Venus in the Signs and Houses

VENUS IN ARIES (Detriment)

Venus is in its detriment sign. Here is “self” satisfaction. Where Venus loves she is apt to do much for the loved one, but in this position she is apt to love herself through the loved one. A tendency to touchiness and is apt to be easily offended due to self love. Apt to be inconsiderate of others without realizing it. This is a love springing into activity with ardor and enthusasm, but not a sustaining and nurturing kind of caring. Passion and aggressiveness can be strong, thus Venus may lose her sweetness in this sign. The lesson needed with this placement is the ability to put one-self in the other fellow's shoes. In spite of an impulsive approach to love, Venus in Aries is idealistic, and is always seeking outwardly that which can only be found within. There is a tendency to lack stability for Venus can tire quickly and change her mind often in the impulsive, restless sign of Aries.


Venus is the ruler of Taurus and is powerful in an earthy sense in this sign. Physical and sensual responses to emotions and feelings are strongly accentuated. Demonstrative and affectionate as well as passionate and extremely possessive. Material possessions are important because Taurus is the sign that brings everything into focus on the material plane. Emotions color the life. Fond of comfort. Can have a pleasing voice. Strong domesticity. Good disposition if not heavily afflicted. Very stubborn in a quiet and unassuming way. Loyal in friendships and in love if jealousy and resentment do not enter in.


Here is the light, airy, charming, superficial Venus if she does not have fixed signs to balance her forces. Great charm, wit, and expressiveness. Understands passion but does not feel it too strongly. Emotions are sifted through the mind instead of through the feelings. An entertaining companion but not one to be taken too seriously. Needs to learn constancy. Hard for them to decide on one love when there are so many from which to choose. Often two important loves in the life, though not always at the same time. Very friendly and makes a delightful companion if you do not try to pin the butterfly down. Strong relationship with kinsfolk.


Here is sentimentality rather than strong or ardent affection. Venus in this sign is plastic, kindly, gentle, receptive, changeable, feminine and forever looking for security. The basic need is security, whether it is exemplified by dependency on persons or material possessions. Venus in Cancer operates subconsciously so it is completely emotional and instinctive in its dependency, and its search for security never ends. Loyalty to the family is strong. Despite her tenacity when the emotional life is frustrated or blocked, Venus in this sign is susceptible to depleting diseases. If the love life is not satisfactory this Venus can have psychological indigestion that will affect the physical digestive organs eventually. Because of their lack of aggressiveness people with Venus in Cancer are liked. There is a quietness that has charm, yet because of the Moon's influence there is little constancy. They are mothering rather than mating people. They love children and are fond of home and parents.


No one with Venus in Leo is ever talked into anything unless they want to be. They can shut desire on and off at will, through the will. Venus in Leo dramatizes emotional experience to the hilt. Emotional responses are honest, frank, and many times calculated. Loyal and affectionate where their affections are concerned. Very attractive. Loves pleasure and is particularly fond of the theater. Colorful personality. Venus in Leo is not as impatient as Venus in Aries, or as possessive as Venus in Taurus, but is kindly and extremely compassionate towards others. Even when afflicted there is a dignity and warm-heartedness that makes them very pleasing to others.


Venus is very unhappy in the sign of Virgo. The person who has Venus in the sign of its fall has to learn to be loving. It is the signature of one who has been unloving and superficial in past lifetimes; one who has not learned that when criticism comes in the door, Love departs. Makes an excellent housewife, but needs warmth and lovingness to make a home. Cold and critical and needs many good aspects to warm her up. Fastidiousness and purity are strong but does not relate to others easily. Conventions stand guard over the emotions but “don't let the tail wag the dog.” Inclined to put off marriage because they see so many imperfections. Harmonious in their work if Venus is unafflicted. Benefit through employees. Strong desire to serve.


In this sign Venus is at home and at her best. Released from the earthly bondage she knows in Taurus, and because of the airy, intellectual quality of Libra, an air sign, she is more refined, esthetic, and artistic. Expresses on the mental and spiritual levels rather than the physical plane. Direct and clear emotions; the young at heart. Easily hurt but do not hold a grudge unless Venus is afflicted. Gives keen sense of color. Makes a good hostess for Venus in Libra relates to others easily. Sincerity and yet impersonality too. Can not function in a discordant atmosphere without the health being affected.


Venus in Scorpio is in its detriment. Venus cannot function well in a domain ruled by Mars, for Mars is everything that is aggressive, forceful and outgoing while Venus draws to herself through the power of love. She represents the attraction principle while Mars represents the repulsion principle. Venus draws everything to the center. Mars rules the animal soul while Venus, the love principle, rules the human soul. Passion and aggressiveness need curbing when Venus is in Scorpio. There is selfishness masked by a friendly outward manner. Selfish desire and self will are too strong. Can be cruel or suffer from cruelty because of karma tied with the misuse of the love principle. Makes individual strongly passionate yet can be very inhibited. The love nature needs regeneration and reorientation. Though they can be very attractive to the opposite sex, their love is usually a stormy one until the lack of real lovingness is recognized and redeemed.


Demonstrative and friendly in affection. A breezy attitude toward love. Not always dependable where affections are concerned. Good intuition. Two different types are shown when there are planets in Sagittarius. The gambler type who loves fun and a good time; extravagant, easygoing, and always ready to be on the move. The other type is philosophical, religious, great inner strength, and idealistic in nature. To know which type study the aspects to Venus and if image is afflicted to image it will be the first type. Good aspects and a strong image will indicate the second type.image in image is well placed for it is a combination of image and image and both are benefice. In studying a horoscope there must be a synthesis of all the energies operating before a judgment can be made. In early lessons you learned the meaning of the planets in the signs and now you will learn how to synthesize the energies to know the total pattern. Think of the domain in which the planet is placed as being the home of the ruler of the sign. They work together. Here we have Venus in Jupiter's home. Both are benefic in operation so Venus is well-placed in Sagittarius.


Venus is in the domain of Saturn in this sign so there is an entirely different expression of the love nature and emotions than there is in the sign of Sagittarius Here will be the seriousness, caution and pride of Saturn. Intensifies ambition and a desire for prestige and status. Behind an outer assurance is a timidity in love and reserve in expressing feelings. There is a fear of giving too much of oneself, and a desire to shield the, self from hurt. Disappointments in love during the youth, especially if Venus is afflicted, can be overcome by willingness to go the way of love and hold no bitterness or resentment toward the one who brought the suffering. Fear and selfishness must be overcome and Venus in Capricorn has the strength and patience to do it.


Venus in this sign is cool, calm, collected and detached. How can the personal Venus feel happy in the impersonal, aloof sign of Aquarius? She isn't! She can function well in friendships, with acquaintances, and in groups. But when it comes to the personal equation she does not do very well. Venus in Aquarius finds it very difficult to understand the emotionally oriented for she strains her feelings through her mind stuff. She has a clear cut mind but icy and cold emotions. Often has a background of an early life where demonstrations of lovingness were missing. If Venus in this sign is afflicted by Saturn, Uranus, or Mars, the love life will be unfortunate until a true sense of love is inculcated. There would be a debt from a past life where love is concerned. Until that debt is paid by willing sacrifice and of love that asks nothing in return, the individuals would not have the love in their lives they would like. A person with Venus in Aquarius could be righteous, ethical and correct but lacking in lovingness and understanding.


Venus rules personal affection and Neptune rules divine compassion. Venus in Neptune's home, Pisces, symbolizes the love that is willing to sacrifice and is not afraid of suffering. It is wounded often by its understanding of love. It is exalted in the sign Pisces because it has come to understand that only through love can we know the freedom of the spirit. Aphrodite, rising out of the foam of the ocean (ruled by Neptune), symbolizes the love that rises out of the sea of emotions and finds herself free in the upper air (symbol of spirit). Highly emotional and supersensitive, she suffers through love. Through suffering she goes free. Poetical and musical. Extremely psychic. Attracted to the underdog and those less fortunate. Needs to learn discrimination where love of a personal nature is concerned. Softness and tenderness is part of her nature with a great capacity for self-sacrifice and devotion. An extremely romantic nature. In the younger soul a strength of character is missing. When disappointment and disillusion come there is a retreat rather than a facing up to difficulties. With Venus in Pisces one must love for love's sake. Personal love must be lost in divine compassion.

Freedom in Pisces can only come through spiritual growth and understanding.



Charming, friendly, unusually attractive personality, but “me” first. Makes the early life pleasant and harmonious. Brings luck into the life. Person does well if he works in an intimate or personal way with the public. Can be lazy about stirring themselves for others unless Venus is well aspected and in a good sign. A love of harmonious and orderly surroundings. A love of beauty and an artistic nature. Often quite good looking.


Draws benefits of a financial nature and is able to attract benefits and resources without difficulty. “Lucky” person where money is concerned. Money often comes through inheritance. Venus people can be successful in feminine occupations: hair dressing, jewelry, gift shops, art, etc.


Early life pleasant, good relationships in environment. Attracts benefits in environment due to pleasant nature. Can be lazy mentally for Venus is not happy using her mind. Likes to move around but not too far from home surroundings. Is artistic and creative. Does not like to argue. Venus operates through persuasion, not pressure. Love of art and music. Very pleasant type of person.


A love of home and mother if Venus is not heavily afflicted. There is a lovingness at the roots of the being, and the latter part of life will be blessed with happy conditions. A love of social contacts and an interest in people with Venus in this house. An optimistic nature that makes for popularity if Venus is well placed by sign. A strong desire to own her own home. This will be fulfilled. Strongly artistic nature that is capable of making that home beautiful. Peaceful ending to life in comfort and surrounded by love if person uses this Venus wisely.


Creative ability. Successful love affairs and gain through speculation if unafflicted. Gain through children of mind and emotions as well as children of the body. Attractive to the opposite sex. Capacity for self-expression through art or music. Can be of great service to young people of teen age and early twenties.


Very favorable for health if not seriously afflicted. Good for employment. Gives diplomacy and popularity in working conditions. Good position for those who act as mediators, agents, arbitrators, or in any work done for or with women. Self-indulgence can affect health if Venus is afflicted in this house. The part of the body afflicted will be shown by the sign Venus occupies. Sugars and starches should be avoided.


Harmonious relationships due to the friendliness of Venus in this house. Partnerships favored if Venus is well-placed by sign and well aspected. Person draws happy conditions due to a loving nature. Gives a happy marriage if unafflicted. If Venus in this house does not marry it will be from choice for there will be many opportunities. This person attracts love because of having been a loving person in other lives. What we have given to others comes back to us through others. The seventh house shows what is coming back.


This is the house of money, inheritance, and possessions coming through legacies. When Venus is in this house person inherits money. Often the inheritance comes through the marriage partner, or his relatives. Tendency to inertia is characteristic of this position. Venus smooths the way in whatever house she is placed, but sometimes a smooth road can be a detriment. There is a laziness, a lack of discipline, and sensuality if Venus is afflicted in this house.


Long journeys bring much happiness. Person often moves far from his place of birth after he reaches maturity. Far away fields are greener and more fruitful with Venus in the ninth house. May marry someone born in a far off country. A happy relationship with in-laws shown. The ninth house is the third from the marriage house so it rules the relatives of the marriage partner. Gives a refined and artistic type of consciousness and a keen appreciation of the higher, cultural aspects of life.


Gives success and prestige before the public. Favors prosperity and good will, for the individual has a loving and friendly approach to the world. For this reason he attracts benefits and blessings from the world. The attracting power of Venus is very strong in any angle but particularly in the seventh and tenth houses. In the seventh, Venus attracts a loving partner. In the tenth, Venus attracts those she contacts in the world of business and the public.


Brings gain through friends whose desire will be the forwarding of the interests of the person. This is the house of goals and objectives, and these are attained through friendships with Venus placed in this house. The afflictions would give self-indulgence and lack of discrimination in choice of friends.


Gives a secrecy to the emotional life and a tendency to seek solitude. What this person really feels within is seldom expressed. Sometimes there is a hidden love affair not known to others. If afflicted by Neptune the person may be in love with someone who is not free. Self-indulgence in drink or drugs can bring difficulties with Venus afflicted in this house. To those who are evolved, this position can give a strong compassion and a desire to serve God through helping those less fortunate. Worldly success would not be important. Devotion to an ideal would be the motivating force. Venus in this house is extremely protective and denotes a guardian angel that guides and protects though the individual may not know it.