Natal Aspects

Natal aspects in a birthchart show how Plutonian energy has been used in past lifetimes. We have set the pattern with the use or abuse of that energy. Though the pattern is set we have the ability to recycle that energy and change its direction. Pluto is invisible energy that is deeply ingrained in the instinctive nature. For that reason it represents the qualities in our nature that are unknown to the conscious self. It will be the strongest force in a birthchart when it is in an angular house and strongly configurated with Sun, Moon, or Mercury. One must always relate the Plutonian power to the whole tenor of the birthchart. As has been stated previously, it can never be taken on its own without considering the total personality. Squares and oppositions in charts of persons of strong character seem to strengthen the moral fiber. Sextiles and trines in the charts of individuals who are weak by nature or unbalanced can cause them to take the line of least resistance.


Sun Conjunct Pluto            img

The desire for power, authority, and recognition from his contemporaries is deeply imbedded in the individual. Whether this conjunction falls into positive signs, such as Gemini, Leo, or Libra, or in receptive signs, such as Cancer or Virgo, makes the difference in the person's approach. In positive signs the natural inclination is to reach attainment of the objective at any expense. The person rids himself of attitudes and habit patterns as they outgrow their usefulness. This attitude is sometimes extended to other people. In the receptive signs Pluto seems to hold sway and rather than using the energy the person is used by it. The basic solar (ego) drive for significance, and the individual's outer-world ambitions, are likely to be constrained, or steered, by forces beyond one's conscious control. Whether as head of a large corporation, or association, (Sun conjunct Pluto in Leo) or head of a large family (Sun conjunct Pluto in Cancer) this individual quietly assets his authority and is always in command.

Sun Sextile or Trine Pluto          img

In this pattern the individual's desire for advancement and evolvement go hand in hand with the ability to eliminate negative associations and attitudes that would otherwise cause him delay. Philosophic and religious traditions are of interest. The person has creative abilities, and because of personal magnetism and intuition he knows what other people will enjoy. With other favorable indications in the chart, the individual can look forward to a successful public career. The pioneering instinct is strong and these individuals are fighters. They have great strength and if they use it constructively they can attain great success in whatever field they choose.

Sun Square Pluto          img

Individuals with this configuration can be arrogant and ruthless with complete disregard for the other fellow. There is too much self-confidence which borders on egotism. However, this may only be a cover-up for a deep-rooted inferiority complex. Pluto square with the Sun, especially if connected with the 10th house, may deprive the person of a father figure. Whether this separation is physical or psychological will be shown by other factors in the chart. The individual's pleasure-seeking attitudes can be the cause of his own undoing and the end result can be confinement. The person with this aspect must go deep to regenerate his negative attitudes as there is a resistance to change along with a very strong self-will.

Sun Opposition Pluto          img

In the opposition pattern the individual must exercise care in his choice of partners as there would be a tendency to choose a partner who would act possessively and be dominating. In a feminine chart, the Sun opposition Pluto would indicate that the animus in the subconscious would have to be understood before the right relationship with a masculine figure in the outer world could be achieved. Emotional upsets through disappointing love affairs are part of the pattern, especially if Pluto is in Leo or Libra. Jealousy and possessiveness are inherent qualities. Additionally, the wrath of the individual can be brutal. This is the person who in previous lives has been tyrannical and despotic. He is now given the opportunity to view the situation from the viewpoint of the other fellow. Now he meets people whose qualities are reminiscent of those he himself once possessed while on the path of evolution. The ego which has been blown out of all proportion must now be reduced to its proper size.


Moon Conjunct Pluto          img

In this conjunction we have the individual who is potentially sensitive and emotional especially if the conjunction is in Cancer or Scorpio. There are extremes in the expression of the feelings. There is a tendency to have upheavals and upsets in the person's environment. Yet it may not be obvious that these upsets come through his own conduct. On the level of instinct there is a duality unrecognized by the individual. On one hand there is sentimentality while concurrently there is a strong inquisitiveness and desire to know the reality of what makes things as they are. There is a deep psychological awareness of other people. The need to break away from the family unit and to find one's own individuality is often part of the pattern. Many times there is a strong mother figure in the life. Aspects to the conjunction will show whether this is beneficial or detrimental.

The Minerva aspect makes this person an incredible worker. There is great ability to be a success in the world. This individual is a mothering and caring type of person. Because of the supersensitivity in aspects involving the Moon the individual can be too protective on the personality side, and if not careful, dominating. If the higher aspect is operating, this individual is selfless and willing to serve the forces of light.

Moon Sextile or Trine Pluto          img

This represents the individual who is able to take changes and situations that life has to offer and use them beneficially. The native is sensitive and many times is gifted with great psychic ability. Unlike the conjunction, the sextile and trine to Pluto enables the person to separate the wheat from the chaff. The depressions that come with Moon-Pluto combinations are more easily discarded. This individual can sway others subtly because of his psychic understanding of the needs of others. He gathers knowledge and stores it like a sponge, but must guard against a lack of objectivity. He is many times considered lucky and has within his reach the possibility of a deeply rewarding emotional life.

Moon Square Pluto          img

This individual is the lone-wolf type. Although quite ingenious he may be rigidly set in his own ways. He does not realize that self-imposed isolationism limits his opportunities. The individual is constantly besieged by emotional crises due to the excessive use of his emotions rather than his intellect. If an afflicted Mars is in the chart, the individual is easily excited and a definite lack of self-control is evident.

Moon Opposition Pluto          img

There is a strong psychological tie with the mother, or some other dominant female which has far-reaching results in the person's life. The feelings go deep. The outward expression of the love nature is forceful. There is much static in the emotional life. To others it seems the individual's attitudes are emotionally biased. In some cases the individual with Moon opposition Pluto has been considered eccentric and anything but orthodox. But even though he may not be understood he is liked by people.

The Moon rules mass consciousness. People with aspects between Moon and Pluto are apt to have difficulties dealing with the public. Pluto must affirm or deny what is promised in the natal chart.


Mercury Conjunct Pluto          img

Mercury is the instrument by which we have direct contact with the exterior world. It is the connecting link between the inner and outer self. There would be no communication or ability to relate to the world without Mercury.

In its positive expression this conjunction gives the power to excel at research, investigation, and analysis. This can be a mind capable of deep penetration and keen powers of observation. There is an agility to the mind that can be used either constructively or destructively. There is a desire for intellectual recognition, and this conjunction enables the individual to have the power to influence others. Many times this is done very subtly.

In the negative expression this can cause hastiness, irritability, impatience, and over-estimation of one's ability. It can be an aspect of mental confusion. Because the nervous system is highly geared, circumstances can cause great nervous tension. Afflictions to this conjunction from the ruler of the third house can be indicative of strong karmic ties with relatives.

The Minerva aspect can purge the self-centeredness and instability inherent in this conjunction through a willingness to accept whatever may be necessary for growth and development.

Mercury Sextile or Trine Pluto          img

Originality is the keyword when Pluto and Mercury are well aspected. Here we have the specialist who through discipline and fine intellectual prowess gains recognition from his contemporaries. The person has writing ability and can easily communicate his ideas. His powers of suggestion are so logical that people accept his ideas subconsciously without realizing they do so. He has the ability to easily change his approach to meet all immediate situations. Because of a self-sufficiency the person has a way of using associates to great advantage in his everyday environment. There is self-confidence which in extreme cases can become conceit.

Mercury Square Pluto          img

This aspect, especially in cadent houses, gives a highly sensitized nervous system. The person is a tireless worker and his health can suffer from overwork. Situations and ideas are grasped quickly yet there may be a pronounced lack of patience where others are concerned, especially with those who may be slow in perception. The individual is a born skeptic and must either prove or disprove to his own satisfaction the knowledge presented. As with the conjunction the individual can become obsessed with his own ideas and carry them to the point of fanaticism. The person's quantitative rather than qualitative avidity for experience can be the cause of mental and physical disorders.

Mercury Opposition Pluto          img

This can be a difficult configuration and one that denotes both inner and outer conflict. The person learns early in life he must seek ways for self-improvement in order to find a measure of contentment. People met in the outer world, especially in close relationships, tend to be undemonstrative. The individual may well feel alone and lonely even in a group. A strong inner restlessness which seemingly desires contentment and tranquility may well serve as the impetus to motivate the person to go on to new accomplishments and success. In receptive signs this opposition causes an individual to be oversensitive. The person needs to think long and well, before being too critical, as this aspect can cause one to be too hasty in judgment.


Venus Conjunct Pluto          img

Here is the sex-symbol aspect where Pluto holds sway. The sexuality of the person is strong but in an earthy way. There is great depth and intensity to the love nature and strong procreative powers are inherent in this aspect. The individual can be possessive and jealous. When Mars afflicts this conjunction it is apt to emphasize sensuality. There is a tendency to allow irritation and anger to take over. Love of pleasure and self-indulgence can lead the person down the primrose path. If Uranus aspects the conjunction there may be a tendency toward perverted means of emotional satisfaction. This is the person who can be possessed by lust. In unevolved souls Venus-Pluto contacts are often indicative of those who tie sex and money together.

There is a potentiality for universal love when the Minerva aspect is in operation. This is the love principle that is able to transcend ethnic, racial, cultural and social barriers.

Venus Sextile or Trine Pluto          img

The individual with this pattern has a rare magnetism which has a subtle influence on other people. There is the possibility of a deep love union with someone from a past lifetime. There is artistic ability and a deep desire to create what is beautiful. This person looks for the beauty and goodness in people no matter how deeply it may be buried. The rewards are great. This aspect makes one emotionally self-sufficient and a tower of strength in any relationship. There is deep empathy for the problems of others and oftentimes the individual is a champion of the under-dog.

Although there may be many upheavals in the early love life, the end result is good. In connection with the eighth or second house the inheritance of money is a strong possibility. What is little known to the children of earth is that there is a strong tie-up between love and money. The more one loves, the more abundance one will have on every level, including that of finances. With Pluto, god of wealth, in the picture money is easily attained without having to fight for it.

Venus Square Pluto          img

This aspect must be handled with caution. The individual allowed greed and lust to run rampant in other lifetimes. Lustful and immoral behavior would only continue the pattern causing more trouble for the person. There will be much stress and strain in love relationships until the individual has resolved the conflict. Loneliness can be a cause of great unhappiness until the person learns to be truly loving. Until the realization comes that the problem is within the person rather than in other people, there are many disappointments in the emotional life. One of our students, a nurse, has resolved this problem by working in a hospital for terminally-ill cancer patients. She has helped to bring peace, love, and understanding to those less fortunate than herself. Venus rules Libra, which is the 12th house sign of Scorpio, Pluto's home, and the 8th house sign of Pisces, the sign of Pluto's probable exaltation. Service of this kind is the most positive use of this aspect with the Minerva wisdom very much in evidence.

Venus Opposition Pluto          img

The main difference between the square and the opposition is the difference between the self and the not-self. In the square the problem is within the individual. In the opposition others in the outer world represent the problems. Here, reactions to others are of paramount importance. The individual can become prey to those who would use and abuse for their own pleasure. There are many unusual love experiences in the life and relationships seem to lack stability. Immoral behavior can only bring the individual tragic consequences. The emotional life can be very unsatisfactory and the individual may experience great difficulty in achieving a feeling of being loved. He must learn not to demand but to give love in order to pay the dues he owes. Until there has been a regeneration of the values, the person experiences many losses of friends and loved ones without realizing that what he has done to others is now coming home to him. Any sub rosa involvement with those not free will bring heartache and disappointment. It will be a dead-end street.


Mars Conjunct Pluto          img

This is a dynamic combination of energies that must be handled wisely. The individual may possess tendencies that can manifest as cruelty and ruthlessness. Force cannot be viewed as a just means to attain one's own ends. The animal self is strong and needs restraint and taming. Whether used in a positive or negative way, a distinct disregard for the rules and regulations of society is in evidence. Both the destroyer and the reformer share the same discontent with the status quo.

The individual can experience periods of irrational upheavals due to untamed impulses. Individuals with this configuration would do well to remember that retribution quickly follows destructive action.

In the map of a spiritually oriented person, the regenerative aspect of Pluto would be at work, helping tame the desire nature of Mars. There could well be great courage and a desire to overcome habit patterns which previously handicapped the individual.

Mars Sextile or Trine Pluto          img

The Mars-Pluto trine bestows great ambition. The ability to work hard and long, coupled with much self-confidence, enables the individual to reach great heights. Courage is an outstanding quality and no odds seem too great for the individual using these powerful energies in a positive manner. The desire to achieve and conquer can easily lead to the fields of athletic competition and the political arena. With other favorable aspects he will rise to the top of his profession and make his work a mark for all to see. This individual, especially if Venus and Neptune are well placed and aspected, is successful in taming the animal within, and that which previously was personal now becomes universal. There is a strong interest in occult studies which many times is accompanied by an unusual amount of ability in these areas.

Mars Square Pluto          img

Pluto was discovered on January 21,1930, and on that day Pluto and Mars were in exact square. Pluto took the rulership of Scorpio away from Mars. There is intense struggle and violence inherent in this aspect. The intensity will be a long time building in the individual before it erupts on the surface. After studying the workings of this aspect in many horoscopes, it is the authors' opinion that this, more than any other aspect, causes an anti-social attitude in the individual. There are many inhibitions and violent feelings which the person normally controls. When unleashed, it is usually in a violent and destructive manner. Lust rather than love rules the individual's sexual motives. When Saturn joins this configuration by either conjunction to Mars or Pluto or by opposition forming a T-Square, sadistic tendencies are often found in the person.

If an individual is well integrated or spiritually oriented this aspect would not have the destructive side operating. There would have to be control where the desire nature was concerned before peace and tranquility would be attained. Empathy and compassion are the antidote for Mars-Pluto afflictions.

Mars Opposition Pluto          img

This is a very similar aspect to the square. In the opposition we are dealing with the individual's reaction to violence and turbulence in others whom he meets in the world. The individual with this opposition needs to learn to protect himself using his creative imagination and to clothe himself at all times in a robe of light. “I clothe myself in a robe of light composed of the love, power and wisdom of God enveloping me and interpenetrating me, not only that I may be protected, but so that all who see it (the psychic forces), or come into contact with it (the Earth children), may be drawn to God and healed.” This prayer is a powerful protection against violence of any kind. With Mars opposition Pluto the individual would be wise to use it.


Jupiter Conjunct Pluto          img

This aspect is a coupling of the principles of the eighth and ninth houses of the astrological chart. Through regeneration and self-mastery (eighth house) the individual seeks a belief system (ninth house) to suit the present stage of evolution. The “truth” running like a golden thread through all of the earth's religions may be sought and investigated. The person feels an insatiable desire to understand as much of the infinite as is possible. The leadership inherent in this aspect and the desire to be in the forefront can lead to spiritual ambition. Good aspects to this conjunction from Venus favor financial success where joint finances are concerned. The individual is sensitive and has ability to investigate the motives behind the outer events in life. The planets seem to go well together and oftentimes confer great popularity as well as great recognition. The individual is a leader of men, never a follower.

Jupiter Square Pluto          img

A strong will aspect which is many times coupled with the belief, “Whatever is good for General Bullmoose, is good for the country.” Although the native has good critical ability conferred by the pairing of these two mighty energies, a certain amount of deviousness may be present. The power sought many times is no more than a cover up for deep feelings of inadequacy. The individual's outlook on life is based on instinct rather than intellect. Destruction (with the self included) or construction is the dilemma of this individual. He is torn between the desire to remake his personal world and all in it, or to destroy it. Always he imagines himself as the most important figure in this world picture. The destroyer or the builder, he gives himself top billing.

Jupiter Sextile or Trine Pluto          img

In sextile or trine aspect there is a wonderful blending of the extrovertedness and optimism of Jupiter with the caution and subtlety of Pluto. There is charm and vitality, and this individual has penetrating insight. He is able to help himself as well as others overcome obstacles that may well stand in the way of success. Because of this quality this person is often the chosen leader in groups and organizations to which he belongs. There is generosity present as well as empathy and understanding for the problems of the other fellow. Metaphysics and all that it implies may well interest the individual as the cause behind the effect appeals to his highly imaginative consciousness. Yoga and disciplines that call for meditation attract these individuals as vehicles to serve as creative outlets to help in the individual's mastery of self. This is an aspect that may well be found in the horoscopes of those who lead spiritual groups. The aspect can bring the individual abundance through inheritance.

Jupiter Opposition Pluto          img

Anxiety and restlessness are the end result when Jupiter and Pluto oppose each other in the horoscope. The individual has big ideas and grand schemes, but many times the execution of these never come off. His opinion of himself swings from over-confidence to great self-doubt. In his high periods the person will work long and hard on the loftiest ideals of mankind. While in low gear he will concentrate just as earnestly on the most primitive instincts in his animal nature. His outlook can be very dogmatic. Controversy can arise when he tries to force his own attitudes on unwilling people in his environment.

The individual has good intuitive powers as well as great imaginative abilities. Many times the inability to hold these in check will delay realistic attitudes and the social acceptance of his contemporaries.


Saturn Conjunct Pluto          img

This individual is the deep questioning type of soul whose serious outlook on life gives him an aura of aloofness. There is a distaste for the superficial and time is spent exploring the seeming miracle behind physical existence. Many of the young generation born with Saturn conjunct Pluto in Leo left the big cities to study rural life and to find meaning for themselves seeking nature's way. The excluding of all modern conveniences is an exaggeration in itself, and it will only be when these souls are able to blend the new with the old that a meaningful, successful lifestyle will develop. Some periods in the life may be marked by extreme self-denial or self-discipline. The individual shuns any activity which will bring upon him the ridicule or disapproval of his contemporaries. His own depth of psychological awareness may be the reason for his periods of despondency. Periods in which he can completely lose himself in some activity may prove to be very beneficial for during this time the individual goes through a self-renewal process.

Saturn Square Pluto          img

This aspect is never found in the horoscope of a weak ego. Great emotional intensity many times negatively manifested makes the individual vindictive. Periods of great jealousy, lust, and an overdeveloped sensuality can raise havoc with the personal life. A great desire for power and authority are inherent in the person. In the unevolved the means of attaining the heights he thinks he deserves can be less than honest. There are periods of withdrawal from close contacts with others. These will be used well if they are used to understand the primitive side of the individual's nature, so that self-mastery becomes a visible goal.

There is psychic ability and occult interest. Personal ambition can well serve as a stumbling block in these areas. One of the most elusive of character qualities, humility, is the antidote for this intense aspect.

Saturn Sextile or Trine Pluto          img

This is a good aspect for those individuals who work with other people's money. Bankers, insurance salesmen, and public accountants. There is keen judgment coupled with great stamina when working toward a goal. Those individuals have good common sense and are among the reliable persons in the zodiac. Their methods are plain and there is a built-in mechanism against excesses. These individuals are extremely hard workers and have the ability to subject themselves to periods of severe self-discipline when necessary. When these sterling qualities are put into use in any area they mark the individual for leadership. This is not the overnight success story but rather the slow patient climb through hard work and discipline. There is a strict adherence to the moral code of the day which can cause finger pointing at the more liberal egos. It would be well for Saturn-Pluto individuals to remember that it is not for them to judge anyone.

Saturn Opposition Pluto          img

This represents the necessity principle versus the principle of regeneration. This is a difficult aspect which, when worked with, can serve as the impetus to build a strong character. There are karmic conditions involving partnerships which when not handled rightly can seriously affect the happiness of the individual. Only by “sticking to it” and handling the other person with love and understanding can these individuals find peace. To walk out on serious karmic conditions would mean that the problem would just have to be faced and dealt with through another individual. It would be well to remember that the seemingly difficult treatment being received was once being meted out! As in other tension aspects it is well to follow Saturn. The urge to dissolve and bring death to conditions must be replaced with patience, hard work, and understanding. As in all oppositions there is awareness, but this time on a large scale. When the individual has conquered the dark side of himself (Pluto) he can then teach (Saturn) others to turn on the light.


Uranus Conjunct Pluto          img

Uranus-Pluto aspects are aspects of a generation. Due to the slow movements of the planets involved many souls are born with these two planets in the same relationship. Only if the configuration occurs on an angle of the horoscope and/or is strongly configurated with the Sun, Moon and Mercury can it be delineated in a personal way. Change is the keyword for this conjunction. It can only occur once in a century. The last meeting was in Virgo in 1965. In Virgo, Mercury's home, we can expect the individual born with this aspect to use his great creative energy to bring in new methods of healing, breakthroughs in the fields of science and religion, as well as deep concern for food and its relationship to the physical body. When used rightly this aspect can help move mankind forward on its evolutionary path. An insatiable desire to change the outdated social structures of his time is the cause of the seeming restlessness of this individual. As these changes can be radical, these people are considered revolutionary. Many times they are.

Uranus Square Pluto          img

This aspect last occurred in the cardinal signs. Uranus was in Aries and Pluto in Cancer. Individuals born with it (1930-1935) have seen the world in a time of great crises. Wars, revolutions, and economic catastrophes have greatly influenced their lifestyles. Women born with this aspect represented the seeming subservient role allotted to them by previous generations and fought for their own individuality. Mrs. John Doe wanted to be considered a person in her own right. She found that only through financial independence could Jane Doe emerge successfully. Yet, these are the same parents who fail to come to terms with the free spirit of their children (many of whom were born with the sextile of Uranus and Pluto). Trying to strike a happy medium between family tradition, responsibility and personal freedom, left many with nervous disorders. They were rebellious by nature and independence was sought.

Uranus Sextile or Trine Pluto          img

These individuals are gifted with great insight regarding the merger of past and present principles to bring about a better future. The intuition is highly developed and is used to create a better understanding among all peoples. The brotherhood principle is both understood and respected. Love becomes universal linking all men together in common causes. Great success can be the result when these people organize to solve what originally may have seemed to be a hopeless problem of great immensity. The aspect favors scientific studies as well as ability in metaphysics. If the Sun is involved a certain amount of clairvoyance may be present.

Uranus Opposition Pluto          img

This aspect was last in operation at the turn of the century. Uranus was in Sagittarius opposing Pluto in Gemini. The mind signs (Gemini, the conscious mind and Sagittarius, the superconscious mind) were brought to attention. In this aspect the intellectual approach is emphasized, but it is coupled with a desire to perceive what is beyond the finite limits of the mind. With this aspect the individual is not a joiner by nature. When he would join a group or organization he found it hampering and was held back by the very images he helped to create. Working through the seventh (the opposition being a 7th house aspect) it is not uncommon for a husband and wife to be directly opposite in their belief systems and approaches to life. In the spiritually oriented person this gives the opportunity to see and appreciate another's point of view. In the younger soul it can cause great turmoil with total dissatisfaction as the end result.


During the 20th century Neptune and Pluto have made only one major aspect, the sextile. This generation aspect occurred several times thus far, in the positive signs of Leo and Libra, and later in Libra and Sagittarius. The sextile also took place in the receptive signs of Virgo and Scorpio. When these collective giants aspect each other in the heavens they make a social statement. Individuals born with this aspect have the latent ability within themselves to make the statement a reality.

Neptune Sextile Pluto          img

Justice is the keyword of this aspect. Evolved individuals with this aspect labor to achieve justice in the courts, decent wages and fair prices, job opportunities, unemployment compensation, needed welfare grants, pension plans, and job training for all their brothers who are in need. They are the liberators fighting against anything that dehumanizes, degrades, oppresses and imprisons men in any way at home and across the world. The objective is the same whether their chosen fields are the arts, sciences, education or labor. This aspect saw the birth of those egos who were to be called the “Flower Children.” Deeply ingrained in their spiritual consciousness is “love one another as I have loved you.”