

I would like to thank all of those involved with this project, especially my family, who have allowed me the time for the task.

I would like to thank all the authors and other contributors, some who asked to be anonymous. The curators, archivists and the whole staff at Yale University, Manuscripts and Archives were most courteous and very helpful to this country boy. Thanks, to the folks at printing house McNaughton & Gunn for their excellent help and continual devotion to doing the job right.

With sadness that they didn’t see this work but knowing that these two would be happy with this work. I would like to thank my Dad, for out of his concern for myself came the courage and will to speak about what he had seen, sparking with-in me a zest for historical research.

And to a very kind and gentle man, who could be cantankerous at times, Mr. Antony Sutton for sharing with me his thoughts, research and wondrous glee of discovery.

Thank-you, Ed B. and Kathy G., for all your support and help. And to all my friends that have put up with me.

High Times printed two of the articles in this book. I would like to thank the magazine and editor Steve Hager for allowing me delve into a subject that is generally censored from national discourse.

And thanks to all of the fellow sojourners on this bright blue ball spinning through space. For those who came before, for those who share this crazy beautiful space now — and then, there are those that will have to deal with what ever is left when we are gone …

Onward to the Utmost of Futures
Kris Millegan