Pluto is the slowest moving of all the planets, and its journey through the twelve signs of the Zodiac takes 247.7 years. It stays in the sign Taurus longest, taking 30 years to complete the transit, and the least amount of time in Scorpio. It stays in its own sign only 12 years.
When a new planet is added to the hierarchy of our solar family, it is a sign of a new step in the evolutionary process of man. From the beginning there has been division of opinion where Pluto is concerned. Whether it is malefic or benefic; whether it rules Scorpio or Aries; whether it is of our own solar system or a planet captured or borrowed from another system are questions still being discussed. Answers have come psychically and in truly Scorpio fashion, and from the subconscious in true Plutonian fashion.
The naming of the planet is a perfect example. At first it was quite simply called Planet X. When one investigates the letter X occultly, we find that it denotes adjustment on the emotional plane. X is of an emotional and dual nature. It carries within its vibration psychic ability and heralds the awakening of intuition. The Flagstaff Observatory asked people all over the world to send suggestions for a name for the new planet. An eleven year old girl, Venetia Burney, of Oxford, England, proposed the name Pluto for the new planet. Eleven is a Neptunian vibration signifying psychic ability. Hers was the first proposal to be received at the Flagstaff Observatory, and was accepted. “And a little child shall lead them.”
During the time since the discovery of Pluto the world has experienced wars, assassinations, a resurgence of violence, and gangland type organizations who parasitically live off the labor of the common man. There were those who quickly took note of the negative use of this energy and branded Pluto malefic, dark, and destructive. This is only partially true. Because it is dual there is also positive use of the same energy. If he so chooses man can use the line of least resistance and bring himself destruction and misery. When dealing with this most powerful radiation with wisdom and reason, the Minerva aspect of Pluto is in evidence, and the end result is a big step forward for mankind.
Coinciding with the discovery of Pluto was the famous kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby. Pluto was given rulership over kidnapping. However, only those spiritually tuned in could see the Minerva aspect at work. Up until this time, there were no federal laws that were enforced against kidnapping. Through that kidnapping, the legislature was able to get laws passed which henceforth would protect all children.
The great work of Dr. Sigmund Freud, and later that of his student, Dr. Carl Jung, opened the realm of the unconscious for investigation. Pluto's discovery heralded a new day for man's thinking and feeling processes. The recognition that our fears were projections of our own unconscious served as an impetus to cause people to come to terms with the hidden side of themselves.
Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, can be either saint or devil. In its negative manifestations there is utter emotional confusion and subterranean destruction. There is conflict and instinctual self-defeatism. The negative Plutonian rays can be the most violent of any planetary radiations now known to man. Growth comes through painful experiences. Its positive manifestation is symbolized by Minerva, goddess of wisdom. It unites the head and the heart. The higher side of Pluto can bring illumination and Cosmic Consciousness. The scorpion who would sting himself to death rather than forego the pain and pleasure of stinging is the symbol of the lower aspect of Pluto. The phoenix bird, rising from the ashes of its dead self, is the Minerva aspect of Pluto.