Pluto in the Signs

Because of the eccentricity of Pluto's orbit, a very different interpretation must be made of Pluto than the traditional interpretations of the other planets. So much is being interpreted about Pluto that isn't true. Its influence is a long time underground before it comes up for redemption. Pluto in the signs has a collective effect rather than a personal one. It stays from 12 to 30 years in each sign. Pluto was in Gemini from 1884 to 1914; in Cancer 25 years, 1914-1939; in Leo 18 years, 1939-1957, and in Virgo 15 years, 1957-1972. It transits through Libra from 1972 to 1984, and through Scorpio from 1984 through 1996. In the signs it affects civilizations and generations. The collective unconscious is affected and new energies begin to emerge from the invisible side of life.


When Pluto was in Gemini, 1884–1914, its eighth house relationship to Scorpio was outgoing and positive in expression. In that cycle, family ties were of great importance. There was insulation of the family group largely because of the lack of transportation. One travelled by horse and buggy or by trains. Communication between peoples of different cultures or different races had not yet been possible thus it was not developed. There was little group interaction except for those involved with family ties. Air deals with the mind, and air is much more impersonal than the other elements. It does not get involved. It is the spectator. The inventiveness and ingenuity of Gemini was bringing change (Pluto) into the world. Those brought up in the era before 1914, when the First World War broke out, were part of that world and saw the death of a world that would never again be the same. The airplane was invented. That would bring changes that no one could even begin to perceive at that time. The first use of planes was to bring death and destruction during the First World War. This started at the end of the time Pluto was in Gemini. Ever has it been that mankind has used the energy of any planet violently and destructively before using it constructively.


Pluto in Cancer, 1914–1939, began to bring emotions and feelings to the forefront. Sentimentality was the keynote. Emotions and feelings were stirred up by the demagogues and the munition makers who wanted a war to sell their products. Blind patriotism was played up to an unbelievable degree. “Make the World safe for Democracy” was the keynote for the first decanate. Bands played, huge crowds gathered at railroad stations as our boys went “Over there.” It was a lark for there had been no wars for many years, not since the Civil War. Then came the awakening. Poison gas was used. The trenches and “No-Man's Land” became realities. Pluto in Cancer was operating. The songs of the period emphasized the emotional side of that era. “I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier; I didn't raise my boy to go to war” was considered treason. The Kaiser's effigy was hung in the squares of the town and cities. Even though they had made their homes in America for years and become good citizens, those of German descent in this country were hounded and persecuted. In the second decanate the boys were home and disillusioned by the war. There were no jobs and the world was in a depression such as it had never known. It was the Scorpio decanate, and Pluto had full sway. The intensity of the suffering had its redeeming side. Pluto's higher aspect, Minerva, was operating. Where there is deep suffering, there is growth. Everyone shared whatever he had, however little it might be. The common denominator—everyone was on the same level—brought more true caring (Cancer) and more desire to share than ever before. The third decanate of Cancer, Pisces, was operating. Pluto in Cancer wants to mother or be mothered.


Pluto in Leo, 1939–1957, was when the dictators came into operation. The New Deal was born. The Second World War started in September of 1939. This was devoid of the glamour of the First World War. No more flags flying and bands playing. The soldiers were shipped out quietly in the middle of the night. No lights on at night unless the windows were draped with heavy shades so that no lights could be seen. Broadway was no longer the Great White Way. Wardens were out every night to see that there were no violations of “lights out.” The first decanate of Pluto in Leo (ruled by the Sun) saw the dictators in full sway. The four Lords of Karma were in incarnation. They are tied with the fixed signs. Do you think it was happenchance that Hitler was a Taurus, Mussolini was a Leo, Hirohito a Scorpio, and Franklin Roosevelt an Aquarian? Pluto in Leo (its eighth house relationship to Scorpio) shows the need for the individual to balance his ego drives with respect for the needs of others. The dependency need of Pluto in Cancer was now replaced by the authoritarian desire (Leo) to have complete control over others (the 10th house position of Pluto). Being in a positive and outgoing masculine sign, Pluto in Leo dominates and uses others for their own needs. By manipulation and the ruthlessness of the lower side of Pluto, the dictators did use others. Because the undercover and subversive side of Pluto was present in Leo, a Fire sign, the dictators did what they wanted. For those born with Pluto in Leo there would be a tendency to want to dominate and there would be struggles with children. The strong will of the parents would mean that they would bring in offsprings with wills just as strong.

The first decanate brought in the struggle for power that ended in 1945. The second (Sagittarius) decanate, ruled by Jupiter, 1945–52, saw World War II ended, and the dictators either dead or dying. The division of the spoils changed the map of Europe forever. Russia, that had done so little for the Allies, though her defense of her own country was magnificent, was to reap the greatest benefit. Stalin, a Capricorn, knew how to manipulate and he did. He knew how to play Churchill and Roosevelt against each other, and he did so at the Yalta Conference. 1951 to 1957 saw the rebuilding of all that had been torn down. The egos born in this Aries decanate have a burden to carry. Mars with Pluto gives a tendency toward violence and rebelliousness that can be ruthless and cruel. Many of the Storm Troopers of Germany incarnated very quickly, bringing over the ruthlessness and violence they had been trained to execute. This explains why some of the young people of today have no conscience about mugging, killing, or raping. To counterbalance these types, many, many, souls born in the same generation represent the Minerva aspect of Pluto. They are spiritually oriented and turned to a wisdom and understanding that is truly beautiful. They are developed souls who have chosen to incarnate at this time to bring the Ark of the Covenant into the New Age. They are the hope and the glory of this incoming age.


From 1957 to 1972 Pluto was in Virgo. These fifteen years saw tremendous strides where the rights of the worker and the “little man” have been concerned. Interest in health brought in the use of vitamins and interest in organic foods. The young people became health conscious. Health stores and macrobiotic restaurants sprang up in all the cities. New methods of healing in natural ways came into existence. Tremendous research in medicine began. Important breakthroughs occurred and the relationship between the mind and the body was recognized. Gestalt therapy came into being to break up the repressions, insecurity, and inferiority that Virgo all too often represents. Computers (a truly Virgoan product) mushroomed and have increased in every area of the business, scientific, educational and health world. Computers for chart calculation in astrology were born. The higher aspect of Pluto is involved here. With time saved and work cut down, the individual has time to tap into his inner resources, and to develop his spiritual potentials so the light and wisdom within him can be released. The negative side of Pluto in Virgo is the tendency to be overcritical and to sit in judgement where others are concerned. If the Minerva aspect of Pluto proves to have its exaltation in Pisces, as we think, then Pluto in Virgo will be in its fall. Virgo gets caught in detail and the “nitty gritty” side of life. Virgo can be unloving and self-centered and is not too keen about sacrificing for others. If those with Pluto in Virgo will use its highest aspect they will be truly great servers on the planet. They will make excellent nurses, doctors, naturopaths, physical therapists, and healers.


In the sign of Libra (1972–1984), Pluto's energy affects relationships, marriages, unions and partnerships. Here the lessons of cooperation and compromise have to be learned. Global responsibility (Saturn exalted in Libra) must be faced. As Libra is the 12th house sign of Scorpio either we must learn to understand those alien to our way of thinking or we bring about our destruction. Events are now soul size and planetary size. Every aspect of legislation and law and those who administer those laws will be challenged. The turning point in evolution has been reached in Libra for that is the nadir of involution. The first six signs represent the lessons of personality mastery. Libra represents the turning point similar to the marking buoy in a boat race. We are turning back to where we started and if we have mastered the lessons of the course up to this turning point, the rest of the course will be relatively easy. We have to be involved before we can evolve. We are now touching the depths in all of us. This means going down to uncover the basic elements and values deep in the earth of us that are not apparent on the outer side of the personality. Depth is reaching into the center. The nucleus is the core of the atom. Beyond the world of appearance and the outside aspect of life lies power. Beyond all the superficial aspects of life lies the Universal Mind where the unity of all life is known. The ability to contact this Universal Mind has been known to all the sages, initiates, and those great ones that knew the truth, and the truth set them free. Knowing an initiate teacher in this lifetime called Brother Philip has given an insight to what this means. An uneducated man in a formal sense, he could talk to a medical man in his terms, a scientist in his terms, a geologist in his terms and know all he needed to know about their fields. Asked how he could do this (after seeing him do it), he smiled, and said, “In the Universal Mind is all knowledge of everything, for it is the totality of all that is. I tap into it and know when I need to know it.” This is Plutonian power at its highest. This is the wisdom of Minerva personified.

The brain (Mercury) is like a radio. It transmits as well as receives. Mercury represents our ability to assimilate (Virgo) that of which our brain becomes aware (Gemini). The state and quality of that radio is shown by Mercury in the birthchart.

Pluto does not, as a rule, deal with immediate life situations and personal requirements. It is how the individual is affected in the depths of his being. It is not what happens to him but the effect of the happening upon his consciousness, for good or ill. The challenge of Pluto is what group or what ideology are we going to serve. One World—that is what Pluto is saying—and each individual has to come to realize the unity of life. We rise or fall together.

In Libra, Pluto teaches us to understand the other fellow and think in terms of that ‘other' out there. The process of decision-making takes on great importance here, with long-reaching results. Libra represents the law of relationship. Two poles are brought together to create a third force whether it be male and female, parents and child, spirit and matter, or positive proton uniting with the negative electron to produce electricity. Pluto in Libra brings up to the surface the evils that have been hidden and kept out of sight. These evils have to be recognized and redeemed.

Marriage as it has been known in the past is on its way out. Young people are living together without benefit of clergy. They are writing their own marriage vows and contracts when they do marry. There has been loss of faith in dogma and creed. The legal laws and religious laws are being challenged as never before. Pluto brings destruction of all outmoded legalities and hypocrisies. We are seeing the darkest side of Pluto in Libra operating as a supposed agent of light when a well-known Christian leader condones and calls for capital punishment and castration to be brought back as laws. Where in all of the New Testament did the Piscean Master advocate killing or death for any offense? Does one murder cancel out another? Is it any wonder so many intelligent young people turn from Christian orthodoxy? Hypocrisy, indecision and failure to speak up and be counted is our greatest enemy with Pluto in Libra. When only 52% of the population voted in a national election, the results can be placed squarely on the shoulders of those who didn't care and who abdicated their rights and responsibilities. How can we complain about adverse conditions when we sit back and do nothing to change them? Whatever we fail to sow during this period reaps its harvest while Pluto is in Scorpio.

Libra is an Air sign, and Pluto in Libra seeks to clean and clear the air in more ways that one. Pollution of the mind through air waves will cause investigation and reexamination of television programs. Corruption of youth through violence and crime on television programs will be recognized and brought to the attention of the public. Recently there was a report in a newspaper of a youth who saw a murder of an elderly lady on television and repeated the crime in real life just as it was acted on TV. At this writing there are several groups spearheading movements to clean up the airwaves.

Smog and radioactive matter carried by the wind will do so much damage that laws will be passed outlawing nuclear tests and outlawing gasoline fumes. New kinds of fuel will be used in motors of all kinds. There will be very definite proof of what pollution is doing to human beings. 1975 to 1984 are reaping years. Nature will be protesting the misuse of her resources and the weather will prove this point. Thé effects of Pluto in Libra will take our minds well beyond what our prior human capacity could conceive.

The souls that came into incarnation with Neptune and Saturn in conjunction in Libra at their birth will be active and at work to usher in a new consciousness when Pluto goes over that conjunction. Many advanced souls have come in since 1945, and they will be the new leaders and statesmen. They have chosen to come in and clear the planet of the demagogues and the greedy materialism which such persons represent. A purifying, albeit painful process will be at work on the planet. The Avatar of the Aquarian Age is about His Father's business. His activity started on the outer levels with the entrance of Pluto into Libra. Would you be surprised to find out he is already functioning and has chosen a black body in which to dwell! How many will recognize Him? How many recognized the greatness in a Jewish carpenter?

Wherever Pluto is placed by house is the area where the deepest and darkest side of our nature has to be understood, brought up into the light and changed. That area of our being must be purged and purging can be a painful process. So many astrologers speak of Pluto as a very negative planet. Any energy can be used constructively or destructively but the energy is pure. It is how it is used that labels it. There is tremendous strength in Pluto as there is in Scorpio. With that strength, and will, we can tap the highest in us or the lowest. The highest aspect of Pluto in Libra will be the ability to recognize Love as a principle, not as an emotion.


Pluto will be in Scorpio from 1984 to 1996. One can have some idea of how this will affect us by knowing the meaning of the sign Scorpio, and its relation to the other signs by house position. The house positions are far more important than we realize. The houses came into prominence first rather than the signs. Pluto in Scorpio is in its first house position. It is more powerful in that sign than in any other. Scorpio deals with generation, regeneration, and degeneration. Of all the signs it is the strongest for good or ill. It represents concentrated power. If misused, it is unbalanced force and power out of control. Its intensity is due to Pluto's rulership. Its painful effect is due to our crystallizations and our unwillingness to face the dark side of ourselves. We all have that dark side. Pluto's work is to cleanse and redeem the murky swamp waters in the depth of our subconscious and instinctive self. Minerva is the end result of our Plutonian experiences. While we are going through a purging experience this may be difficult to realize. Only after the experience is over do we realize and know the good that has been done. There is no doubt that our egos are crumpled, our illusions are finished, and we are forced to face reality. The shell of our understanding is cracked and we are set free. This is what Pluto in Scorpio will do to everyone on the planet Earth, between the years 1984 and 2000.

Pluto in Scorpio will revolutionize medicine and bring in new methods of healing. New birth control measures will be taken that will not harm the body as the pill of today has. Cures for cancer will be found. Because the veil between the planes is already getting thinner many children will be born with highly developed extrasensory powers. There will be great changes in educational methodology. Astrology will be taught in most of the schools and colleges. The emphasis in education will be directed towards helping young people develop their own potentiality rather than pouring a great many facts into their heads that they will not use in life. When Pluto is in Scorpio, its power will be at its strongest. This planet will undergo a purging such as the world has never known. Those who are born with Pluto in Scorpio will be the souls who, when grown, will have the power to usher in a new heaven and a new earth. The ancient evils that have been under cover for so long, will be exposed, cleansed, and redeemed. The strength so apparent in Scorpio will be recognized as Plutonian power that can act viciously, or if operating at the highest level, the power can redeem and raise levels of consciousness for those who are ready. There will be severe punishments for crime that will deter the criminal. A tremendous cleansing will take place where politicians and corrupt government is concerned. Corruption is coming to the surface. There will be violence and resistance but nothing will stop the inexorableness of Cosmic Law. Although some there are who do not believe it, there is strict and undeviating justice in the Cosmos.

The lost continent Atlantis will rise, and part of it will come up as intact as it went down. It will be coral-encrusted, and artifacts will be found that will give people ideas of what civilization was like. Every outer event has its correspondence on the inner side of life. The inwardly connected souls knew that when the top of Mt. Everest was reached, we could reach higher spiritual heights than had ever been known before. When the astronauts reached the Moon, it told us that the subconscious would no longer be a mystery, and we would explore the Moon part of ourselves. Books on the subconscious and its powers began to fill the bookshops. Groups of all kinds were using techniques that helped people to understand their hidden feelings and their dark side.

When Atlantis rises out of the sea, the collective unconscious in us will be brought out of the depth of ourselves and will show the unity of life as never before. Ego has to go, and love must take its place. Those who cannot take the heightened vibration will, in mercy, be withdrawn and take an incarnation on a planet of slower vibration. From 1975 to the year 2000, earth changes, personality changes, spiritual awareness and illumination will be the order of the times. The decision of mankind will determine what happens. Because those decisions are in the hands of mankind, even the Masters do not know what will befall the planet. The pattern can change from day to day. Each of us should be willing to flow along with the tide and not set up resistance against anything that comes. This is necessary so that growth and redemption can occur.


Ed. note: Written in 1973, this material on Pluto in the signs reflects Isabel Hickey's view at that time of current events and future trends.