The September 11th Attack the War on Terror
and the Order of Skull & Bones

by Antony Sutton
June 2002 —
His last written article


The World Trade Center tragedy of September 11, 2001, murdered just under 3,000 Americans. The most costly attack ever on US soil. Today still uninvestigated, unsolved and virtually forgotten except for friends and relatives.

Why this suppression of WTC? Essentially because President Bush claims he cannot be bothered, he does not want his staff distracted, they are busy with the War on Terror.

Distracted? This matter could be disposed of in a 30-minute press conference.

The WTC episode was the initial, and so far the only, domestic physical act in this War on Terror. Now in denial Mr. Bush has apparently his own deep reasons for avoiding the topic. The country with less transitory interest has a right to know the reality of WTC. In one year this War on Terror has only this single disastrous WTC episode.

Mr. Bush has skillfully directed public attention to Afghanistan and Pakistan, but failed to show how Afghanistan and Pakistan tie to WTC.

Reality is where the public interest resides. For the public the WTC is the War on Terror, yet this is the core reality aspect where Bush ducks and weaves. Even further, he prevailed upon Senator Daschle to kill a Senate inquiry and pours cold water on any public inquiry.

Given this excellent opportunity for public exposure, Bush and the Administration have become shy and bashful. Our non-political question is … what are they hiding?

According to New York Times, (June 6, 2002 page A-21), “… the Administration has a deep desire to avoid any investigation at all but this has become politically untenable.”

While at the same time Mr. Bush is quoted, “I’ve seen no evidence today that said this country could have prevented the attacks.” The latter statement does not accord with known facts.

As Kristen Breitweiser wrote in the New York Times, (May 17, 2002 page A 21), “Why was the President allowed to sit for 35 minutes with a group of second graders when the country was under attack?”

What is clearly obvious even to a New York Times reporter was not obvious to the echelons of officials surrounding the President … of course the Miami photo shoot could have been deliberately planned as a deception move.

None of this is reflected in the public assessment and Bush retains a respectable 77% rating. This can plummet like a stone in a well.


Deaths Head of Mr. Bush

George W Bush and his father (as was his father) are members of a deeply submerged secret society, a satanic secret society, they would prefer you know nothing about. More suited to the I8th century than the 21st century it is known as Skull & Bones and is a real life anachronism in this modern world.

Bush is in the 1968 cell and a photograph of him and his 15 fellow cell-mates shows them grouped around a table bearing their symbol … a skull and cross bones. (Incidentally, the possession of human remains is an offense against the laws in Connecticut, the home of S&B).

The Order of Skull and Bones is no mere innocent college fraternity, as Bush would have you believe. This is a post-graduate society geared to the outside world through the RTA (a tax exempt foundation, also known as the Russell Trust Association) and their retreat on Deer Island (See this author’s America’s Secret Establishment for further details)

One of the RTA’s operating principles is the use of Hegelian creation of conflict to make “progress” or advance history, and is typical of two other omnipotent philosophies with Hegelian roots ... Nazism and Marxism.

As three members of the Bush family (grandfather Prescott, father George and George Junior) are members of RTA, we are interested in what this trio has done to further history using Hegelian methodology.


Back to WTC and September 11, 2001

Mr. Bush is deeply reluctant to tell us what he was doing between 8 AM and 9:15 AM on September 11, 2001. Yet this is a critical question for his fellow Americans. Because while Bush was meeting with Florida 2nd graders for 35 minutes — and according to the New York Times reporter this Florida meeting had absolute priority — almost 3,000 Americans were murdered.

The New York Times reporter found this strange, so do we. Mr. Bush has missed a key point here. His penchant for secrecy is not going to enable him to avoid the question. Why didn’t he use this 35 minutes to partially rescue the US and send F-16s to shoot down the high-jacked planes? Then maybe only 300 lives, not nearly 3,000, would have been lost.


Does Bush have a Hegelian hangover?

The Bush family approach to the presidency is quite different from other presidents. The Bush family seemingly views the presidency as a personal fiefdom empowered with the divine right of kings, unassailable, not to be challenged, not to be doubted and potentially omnipotent.

This is an extraordinary error. The vast American public is just not on the same wavelength.

As an example of minefields down the road, take George Sr. and the Iran-Contra papers.

These are totally secret, not to be released and many believe will never be released. George Sr. was in charge of Iran-Contra.

How do we know this? Simply because 10 or so of the official participants (from DEA, CIA, NSA and on and on) had second thoughts, saw the illegalities, rebelled and placed their participation and what they knew on paper and the Internet.

So we have a personal and open account of the official suppressed record. We can well understand why Bush Sr. and his fellow operators want complete and permanent secrecy. Iran-Contra should place several dozen officials in jail.

An important part of Iran Contra was cocaine trafficking using a combination of official and private facilities with Bush Sr. in charge. For example, the deep sea drilling rigs, staffed by CIA and NSA persons of the Zapata Corporation (with Bones and Bush ties) were used as transit points for the cocaine. It may have been a joint operation with Israel because some cocaine packages were also labeled with the Star of David.

In brief, the private and public parts of this narcotics operation were merged and hidden, which is good enough reason for concealment of this episode from a long suffering public.

Then we have the deeply disturbing case of Prescott Bush, grandfather of George Bush, who with Averell Harriman helped finance Hitler through the Union Banking Corporation, which was later taken over by the Alien Property Custodian. Prescott seems to be a very active participant in The Order’s efforts to create a Hegelian dialectic arms.

We know that this 1930’s pro-Hitler maneuver even today creates alarm in Bush circles. We were interviewed for a documentary on this topic for Dutch National TV and great efforts were made to suppress the Dutch papers relating to this Bush-Harriman episode.

Prescott and Averell were members of the same secret society and supposedly opposite political parties — all while working together out of the same business office.

Our interest is purely research. We have two Bonesmen with private interests in a secret society, are they attempting to pursue Hegelian dialectic? We have every reason in the world to question Bush Junior’s involvements in similar situations.

This is not a something Mr. Bush should avoid. If you lose control in these situations — as Mr. Bush well knows — you lose any influence you might have.

If we find three Bushes in a row involved in conflict creation situations … even the dumbest of American voters won’t feel too happy.

This is where you find the limits of the American Historical Association, the major book publishers and establishment history. Any author in this field steers a path well clear of AHA and the major New York publishers. Why … because they have their marching orders. Also more interesting, we know how these blinker-equipped publishers became part of establishment mythology. And this is why the major publishers become smaller and smaller and ultimately will disappear.



No doubt the above news and similar yet to be published misdeeds will shock many — yet are really not cause for individual alarm.

The country has automatic ways of dealing with those who abuse, not always prompt or noticeable , but sooner or later Iran-Contra, the 2000 election episode and offshoots like Enron (Bush’s biggest financier) will be called to account. That is the history of the United States. The country has an unusual ability to disgorge even its worst offenders and offenses.

Who remembers Teapot Dome, the Wall Street excesses of 1929, even the McCarthy era and segregation?

They have been dealt with.

Give this country enough time for information to spread and the system will right wrongs itself.

Even childish excesses like Skull & Bones will find their level and eventually be expunged.

The reaction will come from the bottom up.
