The Art of Interpretation

The art of interpretation—and it is an art—depends on the ability of the student to get a mental grasp of the nature of the energies involved as well as an intuitive feeling of their meaning. Those who meditate on the symbols can pierce through the symbol to the energy or actuality that the symbol represents. The astrologer must be able to have some idea of where the client stands on the path of evolution in delineating the birthchart and counsel him at that level. If the individual is involving himself in matter, and building a personality he will be very different to the one who is evolving out of the personality and building a soul.

When most of the planets are in the first six signs and the higher octave planets are not angular or configurated with Sun, Moon or Mercury, the person is involving himself with the world of appearance and the personality. When the last six signs have many planets in them and the higher octave planets are prominent, the soul is more advanced and the person will be evolving out of personality orientation. His life, though more difficult, will be more effective. This planet is a school and the different grades are different stages in growth and development. The life of the kindergartener and those in the early grades of school are comparatively uncomplicated. In the higher grades studies are harder and more work must be done and more tests taken. The stronger the soul the more squares and oppositions in the chart. It takes great strength to meet the bigger challenges of life. There is no affliction in the chart that cannot be changed and unredeemed. It starts with a change of attitude or consciousness. The world outside is the world of manifestation; not the world of creation. Everything is created inwardly and then projected into the world of manifestation. If this cosmic law was fully realized the key to the secret of this universe could be used in the outer world. Change your attitude, release the tension and allow the true nature of the planets (energies) to work, seeking to be but a channel through whom the energies can flow. You then can flow with the rhythm of life and know the true meaning of joy.

The astrological pattern is meant to be a guide to show how the tides are flowing at any particular time. The wise person uses these tides and makes allowances for them. He cannot escape their influences but he can use them and does not allow them to influence him negatively. Each birthchart marks a step in the evolution of the soul and represents the character of the Self in the body and shows the environmental conditions necessary for the next step forward in consciousness. He can dilly dally if he chooses. He can pass by or pass up his opportunities; then he fails to pass his grades and is held back to do that grade over again until he is able to go on to the next grade. The choice is his. God is patient. God is also pressure and pressure is the inexorable force that cannot be evaded except for a certain length of time.

The planets are symbols that convey eternal truths to those ready to receive them. They have preserved the Cosmic law since the beginning of time. As far back as there is any planetary history the symbols have been found.

For centuries astrology fell into disrepute because, like so many things on earth, it fell into the wrong hands and was used as fortunetelling and was exploited by those seeking to gain through it instead of seeking to give through it. The Light was withdrawn and the inner truths behind it were not given to the profane. With the dawning of the Aquarian Age there are those who have come to earth to restore astrology as a sacred science. Many there are who are doing this work, and many there will be who will do it. Many there are who may use it for their own ends and deride those who work to raise the level of consciousness of those who seek understanding. Ever it has been and ever it will be for this is a world of duality and “choose ye this day whom ye will serve” is as true today as it was 2,000 years ago.

It is particularly important in astrological counseling to study the chart well before talking about it. If the chart has mutable signs on the angles the individual will remember every negative comment and forget every positive statement. He is a worrier and full of fear. In every diagnosis of the afflictions give an antitode that will clear up the conflict. No physician diagnoses a disease without giving the remedy that can cure it. If the person is emotionally oriented it is through his feelings he can be helped. If he is intellectually oriented he can be reached through reason. If he is strongly materialistic he will be the one who will say “I'm not interested in anything except finances” and “what I'm going to get out of this or that situation.” Then it's up to the astrologer to talk, first about finances, and then (lovingly) show the individual how what happens to him outwardly cannot be detached from the person he is on the inside. The body cannot be detached from the person living in it and have any life power or energy. The truly inspired astrologer is the one who is oriented spiritually and really cares about every individual that comes, whether they come out of curiosity or a real need. Unless the astrologer has become soul-oriented how can he help another soul. Unless the astrologer has known pain, suffering and loneliness how can he help someone who is suffering. Pain is the breaking of the shell of selfishness and only through pain (not around it) can one feel the pain of others and be able to say in great love “I know.” The true astrologer will be a healing agent and will know he is only the channel through which the Power flows. Then, added to his knowledge gained through study, will come that plus factor that is not of this dimension but comes through from the Love that eternally sustains the universe. Come to your study of astrology in reverence for the wonder of life and a desire to understand yourself and change what is manifesting negatively in yourself. Then you can help others and your service to them will be appraised and based on loving understanding. When you know Love and Joy it can be transmitted through you to others.