


This gives curiosity about the mysteries of life, especially the after- death states. There is an insatiable desire to understand the “why” of life, and there is often a great restlessness until there is a centering on the inside of the nature. Scorpio is the mystery sign of the zodiac and deals with the mysteries of life on inner levels as well as outer ones. Scorpio is the mystery sign of creativity, the sign of sex in its deeper as well as superficial aspect. Scorpio has a great interest in sex; but with Gemini here on the eighth house, it is an interest more of the mind than the emotions. An afflicted Scorpio person is truly a “Dr. Jekyll” and “Mr. Hyde,” for if he does not relate to the higher forces, he can be a split personality as well as a destructive person. There is no sign more vindictive than Scorpio when unredeemed. This native passes judgment on others and shows little mercy. He seldom is able to face his own mistakes and errors. Often beset by guilt (though he does not decieve himself, he projects his guilt and feelings and accuses others of the very things of which he feels guilty. Yet when he has risen above personality reactions, there is no greater strength and power than this sign. He is truly powerful when he does not seek power for self but seeks to be used by the power to heal and bless others.


This sign on the ninth house gives sensitivity and psychic awareness of the needs of the public. He makes a fine teacher because his feeling has the understanding quality that comes from the ninth house, which is related to the superconscious mind. He feels the reactions of other people intuitively. There is a great desire to travel, not only on the outer levels, but to the far-flung horizons of spiritual consciousness as well. Scorpio people can penetrate the mysteries of life through unusual dreams and visions when Cancer is on this cusp. There is a strong desire to mother and sustain others. Furthermore, the religious philosophy is strongly tied with service to others.


Here lies the reason for the Lucifer-like pride often found with Leo on this house. The natural house of Saturn (Lucifer) behind the individual's drive for significance would give a desire for power. But Saturn is the tester; and in the natural house of Capricorn, he would have to work and wait and be tested before he would be entrusted with leadership. A Scorpio ascendant does not lack ability to organize—far from it—but until he uses a loving attitude rather than a demanding one, he will not receive the prestige or power he wishes. In order to give orders rightly, Leo on this cusp needs to learn how to take them. This is not easy. In his career, Scorpio has to learn to understand the other fellow and how to bring out the best in him. When he rules through love and not through discipline, he reaches the top in any field he selects. “Radiation through being” is the keynote of any house when Leo is found on the cusp; when Scorpio learns this lesson, he goes far.


This is the house of aims, goals, and objectives. With Virgo here, goals are reached by service, purity, dispassion, and humility. When Scorpio serves others and forgets himself, he is truly dynamic and majestic. He has a willingness to help the underdog. In fact, he finds it easier to be with those he considers inferior to himself rather than those who would be equals. Note Scorpios' desire for animals as companions, especially the small animals. Pets are not demanding and cannot argue with their owners' fixed ideas. Scorpio people make excellent veterinarians and often choose this profession as being the one liked best. They have a magnetic attunement with animals, probably due to their love for them. There is a strong inferiority complex in Scorpio that is not apparent on the surface. He is far more shy than people think and is apt to shun crowds or large groups of people, for he feels uncomfortable with them.


Marriage, unions, and partnerships are lessons when this sign is on this house. Seldom does a Scorpio Sun-Sign or ascendant have a happy marriage until he has redeemed and transformed his nature. Yet marriage and relationships are extremely important to him, for his regeneration lies in learning to be cooperative and outgoing toward others. He would like to be on a desert island with no one to bother him, but life will not allow him to escape. Whether he wills it or not, he is plunged into the fray and the battle is on. Because Libra is extroverted and Scorpio is introverted, the within and the without must be balanced in the subconscious before there is any inner peace for the person with Libra on this cusp. If Venus or Saturn is afflicted, then be sure that there are dues to pay because of lack of cooperation and lack of love in a previous life. The house in which these planets are placed will show the area of his life where lovingness and cooperation must be used. The twelfth house is the foundation of the first house and is the house oí self-undoing or subjective sustainment. It is the house of the subconscious—the night side of the self.—Here insight and perception are very important. The tendency is to see others through the eyes of self, rather than to see them in their own light. The recognition for the need of change, without self- pity or self-condemnation, is very important.


There is a strong reserve in the individuals who have this sign on the house of personality, the exteriorization of the personal self. It' is not easy to know these individuals, for much lies hidden under the surface. They command respect, for there is a great strength that is felt, no matter how silent the individual may be. Here are the stoics who will suffer in silence, and no one can guess what is hampering belo-.v the surface. Not lacking in courage and persistence, he will see things through, no matter what the cost to his personal self. This individual is creative and has great resourcefulness. In an emergency, he is the one who stays cool and collected and is able to handle a crisis in a quiet manner. Regardless of how much strain may be put upon him he is able to carry through to a successful finish. If Mars is heavily afflicted in the chart, this sign can be ruthless, for they are extremely perceptive and know the other fellow's weaknesses. With Scorpio on the first house, he is extremely intuitive and psychic, though he is apt to be silent about many of his impressions and feelings. There is a great need to guard against sarcasm, for his tongue can be deadly if he uses it vindictively. Healing power instead of hurting power is the key for Scorpio on the ascendant. Once he has conquered his lower nature, there is no greater healer in the zodiac.


The reserve of the personality does not extend to the pocketbook with Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius here. There is a generosity that is very great, and he is willing to share his resources with others. He is little concerned about money and material possessions, yet he does not like to be without enough to take care of his needs and to share. Once one with a Scorpio ascendant has connected his conscious self with his superconscious self, there is protection financially and where resources are concerned. He attains through the faith of Sagittarius, for this sign on the second house means not only material security, but also the spiritual wealth that brings inner serenity. So long ago, a Master said: “Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness and all else will be added unto you.” The “all else” includes abundance on every level. With Sagittarius on this house, seeking a job for the salary alone will not be satisfactory. If he spends his money or resources on his own interests, he will be miserable. He may not admit these things or choose to believe them, but this is the law. You can see why. The second house is the ninth from the sixth house, where the Scorpio ascendant's activity begins. The sixth house is the house of service and self-adjustment. Wherever Sagittarius is placed in the chart, the key is “spirit first”, not matter.


This individual is serious-minded, for Capricorn is the most reserved and serious of all the signs. Life to him is grim and earnest, and the grave of the personality IS his goal. If Jupiter or Venus is angular or well aspected in the chart, it will help to lighten the load. His early environment is seldom happy, for he is the “odd one” in the family. He is not understood and feels it is useless to try to explain himself. He is apt to have his early education interrupted, but he will be searching and studying long after the other signs have put their books away. The tendency to moods of depression must be guarded against and not allowed to linger. There is an inclination to brood over disappointments. He needs to learn to touch life lightly. He takes himself far too seriously and needs to cultivate the ability to laugh and to see life in its proper perspective. In early life, the health of Scorpio is not robust but as he gets older, he gets tougher and has much more vitality than most people.


Deep in the being of an individual with Aquarius on this house is a power drive second to none. He will have to make his way, no matter what the cost. At least, he thinks so! A tremendous desire for freedom is inherent in the roots of his nature. But Saturn, negative ruler of Aquarius, in the house of the roots of the being stands guard at the portal of freedom until the individual has learned that only through self- discipline and service can he have the freedom he wants. There are many domestic upsets with Aquarius here. Many changes of residence are part of the plan, and Scorpio does not like to move. There are predispositions to irritation in the individual that makes him difficult to live with. He is not peaceful and loving until he is functioning on the soul level, rather than in the personality. Scorpio, of all the signs, knows the least about love. What he calls love is desire. A tremendous self-love, utterly unrecognized by the personality, brings difficulties. He blames the other fellow for the troubles that he generates himself. With Aquarius on this house, it is very necessary to learn the lessons ofCooperation.There is a tendency to be attracted to unusual and bohemian types of people. He feels more at home with them, for basically they arerebels at heart. It is very important to the person with a Scorpio Sun or ascendant to air (Aquarius) his difficulties with someone who understands and then bury them forever in the grave of forgotten things. This will eliminate Scorpio's besetting sin—resentment. Resentment means living over and over again past hurts, frustrations, and angers. Its poison affects the mind and emotions and, inevitably, the body—which is the end terminal of inner attitudes.


This is the house of self-expression, as well as of children of the body, the mind, and emotions. Wherever Pisces is placed in the chart, there is always some frustration. Scorpio often feels frustrated where his creativity and self-expression are concerned. He feels a far greater sense of power than he can express. Sorrow and sacrifice regarding children and love affairs are indicated if Pisces is on this house. This is difficult to understand unless we realize that this incarnation (Scorpio) is one where we have to function on the soul level rather than that of the personality. Until the personality loses its hold, the soul cannot come forth in all its glory. All that the personality holds dear must be relinquished. When there is a letting go, then the individual can retain all he wishes to retain. Why? It is because then they cherish it for its own value and not for the value it has for them. Scorpio—devil or angel—the choice is theirs! There is no in between for these individuals.


If Sagittarius is on the ascendant, then Aries—where the self projects itself into activity—starts in the fifth house, the house of self- expression. This is the dramatization of the self and helps to explain why Sagittarius is self-concerned and self centered, in spite of his outgoing exuberance and enthusiasm for life. When we understand “how” the other fellow operates, we understand “why” he operates as he does.


Ardor, enthusiasm, a zest for life, and independence, as well as a desire to be on the move continuously, are part of the Sagittarian's equipment. A love for sports, horses, gambling, and a desire to take a chance on anything are inherent in his nature. There is a great love of the out of doors. “Don't fence me in,” is his motto. He wants to keep moving, although he may not know where he is going. The going is more important than the destination. The far horizons beckon him. In the first part of life, it is the physical horizons that call him. In the later part of life, the spiritual horizons of the superconscious mind beckon him to the highlands of spiritual understanding. Aries on this house makes this native impatient with children, and an irritability toward them has to be overcome. He enjoys children most when they are old enough to be pals. His children have keen and alert intelligence. Sagittarius is the salesman of the zodiac. He can make anything he sells so attractive that people will want to buy it, whether they need it or not. If Mars, ruler of this house, is afflicted, there will be rashness and impulsiveness to overcome. A tendency toward extravagance does not extend to the considered needs of those around them. It is not calculated selfishness but an inability to project himself outside the periphery of his own interests. A tendency to ill-advised love affairs brings difficulties that could be avoided with due forethought. With Aries on this house, any tendency to domination where love affairs or children are concerned could bring difficults.


If the Sagittarius ascendant would have a true sense of values, it must come through service. With Taurus here, an individual should choose something he really loves to do where work is concerned if he wants to be happy. There is a dislike of taking orders, and he must watch the tendency to develop a “bossy” sort of way. There is a need to watch fixed and inflexible opinions when dealing with co-workers. Discipline is needed where diet is concerned, for he has a “sweet tooth” and weight is sure to be a problem. The weak parts of the body are the throat and generative system; there is a direct link between the two. If there are continuous sore throats, the generative system should be checked. With Taurus on this house, there is a great deal of stamina and strength. Sagittarius can throw off physical difficulties easier than some of the other signs, because of the Taurean earth strength.


With the double-headed Gemini on the marriage house, there is a possibility of two marriages, especially if Mercury, ruler of Gemini, is in a dual sign. Gemini operates from the mind rather than the emotions, and the mate is not demonstrative as a rule. Unless the Sagittarian has many planets in water signs, (emotions), he understands this undemonstrativeness, for he too, is the casual type. At times, due to nervous tension, there is a strong irritability in the partner, though it is not long lasting. He sputters, frets, and “stews” for a short time; then it is quickly forgotten unless Saturn is heavily afflicted. Groucl iness comes from an afflicted Saturn. Mercury gives the quick tongue and sharp retort. Nerves (Mercury) are the person's communication wires from the brain. There is a direct relationship between attitudes of mind and the nervous system. Nerves are the person in the body giving the body a hard time. Relatives are very important to the Sagittarian and often there is a strong attachment to ancestral ties. This can interfere with success in marriage: Where Sagittarius is concerned, marriage is not taken too seriously unless there are steadying influences through planets in fixed signs. Note the position of Mercury by sign, house, and aspects to know what to expect in marriage and partnerships.


This is the house of re-creation in terms of the soul. Self-indulgence and dabbling in sensuality are dangers with the Moon ruling this house. There is difficulty where the emotions are concerned if the Moon is afflicted. The Moon rules our subconscious habit patterns; and until there is emotional control of our feelings, we are not “captains of our ships.” With Cancer here there is a tendency to drown in feelings and sensitivities rather than understand the other fellow's feelings There is a psychic sensitivity to the next dimension, and he often feels coming events casting their shadows before. He gets negative impressions, but he has the power of the superconscious mind behind them. If he will call on this higher power he can avert the negativity that lies ahead. Often it is not realized that these negative feelings and premonitions are given so that higher energy will be called upon to nullify the looming picture. Sex can be a problem with the self-indulgent Cancer on this house. If sex is tied with love and not with lust, with desire to give and not desire to posess, it can bring blessings rather than harm.


With Leo on the this house, there is an optimistic faith and confidence in life that comes from the Leo quality of faith focused in the house of the higher mind, the superconscious. There is idealism and a love of truth. Sincerity and honesty of purpose are very strong if the Sun, ruler of this sign, is not afflicted. If the Sun is afflicted, there is a tendency to arrogance and conceit that must be overcome if there would be a happy, integrated life. The house where Leo is placed in the chart will show where energies are consolidated in the things that one loves. With Leo on this house, no wonder there is an interest in higher education, whether material or spiritual. He loves to travel; and far horizons, inner or outer, are always beckoning him on. On the material level, this is the house of in-laws because it is the third house of the marriage partner and rules relatives. If there are afflictions in the ninth house, it would be wise to live at a distance from them in order to avoid difficulties with them. Domination on their part would or could cause difficulties.


The tenth house sign is of great importance, for it gives the clue to the purpose of the life. The tenth house rules the limelight, prestige before the public, and how the individual will gather and focus his aims where the public is concerned. The service rendered, the work to be done, not the glorification of the ego, is the secret of success when Virgo is on this house. A willingness to serve and not exact due service will bring great blessing. The return blessing will come, for this is the cosmic law, but only when the service is more important than the server. Virgo on this house makes a good teacher. Mercury rules Virgo, and this planet gives the power of communication and interpretation. Often there are two professions, for Mercury is a dual planet. It rules the ability to analyze which pre-suposes dual forces. Virgo is keenly critical of self as well as others. This comes from a keen desire for perfection. He dislikes being wrong and needs to watch the tendency to rationalize and justify. There is timidity in meeting the public that has to be overcome. If Mercury is well placed by sign with many aspects, there is excellent intelligence. Any contact between Mercury and the other planets increases awareness and gives an active and keen consciousness. For this reason, any afflictions to Mercury are better than no contact of any kind.


With Libra, Venus-ruled, on this house, there are many friends of an artistic nature. Often there is marriage to a friend. There is need of discrimination in picking friends and associations if Venus is weakly placed or afflicted. A desire to be all things to all people can bring difficulties. Wherever Libra is placed in the horoscope, there is always a need for balance. This is the house of goals and objectives, and it is necessary to define goals and objectives clearly with Libra on this house. Too much indecisiveness and vacillation can keep Libra from success. A clearly defined objective and the willingness to use Saturn (work and patience) are needed. Saturn is exalted in Libra and can achieve results. Venus, ruler of Libra, is lazy and is not always willing to bestir itself to attain the needed results. Venus ruling the eleventh house gives many friends and a social life, for people seek the Venus-ruled; but too much socializing and too many friendships may take one down the primrose path of pleasure and away from the goals and objectives that were meant to be attained.


Here in the twelfth house is subjective sustainment or self-undoing. The energies in this house can be used or abused, the choice is ours. Scorpio on this house can give a powerhouse in the subconscious that can light the way or can be very destructive. Secret enemies are found in this house—and there can be enemies in the world of appearance—but the greatest enemies are often hidden in the unknown part of us. The greatest enemy a man has is the person he imagines himself to be. The necessity of regenerating the hidden emotions and the underground feelings is a “must” with Scorpio ruling the twelfth house. The battle rages in the underground and is not seen by the unperceptive and the sleeping ones, but it goes on, Scorpio is the battleground of the senses and the soul, and here it is the subconscious that must be illumined by the light of the superconscious self. The individual with Scorpio here has known the hidden wisdom in the past (in past lifetimes) and, if Mars is afflicted, has misused that power. The choice in this lifetime is to “serve or suffer,” for the power is there and felt and must be used. Many secret enemies on the outer side can bring difficulties with Scorpio on this house. Jealousy of others in a past life brings the jealousy of other people in this lifetime. It can be cleared through the attitude of “What is that to thee? Follow thou Me.” All tendency to resentment must be uprooted. It is deeply embedded, so it is not an easy task; but the great strength hidden in this sign makes it possible to do so. The battle is great; but the victory is sure, for the twelfth house is the gateway to the superconscious self. Only through cleansing the stable (the subconscious) could Hercules conquer, and the streams from the higher levels (the superconscious) had to be used if they were to be kept clear. Hercules is the soul; he had great power but didn't use it wisely until he learned to do so through the experience of earth living.


The keyword here is freedom, and any restriction is very hard for the Sagittarius ascendant to take. He has a breezy friendliness and an optimistic outlook on life that endears him to others. He has a keen sense of humor and loves a good time. One of his liabilities is procrastination. He has a strong desire to please and be liked, so he will promise anything in a moment of impulse and then later will back down when expected to carry through his promises. For this reason, he is considered unreliable, and often is so unless a strong Saturn gives him a sense of responsibility. Though he appears carefree on the surface, there is a great deal of nervous tension, for there is a lack of organization if Saturn is not strong in the blueprint. He scatters force due to lack of concentration. There is a great restlessness, especially in the early life. Later in life, he becomes interested in spiritual horizons and there is a definite change in personality that quiets the restlessness and brings a deepening serenity and peace. People born with this ascendant come into this particular lifetime to experience many varying conditions in order to learn the lessons the soul has set. Life will never be dull; he generates a desire for a full and active life and gets it. In the physical body, Sagittarius rules the hips—the power to move forward; the keyword for Sagittarius is perception or understanding. In the Scriptures, Jacob was lame in the hip—his understanding—and he could not let the angel go (his problem) until he got the blessing in it. When he did, the angel departed and it was morning; light had come to him and his darkness of ignorance was over. So it is with Sagittarius when he seeks the wisdom of the superconscious self.


With this sign on this house there is a tendency to be generous with himself but not always with his possessions. This is due to the Saturn rulership here. It is always a surprise when one meets with the stinginess of Sagittarius where sharing is concerned for he gives a feeling of open- heartedness. He has this trait in his personality, but it does not extend to his pocketbook. Saturn rules the safety urges, and fear of loss can make selfishness strong. Capricorn ruling the second house does not mean lack where money is concerned. People with inherited money often have Capricorn on this house. It does mean a lesson in true values, for this is the house of “what a person values” and is the reason peace of mind is found (or not found) in the second house. There is a lesson to learn where true values are concerned. One doesn't buy peace without earning it when Saturn rules the second house. The porblem here is selfishness. Money or resources are a trust to be used wisely and well. Capricorn's keynote is “I use”; and we are called to an accounting of our stewardship in whatever house Capricorn is master. Saturn calls for work and responsibility and this cannot be evaded even if we would like to do so. The use of personal resources calls for wisdom, for Saturn represents cosmic justice and keeps a perfect set of books. Practicality and prudence are the better side of Capricorn in the second house. Money can be acquired through real estate and building. If Saturn, ruler to the second house, is well aspected, Sagittarius can do very well in speculation where land or anything to do with the earth is concerned.


There is an ability to sense and know higher truth with Aquarius on this house. There is a great desire for freedom of action, but a necessity for discipline will keep those with this placement from having it until this freedom is earned. There is a strong will involved here and the positions of Saturn and Uranus will show the predisposition to use this will constructively or destructively. If Saturn is afflicted, there is too much self- interest and the Uranian principle of brotherhood cannot operate until there is a change of mind. The Greek word metanoia has been translated into English as meaning “repentence,” but its true meaning is “change of mind.” If Uranus is afflicted, there is too much self-will. Physically, Saturn and Uranus ruling the third house can give difficulties in breathing and the circulation in the lung area is not good. This can be overcome by deep-breathing exercises in order to get more oxygen in the system. The individual with Aquarius on this house feels like an alien in his own surroundings. He is one apart from his relatives, for this individualist is interested in the forward thrust and the future and do not cling to the past and old traditions. He is the one his relatives think is too far out, but he acts as a catalyst on the family tree and plays his part even though it may be a terribly lonely one.


With Pisces here, the emotional nature is strong and sensitive and there is service to be rendered where the family is concerned. Conditions are limiting and unsettled and are essentially karmic where Neptune holds sway. There are obligations to meet and they must be met, but they cannot be allowed to impede the individual's growth and development. There is a strong desire for a home and family interests are strong, but too much sacrifice can be harmful to others. The givingness can be carried too far. It would be wise to have interests beyond the family circle so that the tendency to be absorbed and over-involved with the family would be overcome. A secret sorrow and a spiritual aloneness are deep in the roots of the being; their purpose is to help the soul seek the heights of spiritual consciousness. Mystical sensitivity and retreat to the inner center can bring great joy and inner serenity with Pisces on this house, for the real freedom lies within, not in the world of appearance.


If Capricorn is on the ascendant, then Aries—where the self projects itself into life—starts in the fourth house. The fourth house in the horoscope represents the roots of the being, what we have inherited from the family tree, as well as what we have inherited as souls from a past the outer self does not remember. It is the midnight side of the blueprint. “Midnight,” in a psychological sense, means the deepest part of our nature. Does not this help to explain the deep reserve and seriousness of the one born with a Capricorn ascendant? He is not a surface person, and it takes time (Saturn) to get to know him. Life is not easy for him, and it is difficult for him to approach life in an easygoing and free-flowing manner.


Capricorn starts from the foundation of his being, and his ability to entrench and establish himself strongly in matter (earth—material living) is vital to him. A home is very important to him, even though he may not be in it much of the time. Ambitious and a strong drive for material security are strong and keep him from enjoying his home as much as he would like. In a way, perhaps, it is well. With Mars, ruler of Aries, lord of this house, there could be strife and argument in the home that would keep him from enjoying it. If Mars is afflicted, there would be a tendency toward irritation and impatience in this individual that would bring difficulties in the home life. There would be a tendency to force issues and demand too much from those in his domestic surroundings. He wants to “rule the roost,” but the position and espects of Mars are going to show whether his leadership is constructive or destructive. People with Capricorn ascendants are successful in real estate or in construction or building. With Aries on this house, there is a strong link with the mother; her influence is very great in the life.


Capriccm has very fixed and strong ideas and feelings about his children, whether they are physical children or children of his mind and emotions. His children can be great blessings to him if they recognize that “they come through you but not from you; they live in the tomorrows you cannot visit even in your dreams.” This is the house of creative expression the self expressing itself through love and pleasure. The Capricorn ascendant has the ability to express charm, and if Venus is well placed in the horoscope, there is a loving nature and a steady and stabilized love life. But if Venus is poorly placed and afflicted, the tendency to love self first is very strong. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, rules the coiled-up serpent power in the base of the spine. If this power is used for self-satisfaction, then lust—not love—holds sway. Heart trouble psychologically as well as physically—will be the result of the wrong use of this energy. Energy is God-given and to be used in a constructive way; if we misuse it, then we suffer in order to learn the right use of the energy that has been given us.


The sixth house deals with work and service as well as health. Gemini, sign of the conscious mind, helps to explain why the work those with a Capricorn ascendant does is so vitally important to him. Work comes first with him. He has a strong desire to excel in whatever his occupation may be. Because he puts so much effort into it, he does not stay long in the lower brackets for income and position are important. In the process of achievement, he can overdo and his nervous system suffers. When the nerves are ragged, the disposition suffers; he becomes irritable and the people around him find him difficult. There is a direct relationship between thinking and the nervous system. An upset nervous system means the person in the body is giving the body a hard time. When we lose mastery over our thinking, our nerves (the telephone wires to the brain) are transmitting the wrong signals—and there is tension. With Gemini on this house, there is a need to learn the art of relaxation—not the sullen, morose quiet of the negative Capricorn, but the quiet vibrancy of a system hooked to a higher powerhouse will keep the Capricorn healthy as well as wise.


The seventh house describes the kind of mate one attracts. With Cancer on this house, the mate would be home-loving and a good provider, if the Moon is unafflicted. This native would be in need of constant reassurance of his importance and worth, for there is a great emotional insecurity in Cancer. A man with Cancer on this cusp is constantly looking for a mother rather than a mate Some women are willing to play the mother role, but some are not. It will be important to the person with a Capricorn ascendant to pick a mate who fits his needs. A woman with Capricorn on her first house is apt to pick a receptive, passive mate who will lean and not lead. He would not be too energetic and because of her strong ambition, this could create problems. Whether man or woman, Cancer is strong for the tie that binds, so they must pick a mate who will respect their sense of freedom and not try to smother the individual with too much attention. The placement of the Moon by sign and aspects will show what to expect from any marriage or union.


This is the house of reorientation and regeneration. There is a need to reorient his pride, for it is overdeveloped. The ego needs shrinking. Emotions are strong and the drive for significance (Sun) can be overemphasized by the wrong kind of pride. The virtue hidden in pride is self-respect. This is our divine birthright. Let nothing take it from you. Wherever the Sun rules in a horoscope, the problem is one of sharing and shining. If there is too much desire to claim all the limelight, others are offended and will not cooperate; too little drive and they are passed by and frustration and resentment fill the magnetic field. So it is a matter of proportion and balance. Everyone—even marriage partners—are entitled to their place in the sun. On the physical level, there is a need to guard against over exertion and heart strain. This is especially true if the Sun is afflicted to Saturn in the horoscope. The eighth house is the natural house of Scorpio and is spoken of as the house that rules sex. The fifth house is the expression of sex (love affairs), but the eighth zone is what our inner attitudes are toward sex. There is a difference. With Leo on this house, in the sex experience, it must be a sharing, not a taking. Then there can be harmony in the union.


With the practical, analytical, earthy Virgo on the house of religion and the superconscious mind, it is not difficult to see that the Capricorn attitude would be skeptical where religious matters are concerned. If it can be proven to him that religion works in the world of material values, he will accept it. Virgo, an earth sign, on the ninth house gives a practical approach that is strongly centered in the “here and now”. Far-away fields do not look greener to him. He makes an excellent teacher and a professor, for he is good in detailed work and conscientious in all that he does. There is a great deal of discrimination that will veer too much on the over-critical side if Mercury is afflicted. A person with a Capricorn ascendant may do a great deal of traveling, but it will be in connection with his work. In this trait, he is unlike Sagittarius, who travels for the sheer joy of traveling, of being on the move, seeing new places, and meeting new people. This is the house of understanding, and understanding comes not from the mind but from the heart. To learn by loving to get by giving, to be willing to find the values hidden in the soul, not the personality: these are the lessons the one with Capricorn on the ascendant needs to learn before the real beauty in his character comes forth.


The tenth house is the most important in the chart from the material point of view, as the ninth house is the most important from the spiritual side of life. The tenth shows the career, reputation, and social standing in the world. With Libra ruling Saturn's own house, there is a strong sense of justice and the willingness to work and work hard to see that justice is done in any cause he sponsors. Libra makes the good lawyer or judge, for Libra has to do with legislature and the law. Libra on this house gives diplomacy and tact in dealing with the public. Often he is far more tactful in dealing with the public than he is in his own family circle. Many times their families listen in puzzlement to the praises the Capricornian receives from the world at large. Venus' sign in Saturn's house is often loving for the sake of expediency. This is not true of the more evolved individual. Students often ask the question, “How can one tell the evolvement of an individual in the chart?” Character is shown by the signs in which the planets are placed. Planets in their sign of exaltation and in the signs they rule are indications of an evolved consciousness. Also, the higher-octave planets—Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter—in the first, fourth, seventh, or tenth house show that the individual has had much soul experience in other lifetimes.


This is the house of friendships, goals, and objectives. Scorpio is not too happy a sign to be at home in the impersonal and brotherly house of Aquarius. In Scorpio, there is great emotional intensity and a strong possessive desire to hold friendships closely. He is apt to be rather demanding. A Capricorn ascendant is not gregarious and outgoing unless he has an angular Jupiter. He is the true isolationist of the zodiac. The lesson here is tolerance, not sitting in judgment on others or expecting perfection from ordinary mortals. Each individual does the best he knows (with his realization, not his intellect); and when he knows more, he will do more. There may not seem to be a relationship between goals and objectives and friendships. But there is. No man is an island. If he would be successful, friendliness and cooperation will pave the way and make it easier to arrive at his goal.


Capricorn's understanding—or lack of it—stems from the twelfth house. This is the house of self-undoing or subjective sustainment; which it is, depends on his vision and understanding. Because of the austerity and seeming coldness of Capricorn, this native does not attract the happier things of life without a good amount of hard work. But he could. A Capricorn ascendant is the “do-it-yourself” type of person for it is hard for him to understand there is another way. Locked up in the storehouse of their personality (twelfth house) is a secret for the Capricorn ascendant. An optimistic faith in life, a willingness to realize the power that comes through letting go and letting the higher power work, a relaxing in the flow of life, herein lies the answer. If he uses the tolerance, kindness, philosophy, and broad outlook of the Sagittarian Jupiter, life will be much easier. The nature of Saturn in the world of appearance is to be concerned with material matters. Jupiter's rulership here can lift the load and set Capricorn free. In the depths of himself lies lifting power.


With Capricorn here, there is delicate health in the early life; but the strength and endurance of Saturn helps to throw off any weaknesses as the years go by, and he usually lives to an advanced age. Capricorn is the hardest worker in the zodiac. This is partly due to his strong ambitions to succeed in the material world. Like the mountain goat, he wants to climb to the top. He usually does. In the process, so many of the joys along the way may go unrecognized and lost. There is a compelling need in the Capricorn ascendant to achieve in tangible terms. He has dignity, persistence, patience, and great fortitude; these are the qualities that make for success. Capricorn should watch the tendency to become too limited and too disciplined. If Saturn, ruler of this house is afflicted, there can be arrogance and false pride. This can harm and not help in his progress. In the physical body, Capricorn rules the knees. The symbol of humility and the power to bend is the inner meaning of this part of the body. Any trouble with the knees is an outer manifestation of an unbending and rigid will. Our bodies are the outer reflection of our inner states of being. If this ascendant will use his strength and power to serve others, there is no greater server in the zodiac. He has patience, persistence and purpose; when these are used for others, he is truly a magnificent soul.


Finances are often attained through work with large organizations or corporations. Intuitions are strong where financial advantages are concerned. There is great creativity in this individual that enhances his money-making abilities. To the indibidual with Aquarius on this house, money is important as a means of power. If Uranus is stronger than Saturn in the chart, plans for a sustained and steady income can be upset. This is the person who may work on commission and have a fluctuating income. Capricorn is often found in managerial fields that have to do with sales. As life advances, he accumulates money, for he is not a free spender. At times, he can veer to the stingy side. The negative aspect of Saturn is fear. Behind all lack of giving is fear. He is concerned about saving money for his later years. This can be carried too far. As one wit said, “There are no pockets in a casket.” Another soul said: “What is fear of need but fear itself?” The underlying keynote of the second house is the Taurean sign; and Capricorn can do very well in real estate, construction and banking.


With Pisces here, there are clever and original ideas that can pay off in the coin of this world. There is imagination and insight with Neptune ruler of this house. This is excellent for the creative writer, for this house rules the intellect and the power to communicate. It's hard to stick to what is fact so there can be emotional fog if Neptune is afflicted, especially to Mercury. In the everyday environment, there is need to learn to organize and concentrate. It is best to have papers and documents carefully scrutinized before signing. Always read the fine print if Neptune is in charge of third house affairs. Sorrow and sacrifice where brothers and sisters are concerned are part of his destiny if Neptune rules this house. Accept them gracefully and know them to be a debt owed that must be paid. There is a strongly psychic side to the individual with Pisces on this house. This can be a great help if used wisely. Mind and feeling meet in this house, and there are no limits to what the Capricornian can attain if the balance of mind and emotions is maintained.


If Aquarius is on the ascendant, then Aries, where the soul projects itself into activity, is on the third house. Wherever Aries is placed in the horoscope is where the soul initiates activity on the outer level of expression. For Aquarius, the starting point is the third house. The third house in the blueprint represents the thinking equipment of the conscious mind as well as the ability to relate to others in the environment. Aquarius relates to others through reason and logic, seldom through emotions and feelings. This is a valuable clue to the Aquarian nature. One should never appeal to his emotions but to his reason. The greatest gift of Astrology is understanding. All of us do not respond to life in the same way. Astrology tells us why.


The Aquarian ascendants get off to a flying start with Aries on the house ruling the conscious mind. No wonder Aquarius is predominantly intellectual. Aries rules the head, Aquarius is an air sign, and air signs are the intellectual signs of the zodiac. With Aries here, he is the mental pioneer, the forward-thinking heralding the new age. His mind is restless, fearless—always seeking new knowledge, new concepts, and new ideas. Aries is cardinal fire and gives an independent and impulsive type of mind. If Mars, ruler of this house, is afflicted, there is a tendency to domination, arrogance, and egotism that must be overcome. Otherwise, he will not relate correctly to the people in his environment. He can appear brilliant intellectually but prove to be superficial rather than deep in his thinking unless Saturn is strongly placed in the horoscope. Mars springs forth into action and leaps at any new idea or concept; but without the sustaining power of a strong Satum, there is apt to be lack of concentrative force. There are two types of Aquarians, and this must always be taken into account in doing an Aquarian's chart. Saturn and Uranus are co-rulers of Aquarius. We must pass the rulership of Satura before we have access to the true power of Uranus. Freedom without discipline can be license. If Saturn is more strongly placed than Uranus in the chart, he will be Saturaian in type and often appear more like Capricorn than Aquarius. If Uranus is the stronger planet (in the first, fourth, seventh, or tenth house), he is a true Aquarian. The Uranus- ruled Aquarius is a rebel with strong opinions and convictions; these are the individualists of the zodiac. He can be especially trying in his early years, for if he cannot dominate his environment he makes things difficult for everyone around him. With Aries on the third house, there is talent for writing, speaking, the power to project ideas through these mediums.


While Aquarius is not at all conservative in his thinking, he is extremely conservative in domestic surroundings. Home is very important to him. A passion for accumulation is strong, and it is difficult for him to let go any possessions, whether material or personal. A comfortable and artistic home is important, because of the Venus rulership here. He is extremely economical and wants full for his purchases. The fourth house represents the basic values that are deeply ingrained in the roots of the being. This house also represents the final outcome of what we do with our values. This is why it represents the latter part of life and the end of matters. What we are in the roots of our being will come to the surface in later life. Wherever Taurus is placed is where we can be locked up in matter. If materialism and money are all-important to this person, there cannot be peace and serenity in later years. Security comes from a correct set of values. This house represents the mother, and often the mother is extremely possessive when Taurus is on this house.


This is not the type of parent who is basically emotional where his children are concerned. He enjoys them most when he is able to talk with them rather than when they are small children. He wants his children to be intellictual, for he wants them to reflect his own intelligence. In love affairs, he is not demonstrative or ardent. He is so strongly mind-oriented that it is difficult for him to show his feelings. Where Mercury holds sway, Venus doesn't fare very well. In fifth-house matters, this can cause problems in understanding. There can be dual love affairs, for the Aquarian ascendant can touch life lightly where love affairs are concerned. Gemini is the butterfly of the zodiac that flits from flower to flower—and from one experience to another. There is dexterity and cleverness in self-exprssion and an ability to projct the self in a free- flowing manner.


Aquarius is much more involved emotionally with his work and career than he is where personal relationships are concerned. Because his feelings are so strong in connection with work and service, he can be very unhappy if not doing work he likes. Cancer rules the stomach as well as the feeling. There is a direct relationship where the digestion of experience and the digestion of food are concerned. If the Moon is afflictedthere can be ulcers when there is unhappinss in the work area. The Moon, ruler of Cancer, rules mass consciousness, the public. He is happiest in work that benefits the public in some way. The Moon has rulership over the subconscious mind. In his work, he has intuitional feelings that are very helpful to him. He would not call it psychic. He is too intellectual to believe in such “nonsense.” Nevertheless, he uses it in his work constantly. He has great material ambition, even though it is not obivous. His drive for material achievement comes from a feeling of inadequacy where the emotional side of life is concerned. He has a love for good food. When unhappy in his work, he can be a compulsive eater, which in turn, can lead to complications where well-being is concerned.


The strong individualism of this sign makes it difficult for the Aquarian ascendant to fit smoothly into partnership, marriage, and general cooperation. The strong desire for independence and to have control of every situation mitigates against compromises that are necessary where other people are involved. The kind of partner he attracts is equally individualistic in his own right and would not play the subordinate role very long. If the person with Leo on this house would be happy, there must be no attempt to make the marriage partner over. Accept him as he is. The sign on the seventh house is what we lack, the quality we need to build in. Leo on this house needs to build in the capacity to love from the heart. The Aquarius ascendant, with his crystal-clear mind, needs more heart understanding. He needs to have more active (e-motion) where the love consciousness is concerned. He often attracts a marriage partner who functions from the heart rather than the head. From the mate he expects complete devotion but is not always willing to give it.


Every sign has negative qualities as wëll as positive ones. The sign on the eighth house is always important, for it shows the negative qualities that need reorienting and redeeming. The tendency to be too critical and to pick things apart must go if Virgo here would reach the highest potentials. He needs to learn that universal brotherhood is not attained with the mind. Love and unity are the inner essence of cooperation that can bring synthesis, and love comes from the heart. Virgo is the power to tear down and break up. The power to discriminate and to analyze is necessary in areas of our livingness; but there are areas in which this power is detrimental. This explains why Venus is so poorly placed in Virgo. If Mercury, ruler of this house, is afflicted, then there is need for regeneration where the uses of the analytical mind are concerned. There will be difficulties in the sex life that will come from too critical a nature. This is the house of partners' money, and there will be a very practical approach in the use of it. Unless there are planets in water signs or an angular Neptune, there is little interest in psychic or occult matters.


There is an innate refinement in the nature of Aquarius that comes from the artistic and esthetic Libra on the house of the super-conscious faculties. Anything of a rough or coarse nature repels. Libra always recognizes its obligation to good taste and appearance. It is only when Venus is badly afflicted that we find the lazy and careless who offend by an unattractive appearance. There is a strong need for balance between the inner world of the soul and the outer world of appearance; when this is obtained, Saturn no longer rules the Aquarian. Uranus becomes the ruler, and freedom of the spirit is assured. Legislation and law are attractive and Libra here often attracts the person to law as a profession. This house rules higher education. Aquarians make wonderful professors and teachers, especially along scientific lines.


With the Scorpio emotional intensity and determination in the house of career and reputation before the public, it is understandable that Aquarius is not satisfied until he has made his mark in the world. The power sign in the power house has all the drive necessary to succeed in the material world. The limelight is extremely important. His power will be felt in whatever he does. Mars, ruler of this house, its placement by house and sign, will show the areas in which success can come. Because of Saturn's underlying influence in the tenth house, there must be effort and work directed toward achievement. It will not come without effort. In Saturn's domain nothing ever does. Saturn rewards those who work for what they want. People with Scorpio on this house are often found in government work or in research. Medical research would be of great interest. Scorpio on the tenth house has a natural healing ability and makes an excellent doctor.


Jupiter's rulership in the house of friendships, goals, and objectives gives a friendliness and a pleasantness of manner that make the Aquarian ascendant well liked by his friends. The casual give and take of Aquarius makes no demands on friendships. The fire sign Sagittarius on this house makes the person direct and impersonal in his approach to life. He can show these qualities in friendships far easier than he can do so in the emotional life. He is able to achieve his goals and objectives, for he is willing to work and expend effort. He is a leader in humanitarian movements and will join others in organizational work, though he resents any encroachment on his personal life. He has loyal and devoted friends who play a big part in his advancement in life.


Saturn's keynote here is: “What shall it gain a man if he gains the whole world and suffers the loss of his soul?” The hidden drive for power must be sublimated into a sense of responsibility to all those in need whenSaturn rules the twelfth house of self-undoing or subjective sustainment. There is inherent selfishness to be overcome if Saturn is afflicted. Dues will be paid through sickness and suffering if the tendency to live for self is not transmuted into service for others. Saturn is strict and undeviating justice; it is the lord of karma. Health must be guarded, for the tendency to crystallize and contract the self spells trouble for the physical body in time. Arthritis is a Saturn difficulty that starts in prejudiced, rigid, and intolerant attitudes of the mind. With Capricorn on this house, the flow of life is impeded by crystallized attitudes regarding the over-stressing of ego, prestige, and importance.


With Aquarius on the house of self-exteriorization, there is a friendly outgingness to the personality that is likeable and attractive to other people. He is positive in his approach to life and very confident in manner. There is a stubbornness not apparent on the surface. With an Aquarian ascendant this individual cannot be pushed into doing anything he does not want to do. The stubbornness of the proverbial mule will be mild compared to his quality of inflexibility. His friendliness hides this quality, but it is there and must be taken into account when dealing with him. If Uranus is strong by being in an angular house or close to the Sun, Moon, or Mercury, he will be a rebel. Any sort of constraint will be difficult for him to accept. Freedom is his battle cry. Unless this is tempered by a good amount of Saturn's common sense, there will be difficulties that will be hard on the personality. Aquarius has a great deal to do with circulation—not only in the mind and emotions, but in the physical body as well. This ascendant needs physical exercise more than any other sign. Because of the drive for success, he does not spare his body and can take himself out of it via a heart attack. He needs to learn the art of relaxation. If he will balance his great capacity for work with equal time for relaxation and play, he can stay in the body and enjoy the fruits of his labor.


Aquarius finishes in the house that has to do with resources, values, and peace of mind. This is significant. Where Aries is placed in the blueprint, we start things; where Pisces is placed, we finish them. Just as Taurus shows where we are locked up in the world of matter, Pisces is where we can free ourselves from the call of the world and how we can go about it. Where Pisces and Neptune are involved, this must come through personality sacrifice and reunuciation of the separated self. The self must decrease that the soul may increase. On the outer level, Pisces on this house gives a strongly emotional tone to the feelings about possessions, whether material or personal. It is hard for Aquarius to keep material affairs in order with Pisces here. If Neptune is afflicted, there can be deception where money is concerned. It is important to scrutinize any contract or document before signing it if Neptune is afflicted. To learn to share, to learn to let go, to learn a true sense of values is the lesson Pisces is trying to teach in the second house of values. The keyword for Neptune is “obligation,” and if some part of this income is shared with those in need, the reason for Neptune's being called the “Cosmic Santa Claus” will be apparent.


In the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces, we come to the ending of the personality that started its pilgrimage in Aries. Freedom for Pisces does not lie in the valley of personality achievement but on the higher levels of spiritual growth and development. The symbol of Pisces, two fish tied together represents the two aspects of self: the personality and the soul. If the personality becomes the servant of the soul, all is well with Pisces. “Serve or suffer” is the keynote of Pisces. Where Aries is concerned with beginnings, Pisces is concerned with endings. Pisces begins where Aquarius leaves off, in the second house of resources and values. The values gained through the journey through all the other signs must be brought into full consciousness in Pisces.


Wherever Aries is placed in the blueprint is where the soul initiates its activity and begins to operate in the world of appearance. For Pisces, values and resources are of utmost importance. Not only must he feel successful in financial matters, but the uses of his personal resources are very important as well. There is great ambition to achieve. Capricornians want to achieve worldly success for the power it brings. Not so Pisces! He needs to achieve success in order to prove his own worth to himself. A deep-seated inferiority complex is behind his drive for significance. He is the one who is never satisfied, no matter how well he does or how successful he is. He is much harder on himself than he is on other people. With Mars as ruler of the second house, Pisces finds it difficult to hold on to money. Wherever Mars is ruler in a house, there is need for control. In this house there is a need to curb the tendency to extravagance. Mars hates to stop and think. It would much rather act first. Pisces can be very shrewd about money if Mars is well placed by sign. Mars does not wait for money to come but goes after it. If Mars is afflicted to Neptune, the tendency to gain money through deceit and deception will bring great difficulties to those born in Pisces.


Being an earth sign, Taurus on this house wants to belong, to feel he is useful and necessary to those in his environment. There is a stubbornness in the Piscean nature because Taurus is standing guard at the portal of the mind. He can be far more fixed and rigid in thinking than one would expect in casual contact with him. He seems easy-going and pliable.It isn't so! Folks in his environment know well his rigidity and inflexibility. Gemini is the most flexible of the signs, and Taurus is the most stubborn. Look to the sign in which Mercury is placed to know whether the individual is rigid or mutable in his mental attitudes. If Mercury is in a fixed sign, he will be fixed and stubborn; if it is in a mutable or cardinal sign, he will be much more pliable. He is strongly artistic and creative. There is a strong interest in music and art. In dealing with him people must not try to force conclusions upon him in any discussion even if they are right, they will be wrong!


Pisces does not like to stay in one place too long. He wants a base of operations—a home to come to—but he is not in it too much. He is too restless. He likes to have people around him but not the same people for too long. There is a dual aspect to the Pisces nature that is hard to understand unless one has a knowledge of Astrology. Pisces is two people, not one. Two fish: one is friendly, kind, outgoing, swimming around freely on the surface of life; the other hides in the depths, remote, isolated, moody, and withdrawn, wanting no part of anyone. When this fish is in the supremacy, nothing you can say or do is going to be satisfactory. Wait. One should not try to draw this fish into active participation. He won't come. When the tide changes, he will go back to the deep and the other fish will appear. If people involved with a Piscean would understand the dual aspects of this sign, life will be easier for them. Living with a Piscean is not easy, but it is interesting. One part of the Piscean nature will never be shared with anyone. If this is accepted, all will be well.


Hidden in this house of creativity and self-expression is the reason Pisceans are night birds. He loves the night (Moon-ruled), where the world is still and quiet. He does his most creative work when he works in the late night hours. He has a strong imagination and is able to dramatize himself to the “nth degree.” He loves the theater. There is a frustrated “ham” in every Pisces. Due to the Moon rulership here, there is a strongly maternal and nuturing side to Pisces—not only with his children, but in his love affairs as well. He yearns to mother those he loves. There is real devotion and loyalty toward loved ones. He belongs to an extremely creative sign and can appeal to the public through his ability to dramatize life and its possibilities. He has writing ability and can communicate his ideas more easily in writing than talking.


Work is the most important part of the Pisces' life, it is vitally important that his heart be in it. He can lose himself completely in work and service. He puts a tremendous amount of energy in his work. No matter how hard he works or how good his performance, he is never satisfied. Too many Pisces people have heart attacks from overwork. He needs to learn balance. All work and no play raises havoc with the body as well as the nervous system. Pisces obtains real recognition through the concentration power of Leo in the service station of Virgo. His real powers lie in the service he renders to others. If he tries to live for self alone, he is miserably unhappy and becomes a drifter instead of a doer.


The tendency to choose a mate who is inferior to him in quality comes from Virgo on the seventh house. The underdog arouses his sympathies and, the needs of the other call forth his desire to help. Pisces marries beneath himself and usually regrets it, for there is no common meeting ground where interests are concerned. Pisces seeks suffering, for there is an unsuspected but strong martyr complex in him. One of my Pisces students made the remark: “Let's face it! We are only really happy when we have something to be miserable about.” Pisces is more critical than any other sign but Scorpio. Often he marries a very critical person and fails to see that this is a projection of his own critical quality coming home. He does serve his marriage partner and works hard to please. Often there are two marriages and the second happier than the first. He is more realistic in maturity than he is in youth. The seventh house is the house of relationships as well as marriage, and he must serve others without expecting adequate return. Pisces is the sign of sacrifice. Neptune is the planet of obligation and renunciation; but it is also the “Cosmic Santa Claus” and teaches that everything we do for others, we do for ourselves.


The key to regeneration in any blueprint is hidden in the sign on the eighth house cusp. With Libra on this house, Pisces' keynote is cooperation not competition. Balance must come through sharing one's resources with others. There is gain through partnership. There is growth for him through marriage, even though it may be difficult. In the physical body, Libra rules the kidneys. He must guard against difficulty in this section of the body. If he over-indulges where alcohol is concerned, this part of the body will suffer. Due to his physical sensitivity, alcohol can cause more havoc in the Pisces than to any other sign. Every organ in the body is an outer symbol of a psychological principle. The kidneys—ruled by Libra—are the purifiers of the bloodstream in the body; they filter out the impurities. Marriage acts as a purifier for the ego. Having to learn to compromise and relate to others purifies us from our selfishness and our self-centeredness. It is not by withdrawal from the arena of life that we grow a soul. It is through participation and learning to flow unresistingly with the stream of events.


With Scorpio on the house of the superconscious mind, Pisces seeks the meaning of life. There is depth in his desire to know its meaning. He is not superficial and does not live on the surface of life. There is emotional intensity in his desire to know and understand the purpose of living. Pisces is not orthodox in the search for truth. He wants to understand the occult laws and investigate until he feels satisfied there is a meaning and a plan. He likes to travel and does so a great deal. There can be activity in publishing or higher education. He has healing power. If he chooses to work in the medical field, he makes a wonderful physician and healer. His quiet presence brings a blessing to all with whom he comes in contact.


There is executive ability and the ability to be a leader in the career. Money, work, and service are vital issues because Pisces has fire signs on the second, sixth, and tenth houses. He is ambitious and wants to be successful. This is not so much a drive for power as a desire to achieve where service to others is concerned. He wants to express idealism hi his career. He is able to reach the top in his profession because he is willing to work very hard to do so. He is able to sell his ideas to the public due to Jupiter influence in this house. He is friendly and outgoing in his work with the public. This is the house where the friendly, outgoing “fish” operates.


Pisces does not want a great many friends. He would rather have a few close friends and is “choosey” where his intimates are concerned. He is not naturally gregarious and does not like crowds. He is not a joiner. When he is through with his work, he prefers a good book and a quiet fireside to company. Because of Saturn's influence in this house, in youth his friends are sought in an older age bracket. He is more comfortable with older people than with those of his own age. His goals and objectives are usually reached, for he is willing to work very hard to make them possible.


It is difficult for Pisces to feel hemmed in and restrained, but he does. Of all the signs, he is the one who feels he is doing a lifetime at hard labor in a “prisonhouse of skin.” There is a longing for freedom in the heart of every Pisces, a nostalgia for the highlands of the spirit. His psychic sensitivity is very strong. It is difficult for him to cope with the harsh, dense world of matter. If he is an evolved Piscean, he can accept exile from his true homeland for the sake of service he came to earth to render. If he is unevolved, he seeks escape from the outer world through drinking and often through drugs. To this type anything that takes the pressure off earth living is justifiable. But the price is steep and the payment sure. Through descending into darkness, the light is found. It is a lonely road, but it leads to light and love.


The last sign on the first house means the ending of the personality and the dissolution of the animal self. This isn't easy. The keyword of Neptune is sacrifice, and here the personal self must be given up so that the soul may come forth in all its glory. There is not a great deal of physical energy when Pisces is on the ascendant. The emotional reaction to life is great and drains energy from the physical body. Pisces is a dual sign, and there are two definite types of people with Pisces ascendants. There are the servers, the doers, not strong physically but who lose all thought of self in service to others. He draws energy from higher levels for he is tuned to dimensions beyond the earth plane. Calm, introspective, compassionate, and detached, he goes about his work quietly and with no fanfare. He is the “salt of the earth.” Then there is the drifter, the dreamer. He dreams big dreams and vast schemes seethe in his mind; but he goes no further than dreaming. He is the “lotus-eater”, losing himself in the land of dreams. He cannot face failure, so he will not try. Pisces on the ascendant is not practical but emotional in outlook on life. He is easily discouraged and is apt to be moody. Music is very helpful and feeds his emotions as food feeds his body. If he would learn to play a musical instrument, it would help to harmonize his emotional equipment and balance his forces. There is a great lonliness in Pisces that nothing in the world of matter can take from him. The dark night of the soul is an inte gral part of the Pisces incarnation. It must be so in order to release the soul from the bondage of the personality. A willingness to accept aloneness will set him free. The way is up for Pisces, not down.