According to the Greek myth Saturn robbed his father, Uranus, of the dominion of the world. Uranus was given the rulership of the heavens. Behind the Sun that is the ruler of our system is another Sun which is the real power behind our Sun. There is no power in the chart stronger than Uranus. It is the symbol of the Super Will when it is operating in its most constructive sense. The keyword of Uranus is “Behold I maketh all things new.” The American Indians spoke of the Sun being a hole in the sky and said the real Sun was behind the hole. They were talking of Uranus. It is the one planet in the chart that you can do nothing about. It always operates through another person or through circumstances over which you have no control. What is in your power is how you will react. You have the ability to react rightly or wrongly.
No one can tell exactly how Uranus will act in your chart where progressions or transits are concerned. It is unexpected, sudden and unpredictable in its action. If it conjuncts or opposes a strong planet in your chart by transit there will be a change in direction, an unexpected turn in the life that will change circumstances for you. Uranus never leaves you where it found you. It never takes anything from you without giving you something better in its place. It frees you from the ruts in which you may be comfortably ensconced in order to bring new growth, new expansion and new experiences. Uranus has a seven year cycle and if it is in an angle, especially the first house, your life will run in seven year cycles. The 41st and 42nd year are important for Uranus has made its opposition point to the place it was at birth. The cycle of Uranus in its travel around the Sun is 84 years. So one gets a conjunction or opposition once in a lifetime to whatever planet it contacts.
If you would know whether Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, or if it is Saturn, note the positions of Uranus and Saturn in the birthchart. If Saturn is stronger, by being angular or powerfully configurated with the Sun or Moon, then the individual will be much more like Capricorn than like the new age Aquarian. If Uranus is angular, even in the charts of those not born in Aquarius, you have the new age ego who will not be bound by tradition, or the past. Saturn is the lawmaker. Uranus is the lawbreaker in the sense of not conforming merely because he is expected to do so. The new age ego marches to a different drumbeat than those who cling to the past. Their only authority will be within and not in the outer world of appearance. It will be the spirit and not the form that will be of importance. Whenever you find Uranus in angular houses, especially the first and the tenth, then you will know this is an individualist who will march to his own music and not that of any other person's making. We are on the edge of the age of Aquarius. A new keynote is being centered on the planet and this helps to explain why the people all over the planet are in revolt against the “status quo.”
Always there is a going to extreme when there is a breaking up of the crystallized and old patterns. Later there will come a leveling off. The Piscean age of limitation and restriction is dying and a new age is being born. Birth is always painful, but out of pain and suffering will come a rebirth for the planet.
Uranus in the sign is not as important as the house it is in, and the aspects it makes. This is due to the fact that everyone born in a seven year period will have Uranus in the same sign. Uranus rules the changes that come to the planet as a whole and shows the trends in civilization as well as the nature of the individual.
Uranus in Aries ushered in a new world in 1928. The egos born into this planet since then have been of a different nature than those born before that year. Due to certain Cosmic initiations, changes began that were to change the scheme of things as they were. We were to be stepped up in consciousness and a new world was to be born. In 1968 the opposition point to Aries brought crisis after crisis and the end is not yet in sight. All the established values are being tested. Humanity is on the march toward freedom but not knowing what real freedom is, there is chaos and confusion. Until we will the Will of our Higher Will, there will be no peace on earth or any ending to the confusion. Until there is true brotherhood on earth there will be no ending to wars. Do not expect it. The geographical disturbances, the tornados, the hurricanes and the earthquakes that so many are prophesying are the result of man's misuse of God-given energy. The atomic testings are disturbing the atmosphere and the price we will pay will be great. Only those whose magnetic fields are free of tension can come safely through the times of crisis. The lack of discord in the magnetic field of the individual is the greatest protection one can have. We cannot escape influences but we can choose what influences us.
Note the positions of Uranus and Mars, and the aspects between them, to know how this position of Uranus will operate. If the two planets are in harmony this can be the individual who has genius, healing power and the ability to project new ideas and make them work. It is the pioneering spirit backed by enough energy and individualism to bring new concepts and new ideas to the earth. Action is quick and impulsive. If Mars is afflicted to Uranus there is difficulty due to rebelliousness, erraticness, impulsiveness and foolhardiness. The individual is accident prone. His rashness can take him out of the body very suddenly if he doesn't learn to control his temper and his impulsiveness. Inventive ability is strong. Tendency to headaches caused by inability to relax the nervous system. If Uranus is angular the person is highly geared and temperamental.
Here Uranus is operating through Venus' field. Emphasis is on feeling rather than action. Taurus deals with the world of matter, and Uranus isn't interested in material matters. It belongs to the intuitive and higher realms of thought. It is in the sign of its fall in Taurus. When Uranus went into Taurus the U.S. went off the gold standard. The banks were closed. The depression set in and the values inherent in materialism were challenged as never before in the country's history. With Uranus in Taurus note its relation to Venus in the chart. If the two planets are afflicted there will be upsets and separations where love affairs are concerned. Unconventional attitudes can bring grief where marriage is concerned. Unexpected upsets could cause upheavals, especially when there would be a Uranus transit to the natal Venus. If Venus and Uranus are harmoniously configurated in the birthchart there would be charm, magnetism and the promise of a union that would bring great happiness to the individual. Creativity of an artistic nature would be strong.
Though this position makes a nervous restless temperament, it is a good place for Uranus. The emphasis is on the mind and as Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury it steps up the ability of the mind to grasp new concepts and ideas quickly. Person is successful in any occupation that deals with ideas, teaching, writing and in the communication fields such as radio and television. Trouble with relatives if Mercury is afflicted to Uranus. Very restless type of individual and likes to move around. Education is very important and should not be bypassed with Uranus in this sign. When Uranus went into Gemini the whole emphasis on education was altered in our country. Through the G.I. bill thousands of people were enabled to go to college. There was a time when a high school education was enough but when Uranus went into Gemini the emphasis on higher education caused the requirements to be raised. Today a college education is necessary and demanded in positions of importance in the world. Note aspects between Mercury and Uranus in the birthchart.
Uranus operates in the field of the Moon in this sign. Emotions stemming from the subconscious need attention. Erratic and irrational feelings especially if Uranus is configurated with the Moon. If Uranus is afflicted, difficulties in the home in the early years will have an effect on the person's emotional life in later years. Insecurity will cause emotional upheavals that will have no logical explanation. During the time Uranus was in Cancer books dealing with the subconscious began to appear. The irrational world of feeling began to be explored. Cancer rules homes and new concepts, gadgets and ideas dealing with home making began to operate. Ranch houses and split level dwellings began to dot the landscape. Basements (fourth house influence) became playrooms. The old fashioned mother who stayed in the home and reared her children disappeared. She wanted to be an individual in her own right.
URANUS IN LEO (Detriment)
Here the rebels have been born. Strong will and determination are the labels of these souls. Compounded will that will brook no interference. Spirited and highminded if Uranus is well aspected. If afflicted, misuse of the will is going to cause difficulties until the will is made subservient to the Will of the Higher Self. Can be extremely destructive if not disciplined in childhood. Tremendous vitality and forcefulness. Similar to Uranus conjunct the Sun. Leo rules gold and Uranus in Leo has disturbed the gold standard and the end is not yet in sight. Leo rules governments and dictators. Uranus always upsets the status quo. Dictators came and went in these seven years. Dictators always do for tyranny has the seeds of its own destruction within it. New nations were born and have been going through the birth pangs inherent in any birth into freedom.
From the seven years that Uranus has been in Virgo will come our new age scientists, inventors, advanced medical researchers and our new educators. Ability to analyze and to discriminate will be strong in them. Interest in natural foods and natural means of building a strong body is already manifesting. Back to the soil for organic foods will be the demand of the young people. Interest in natural means of maintaining health will be strong in those born with Uranus in Virgo. The power of the mind in regard to healing the body will be promulgated. An upsetting of the status quo in order to have a different set of values has been part of the transit of Uranus in Virgo. Virgo represents the “little people” and all over the planet they have demanded that their rights as individuals be recognized. This will not abate for Uranus is the planet of evolution as well as the planet of revolution. He will work constructively or destructively according to how the energy is used; but, like a juggernaut, he cannot be stopped. The civil rights movement is part of the effect of the Uranian change that began with Uranus in Virgo.
Uranus was in Libra from 1885 to 1891, and the planet was reborn into a new era when it entered Aries in 1928. The years when Uranus is in Libra (1968-1975) are very important for the world. The symbolic meaning of Libra is “High winds and linestorms followed by calm.” Always the wreckers must prepare the way for the builders. Libra rules law and justice. Legislation will change the status quo. The Piscean age leaders will be part of the past having no say in the future. Youth will be controlling legislature where government is concerned. New forms of art will emerge as the convention smashing art subsides. The planetary subconscious is in upheaval throwing up the tensions that have been underground so long. Chaotic music, crashing colors, psychedelic art forms are breaking up crystallizations but are not here to stay. When they have accomplished their purpose they will depart. Those born with Uranus in Libra will bring in the new forms of harmony and beauty. They will be freer flowing than the generation of today. Uranus is the esoteric ruler of Libra. The person who has Uranus in Libra wants harmony and beauty around them and will work towards attaining them. Many upsets in relationships and marriage due to the fact that these souls are individualists that want freedom. Unless it is given the relationship will be broken. Attitudes toward marriage will not be conventional for the spirit of the union will be more important than the form. Legalities will not be as important as love. If Uranus in Libra is afflicted, the kidneys in the physical body will neeed attention. Kidneys act as purifiers of the toxins that can accumulate in the body; relationships act as purifiers where the psychological body is concernea
A powerful position for Uranus. Tremendous will and persistence that will find an outlet, whether it be constructive or destructive. Makes a fine healer, psychologist or surgeon for they have the ability to probe deeply into the cause of distress. If Uranus is afflicted, jealousy, envy and possessiveness has to be overcome. Can be a devil or a saint and are capable of the highest or the lowest where morals are concerned. Self will or God's will; the choice would have to be made in this sign. The necessity for transformation and regeneration is a “must” when Uranus is in this sign. There can be no freedom without it. Passion must become compassion; resentment must be displaced by understanding.
When Jupiter and Uranus join as they do in this combination of forces, intuition and judgment go hand in hand. An inner optimism stems from this combination. There will be a desire to expand the horizons, whether inwardly through knowledge of the higher planes or outwardly through travel. Advanced views on religion. Do not want to feel bound by orthodoxy or dogma but have a strong religious faith that is part of the inner life. Sagittarius rules the thighs and hips in the physical body and difficulties with the sciatic nerves that go down the legs will give trouble if Uranus is afflicted in this sign. Osteopathy will do far more good than medicine if there is this difficulty. The lower back region can give difficulty.
Uranus in Sagittarius is philosophical and Uranus in Capricorn is practical in an earthy sense. It is ambitious, political in its approach and worldly prestige is very important. Uranus is the planet of change and Capricorn hates change. So there is conflict. Capricorn is delegated authority. One side of the nature resents not being free. The other side is conventional, traditional and stuffy and wants to stick to the status quo. One side clings to the past while part of the individual is trying to go forward into the future. The health is affected if the person doesn't resolve the conflict by deciding whether he is going to be a Saturnian or Uranian. He can not have it both ways. The physical body is the terminal point of mental and emotional disturbance and with Uranus in this sign difficulties are apt to be in the stomach and digestive system. The inability to digest experience where the psychological equipment is concerned manifests as ulcers and digestive problems in the physical body.
Here is the intellectual, scientific type of consciousness. Unless there are planets in water signs this position can make the person too detached and impersonal. Needs to learn compassion and understanding of the emotionally oriented individual. A strongly inventive type of individual who prefers to work alone or behind the scenes. An independent strong willed nature that cannot be pushed but can be reached through logic and reason. Circulation in the body apt to become sluggish if the person doesn't exercise his body sufficiently.
This position breaks up the old habit patterns and brings intuitive wisdom and understanding. Very psychic type. Interested in helping and serving humanity. Is not the business type who wants money and power. Suffers from oversensitivity. Nervous system apt to be strained from overwork. Needs to learn to relax physically and emotionally, if they want to be healthy. Need for the B vitamins very important. An inner longing to be free of earth and its complexities that is only assuaged when the personality becomes the servant of the soul. When this position of Uranus is heavily afflicted the person seeks to escape through alcohol, drugs or sex.
Individuality very strong. Must follow his own intuitive sense, whether it be for good or ill. Very original theories and methods of working. Erratic and sudden impulses not always understood, not only by others but by himself. Must surrender the willfulness inherent in this position of Uranus. Unrest and isolation will always be felt until the will becomes willingness. Has his own code of ethics for the spirit is important not the form. Not a conformist and apt to be too direct and blunt in opinions. A wayshower and a leader, not a follower.
Sudden and unforseen circumstances where finances and income are concerned. Ups and downs in money conditions. Not a fixed income. Great desire for independence so do well in their own business. Not good for speculation if afflicted. Inventive where business ideas are concerned. Original methods of making money.
Must learn to accept environment in early years. Willfulness and rebelliousness can cause difficulties. Upsets in home life in growing up years can cause suffering especially if Uranus is afflicted. Good position for the scientist, chemist and those interested in research. Great mental restlessness. Sudden and unexpected urges to travel keep this individual on the move. Upsets where brothers and sisters are concerned. Apt to feel like an alien in his home environment. Keen and alert mind but lacking in concentration. Has to be willing to give up self will.
Upsetting domestic conditions unless Uranus is well aspected. Not a domestic type and doesn't want a fixed and settled home life unless Uranus is in a fixed sign. Restlessness in the roots of being can cause unstable conditions in the life. Crystallization is broken by sudden and unexpected changes. Many changes of position and location. Interest in astrology and metaphysics in later years. Unsettled conditions around mother effect this individual emotionally.
Self-restraint and self-knowledge needed as person can be reckless and foolhardy. Too strong an assertion of individualism if Uranus is afflicted. Children are original, independent and unusual. If the child's energies are channeled rightly in early years all will be well. If children are not disciplined, parents will suffer through their children's destructive actions. Creative and inventive type of individual. Unconventional where love affairs are concerned. Wants to feel free no matter what the cost. Wants to work for himself rather than for others.
Good worker but needs a job that enables him to move around. Routine is not for him. Ingenious and original in nature. Highly nervous so prolonged job is unbearable. Either drives himself mercilessly far beyond his physical strength or fights his job all the way. Has to learn the hard way to be obedient and do as he is told. Chronic illness can play havoc if the ability to control irritation and impatience is not gained. Apt to be hasty and impatient with others. If he is an employer many upsets where employees are concerned due to his own bruskness and lack of empathy.
Difficulties in marriage. Too independent. Divorce or separation, sometimes by sudden death if Uranus is afflicted in this house. Apt to attract a partner who wants to feel free and be a law unto themselves. Partnerships in business as well as marriage or unions will demand a great deal of discipline. The kind of a partner we attract denotes karmic conditions either good or ill. If Uranus is afflicted to Venus or Mars marriage is difficult and ends in separation. Can be a very unusual marriage if both parties are evolved.
Very strong psychic feeling as well as keen intuition. Unexpected and sudden upsets where deaths are concerned. If Uranus is afflicted to Mars, individual can meet his death through accidents or violence unless he eliminates discord from his magnetic field. Must be careful where business partnerships are concerned. Should not go into partnerships without due forethought. Difficulties with inheritances but a well aspected Uranus in this house could mean an unexpected windfall. Sexual impulses need controlling if Uranus is afflicted. When death comes it is apt to be sudden and unexpected. This does not show the time death would occur. When heavy planets would be afflicted to the natal Uranus the individual should use caution where cars and machinery are concerned. Bad temper would cause accidents. Don't drive when angry is excellent advice to anyone with an afflicted Uranus in this house.
Success in publishing, teaching, or in foreign affairs. Gives unusual journeys, either on material plane or unusual experiences where the super-conscious planes are concerned. Not orthodox in religious views. Difficulties with in-laws if Uranus is afflicted. Apt to marry someone from another country.
Not a conformer. Needs to be own boss due to strong individualistic pattern. Altruistic and humanitarian in outlook. Strong imagination and originality. Rather peculiar concepts at times but cannot be argued out of them. The indirect approach is better with this individual. Gives an interest in astrology and occult subjects. If configurated with the Sun, the person would be a good astrologer.
Unpredictable changes where goals and objectives are concerned. Person will change his mind a number of times before he settles into his life work. Two types of friends; the conventional Saturnians and the bohemian Uranians and never the twain do meet. Feelings of sympathy and antipathy very strong and changeable. Uranus afflicted in this house can cause trouble because of association with the wrong types of people.
Tremendous desire to feel free but often feels cribbed, cabined and confined. Self-control a necessity for person is his own worst enemy. In dealing with people and situations this person must use persuasion and not force. Good position for researchers or those who work behind the scenes. Person apt to be a loner. If Uranus is afflicted, investigation into psychic or occult worlds could bring trouble, especially where the nerves are concerned. With Uranus in this house the need is to accept life as it is and not set up subconscious resistances.