Aspects are lines of force between the centers of energy (planets) in the magnetic field of the individual.
According to the ancient philosophers there are two lines of force in operation whereby nature is maintained in a state of equilibrium in order to produce life. These are the dual forces with which you have to reckon in every phase of living in a dual universe. Positive and negative, inbreath and outgoing breath, construction opposite to destruction, expansion and its opposite contraction. Since these forces are equal each complements the other.
All organic structure is built on cells which in their simplest form are hexagons, similar to those of the honeycomb. Therefore, the hexagon is the primary pattern of benefit and harmony. When light enters at the external angle of 60 degrees and the internal angle of 120 degrees, it necessarily illumines all parts of the structure in equal lines of influence. The light that comes in at either of these angles imparts harmonious vibrations which stimulate growth. Opposed to this process of construction is the process of crystallization, recognized in magnetism and electricity, wherein two forces operate at right angles to each other—a geometrical relationship that is destructive to organic form. This is an angle of 90 degrees or 180 degrees. As a result, side by side through nature two mutually antagonistic forces exist, which despite their antipathy toward each other, work together toward the ordered disposition of the whole; one based upon the quadrature, the other upon the hexagon—the square and the trine.
Astrology shows that the square relationship between energy sources is destructive to form through releasing the energy that is locked up in the various structures Nature has built; the trine aspects constitute the constructive side of nature, whereby organic forms are created, nourished, and held to be released when subsequent destructive configurations are encountered.
To comprehend fully the laws of polarity inherent in the universe is to come into the possession of the mystery of life itself. The laws of opposites apply in every phase of earth living and from the combination of the two opposites a third force is born, higher than either force. This secret is hidden in the triangle.
The two most important aspects in a birthchart are the CONJUNCTION and the OPPOSITION. In a conjunction the two energies involved are as close together as they can be; in an opposition the two forces are as far apart as they can get. When the Sun and Moon are together we have a new moon; when they are opposèd to each other we have a full moon. When you see this symbol in the ephemeris under aspects you will know it is a new moon . When you see this symbol
you will know it is a full moon. When it is a new moon eclipse (solar eclipse) this symbol is used
; when it is a lunar full moon eclipse this is the symbol you will see
If you have learned the lessons on triplicities and quadruplicities you will not have any trouble in recognizing your trines and squares and oppositions in a chart.
Elements of the same nature—for example, two fire signs, are of the same element and trine each other. The same with two water signs, etc. In the quadruplicities are shown the oppositions and squares. Fire is not in harmony with water; Aries planets square those in Cancer and Scorpio (water) is not in harmony with Aquarius (air). Cancer planets square those in Libra, etc.
There is an aspect seldom used by the average astrologer but it is of great importance to the spiritual student. It is an aspect called a Quintile, one fifth of the circle, which is 72 degrees apart and its keyword is “talent.” They represent the definite talents of the person and show in what manner he may succeed in linking together his inner and outer being. Every person is an artist in some realm of expression, and only through his artistry is any analysis of his activity as a soul to be gained. The Quintiles which were known only to the inner initiates of the Chaldean mysteries reveal the special priviliges of each person and tell him in what way he may demand cooperation and personal assistance from the Cosmos. It is curiously fitting that these aspects which are so important to the seeker who is in a position to proceed to real accomplishment are closed to the careless layman, who instinctively shying away from aspects that cannot be counted by ‘even signs', is of the temperament to avoid his real spiritual opportunities because of the self-actuated effort involved therein.
The orb of a planet is important. The closer the aspect, the stronger its effect. If you think of a stove in the middle of a room it will help you to understand orbs. The nearer you are to the stove the hotter it will feel. As you move away from it, its influence is not as strong. The exact aspects are those where the planets are in the same degree: Jupiter in 20 degrees of Aquarius and Neptune in 20 degrees of Leo. That would be like sitting on the stove. I have noticed that exact aspects, either harmonious or inharmonious are very powerful in a chart. I call them ‘fate' that must be handled wisely and well. Even those that are one or two degrees apart are very strong.
Aspects to the Sun, Moon and Mercury operate from 8 degrees to 12 degrees apart. The others will operate up to 8 degrees apart; that is the square, trine, sextile and opposition. The student must not regard these orbs as rigid for it is a characteristic of all astrological work that there must be flexibility in connection with interpretation. In all charts where aspects are exceedingly strong and numerous the fringes of the orbs are of less value than they are in a chart where the aspects are weak and distant. In the latter case it is necessary to consider that the region of the orbs is comparatively weak. The more aspects there are in a chart, whether harmonious or not, the stronger the soul and the more power it has to overcome in the outer world. The kindergarten soul does not have as many lessons or as much power and this is shown by a dearth of aspects and planets in weak signs.
Aspects to the Ascendant and Midheaven: these are important if you are sure of the birth time within five minutes. The interpretation of aspects to the Ascendant must be considered as of importance in determining temperament and character, and the aspects to the midheaven are of special importance in determining success and events in the outer world.
DO NOT COUNT ASPECTS BY HOUSES BUT BY SIGNS. Intercepted signs in houses would cause you to make mistakes if you do not count by signs rather than houses.
Sepharial, in his dictionary, has this to say regarding separating as pects:
“When two bodies have been in exact aspect, the one which by its swifter motion moves away from the aspect, is said to separate from the other. When one of two bodies in aspect turns retrograde, it separates. When both bodies turn retrograde, doubtless a mutual separation is effected. In Horary Astrology these relations have distinct significance. The party representing the separating planet will decline the proposition, back out of the agreement or annul the contract. The party represented by the retrograde planet will default; and when both turn retrograde there will be an annulment by mutual consent. Similar effects in marriage too.”
CONJUNCTION: Keyword: Emphasis. Orb: 0 to 10 degrees.
Planets within 10 degrees of each other. They emphasize, bringing the energies involved into prominence. A conjunction is known as power operating. The conjunction may be harmonious or inharmonious, according to the planets involved. For instance: h would be extremely difficult. Opposed in nature and would fight each other. Mars is dynamic, positive, active, and quick; Saturn is slow, limiting, and retards impulsive action. Venus and Jupiter together would be beneficial; both are beneficent, harmonious and work well together. When one planet is positive (masculine) and one is receptive (feminine)—for instance—
there will be a complex in the nature that must be released or understood in order to use the energy wisely that is invested in this conjunction. Note the signs the planets are in. The planet most at home in the sign will be the stronger planet.
will be very different to
.In the former case
will overide
in the latter case
is in its own sign and will be able to overcome and subdue the animal tendencies. A conjunction is a concentrated massing of energy.
OPPOSITION: Keyword: Awareness. 180 degrees apart.
Oppositions are opposing forces that must be reconciled. They are easier to handle than squares, but call for cooperation. Opposing forces come from outside as well as inside, and often involve other people. It calls for compromise. Oppositions can cause you to be pulled apart by two contrary pulls, but like two poles of a battery, one may also be illumined by the spark flowing from pole to pole. “AWARENESS” is one of the keywords of oppositions for awareness causes consciousness to expand and develop. Without opposing forces how could we have any choice. Without choice there would be no growth in discrimination and awareness. Oppositions will not give difficulties if you learn how to handle people who do not agree with you. Learn strategy and diplomacy. Learn to agree with your adversary while you are in the way with him. In a conjunction you do something; in an opposition the other fellow does.
SEXTILE: Keyword: Opportunity. 60 degrees apart.
Planets two signs apart; these two energies work together harmoniously, and in a such a way to cause opportunities for success, coming through the energies involved, and the houses in which they are placed. A horoscope with many sextiles indicates a life replete with opportunities. They must be activated or they will not operate.
TRINE: Keyword: Harmony. 120 degrees apart.
Like Jupiter, trines throw a protective influence. Benefits that come without effort and without any activity on the part of the individual concerned. They are the results of constructive service, and harmonious actions in other lifetimes. We earn everything that happens, good or ill. What we send forth returns home again. Everything returns to its source. Trine aspects are the good we have given out returning to us.
SEMl-SEXTILE: Keyword: Resources. 30 degrees apart.
This aspect is one sign apart, and acts as a second house aspect. Because the second house is values and resources this aspect gives you a clue to finances.
SQUARE: Keyword: Obstacles. 90 degrees apart.
The cross relates to matter. It has more power than a trine if you learn how to handle it. Trines are static; they ease. Crosses are dynamic; they force you to face issues and in the process you grow. Crosses are the lessons we have failed to learn in other lives. The quickest way to release ourselves from difficulties is to face them and solve them. Every time we run out on trouble it awaits us around the corner through another instrument or another set of circumstances. Squares represent the lessons we have failed to learn and trines are the harmonies we have earned; the blessings that come when we love and love wisely.
SEMI-SQUARE: Keyword: Tension. 45 degrees apart.
This aspect is strain and tension beginning to manifest and if not handled will become a square in the next life.
INCONJUNCT: Keyword: Adjustment. 150 degrees apart. An inconjunct is on one side or the other of an opposition. If it is in the sign before the opposition it is in a 6th house relationship. If on the other side it is an eighth house relationship. This makes a difference in how it operates. The sixth house inconjunct gives difficulties in either work or health. The eighth house inconjunct has to do with the necessity of regeneration and transformation where the character is concerned.
GRAND TRINE: Keyword: Ease.
A pattern formed by three planets in a triangle of the same elements. These energies are in harmony with each other so that they bring harmony and ease in the houses and matters that the planets represent. In some textbooks it is said that it is not beneficial. It is good in the elements involved for it will be easy to attract pleasant and happy conditions. For instance: if the grand trine is in earth signs you attract material things without any difficulty. If you become very selfish through having too much in the world of appearance, the grand trine will be a detriment instead of a blessing. If you have a grand trine in fire signs (and do not bring your spiritual powers down to the outer level) it is similar to having millions of dollars in a closet on a high shelf. You are complaining of lack and all the time there is a treasure in your possession that is yours if you will claim it.
GRAND SQUARE: Keyword: Challenge.
A pattern formed by two oppositions and four squares. If you have a planet, within orb. in each of the quadruplicities. you will have a Grand Square in your chart. This is a dynamic configuration that can be a balancing force if the individual can use these energies constructively. If this grand cross is not used wisely it can cause many difficulties. There is great strength in this aspect because it creates obstacles that demand attention where the grand trine can cause inertia and laziness because things come too easily. In cardinal signs the outlet for the grand cross is action. In fixed signs this energy needs an emotional outlet in some self expressive way. Mutable grand squares are easier to handle than the others but need more attention. Too great a diffusiveness and too much indecision is evident. They see all sides so it is difficult to make a decision. Note the fixed signs in a chart with a mutable grand cross. If there are some planets in fixed signs it will be a big help in correcting the diffusiveness and vacillation of the mutable grand cross.
T-SQUARE: Keyword: Imbalance.
Planets in 3 signs of the same element (cardinal, fixed or mutable) with a planet missing in the 4th element.
A pattern more difficult to handle than the grand cross, because there is a lack of balance due to the empty end of the cross. It is like a table with three legs instead of four. The empty end of the T-square must be filled in. The quality needed will be shown by the sign that has no planet in it. When a heavy planet by transit fills in the empty end of the cross it will be a time of crisis for the individual.
The energy shown through the aspects in the birthchart is neither constructive nor destructive. The energy is pure and at our disposal to use or abuse. It's how we use it that labels it good or not good. Once we activate energy we come up against the law of cause and effect, and must abide by the results.
You will never find a chart without difficulties, for this planet is a school where we who are rebels have come to learn the lessons of Life and Love. The blueprint we call the horoscope shows the age of the soul, which grade of Earth's school it is in, and the strengths and weaknesses of the individual. Every chart of anyone who has attained any spiritual as well as material stature in this life has been a chart replete with squares and oppositions. The obstacles come with the strength to overcome them. A chart that is what we call an ‘easy' one does not give power and strength, but an ease and harmony that can create inertia if a person does not bestir himself. Never let a difficult chart frighten you. The blueprint shows the personality pattern, but not the Spirit or High Self behind it. That Self has the Power, the Love and the Intelligence and it will help us if we invite it to do so.
The aspects of Sun, Moon and Mercury to the higher octave planets—Uranus and Neptune—will give an indication of the age of the soul. When Uranus and Neptune are angular, even though afflicted, the soul is not in the kindergarten of life. The young soul, like the kindergartener, does not have many lessons to learn. The soul in the college of life has much to learn and much to study in order to pass his grades. We chose our environment, our parents, our blueprint before we came into matter. The body is new but the soul in the body did not start here, and death is not the finishing line for anything but the vehicle we use on Earth. Let nothing dismay you. Whatever we have the power to create, we have the power to redeem.
There is only one planet whose power is completely out of our hands. This is Uranus. We can change the manner in which we use any of the other energies, for it lies in our hands to do so. Uranus is the planet of destiny, operating suddenly, unpredictably and through other people. We have no control over other people's actions. The one decision that does lie in our hands is how we react to it.
Read the last paragraph of Emerson's “Law of Compensation” in his Essays if you would have insight into the workings of Uranus in our lives. Uranus always breaks up existing conditions to free the spirit locked in crystallized patterns.
In reading aspects always note whether they are in cardinal, fixed, or mutable signs. The cardinal afflictions are debts from the past lifetime that must be changed through Action. The fixed signs, debts deeply ingrained over many lifetimes, must be changed through the giving up of self will. The mutable sign afflictions are faults beginning to manifest through wrong patterns of thinking in this lifetime. These afflictions are the easiest to redeem.
The mutable afflictions are tied with the respiratory system. Breath and thinking are tied together. Afflictions in Gemini affect the lungs; Sagittarius rules the hips and represents the power to move forward. Virgo afflictions gives difficulties with assimilation in the physical body, and in the psychological field, lack of ability to assimilate experience. Pisces rules the feet in the physical body and thi3 part of the body represents our understanding. Those who lack spirit show it in their walk.
Cardinal sign afflictions are caused by wrong action. Afflictions in these signs affect the body through growths, tumors, kidney troubles and digestive difficulties.
Fixed sign afflictions affect the body through circulation, heart conditions and diseases that crystallize the body as in polio or paralysis. The body is the end terminal for difficulties. If our difficulties are handled on the mental and emotional levels they need never manifest on the physical level. The individual who goes the way of the Higher Self saves himself a great deal of pain and suffering.
Where aspects between planets are concerned it is important to note whether it is a waxing or waning aspect. If the aspect is applying the energy will be stronger, for good or ill, than if it is a separating aspect. As an example: if the Sun is at 8 degrees of Leo and Saturn is at 10 degrees of Scorpio, the Sun is moving up to an exact square. If the Sun should be at 10 degrees of Leo and Saturn at 8 degrees of Scorpio the Sun has already passed the exact square and is separating. Where the faster moving planet is applying to the slower moving planet it will be stronger, either for good or ill.
The difference between a sextile and a trine is one of degree. The sextile is called the “opportunity” degree because the tendency to harmony and right use can bring the harmony to fulfillment. If something is done to further the right use of energy the sextile can be of great value. The trine operates whether the person does anything or not; it is earned increment from good given out in other lives. Now the return flow may be expected.
In judging oppositions the judgment depends on which planet is stronger. This is why the table of dignities, exaltations, falls and detriments must be memorized and understood. The closest aspect in the chart will be of very great importance. An exact aspect gives no leeway. Whether it is a so-called good aspect or a negative one that aspect will be the keynote to the chart.
Many oppositions and squares give a difficult life and obstacles to overcome, but it gives strength and character. These are the people that attain success in varying fields of endeavor. They are forced to use their spiritual muscles and through having to conquer many obstacles gain great power and strength. Too easy a birthchart will give ease and a pleasant life but little stamina or character; the person is apt to drift along and have an uneventful life. Welcome the challenges for they are opportunities that lead to the abundant life.