The ideal size of playing area for a 100-point game of En Garde! is 24" x 36", but for larger games, a playing area of 36" x 48" can be used. Playing areas larger than this will mean that there is a significant delay before opposing forces begin to interact with each other.


Terrain is an important part of En Garde!, providing cover for models and defining the battlefield. It also looks good, vastly adding to the aesthetic enjoyment of the game. Each scenario has recommendations for the terrain to be used and there are rules for the placement of this terrain. However, many players prefer to simply place terrain on the table in a mutually agreeable or random fashion and then get playing, and this is a perfectly acceptable approach.


1. Roll on the Location Table to determine the location of the battle and therefore the type of terrain likely to be found.

2. Determine the number of terrain pieces: D3+3 for a game up to 200 points in size and D3+5 for a game larger than that.

3. Determine the size of the terrain pieces by checking the number of terrain pieces against the Terrain Table.

4. Place the terrain. Divide the playing area into quarters, then both players roll a D6 to determine who places terrain first. The first player places 3 terrain pieces, no more than one to any one quarter, then the second player may move any two of these pieces by up to 6". The second player then has an opportunity to place 3 pieces and the first player to reposition some of them, again the same restrictions. Continue this alternating placement until all terrain pieces have been placed.


Some scenarios will be affected by different types of weather. If you decide to use weather, roll a D6 and consult the Weather Table below:


Not all battles take place during the day. If you wish to change the time of day, roll a D6 and consult the Time of Day Table below:


The winner of a battle will be determined by the number of Victory Points that are earned. Some factions and scenarios have special Victory Point conditions, but these general rules apply to most scenarios:

Each side gains Victory Points equal to the Rank of each enemy model killed.

Captured enemy Banners are worth 5 Victory Points.

Each enemy model that has Routed and left the table is worth Victory Points equal to half its Rank (rounding up).


There are a number of different deployment options.

Edges: Once terrain has been placed, both players roll a D6. The player with the highest roll selects one table edge and deploys his figures up to 2" in from that edge. The second player then does likewise on the opposite edge.

Corners: Once terrain has been placed, both players roll a D6. The player with the highest roll selects one table corner and deploys his figures up to 6" in from that corner. The second player then does likewise on the opposite corner.

Reserves: If the Reserves rule is used, then each player may only deploy half of his models (rounding up), with the other half being kept off-table. Half of these reserve models (rounding up) may move onto the table during the Move Phase of the second turn. All remaining models may move onto the table during the Move Phase of the third turn.


In this generic scenario, two forces of equal size meet and fight a battle.


Forces: Both players select a force of equal points value.

Terrain: Use the standard terrain placement rules.

Weather: Roll a D6. On a 5 or 6, roll again on the Weather Table. Otherwise, the weather will have no effect on the game.

Time of Day: Roll a D6. On a 6, roll again on the Time of Day Table. Otherwise, the engagement takes place during daylight hours.

Deployment: Both players roll a D6. The player who rolls highest chooses either Edge or Corner deployment. Reserves may be used if both players agree.


Standard Victory Points are used. Additionally, each side must roll on the following table to determine a minor objective. Achieving this Minor Objective is worth 5 Victory Points.


The game lasts for D6+6 turns (determined at the start of the game) or until one side withdraws, concedes or is destroyed.


In this scenario both sides attempt to take control of an objective. This may be a religious artefact, the body of a slain commander, a treasure trove or something of equivalent value that is worth fighting over.


Forces: Both players select a force of equal points value.

Terrain: Use the standard terrain placement rules. The objective must be placed in the exact centre of the board, inside or on top of any terrain that may be present.

Weather: Roll a D6. On a 5 or 6, roll again on the Weather Table. Otherwise, the weather will have no effect on the game.

Time of Day: Roll a D6. On a 6, roll again on the Time of Day Table. Otherwise, the engagement takes place during daylight hours.

Deployment: Edge deployment. Reserves are not used.


Both sides are attempting to take control of the objective, which counts as a heavy object (see here). To count as having control, a model must be in base-to-base contact with the objective and not be Engaged or two friendly models must be carrying the objective and not be Engaged. If one side controls the objective at the end of the game (or has been able to remove it from the board), it gains an additional 5 Victory Points.


The game lasts for 8 turns.


Duels were common during this period, and ranged from highly formal pre-arranged affairs between two individuals to spontaneous brawls. This scenario represents such a duel, initially between just two models, but eventually drawing in entire warbands.


Forces: Both players select a force of equal points value.

Terrain: Use the standard terrain placement rules, except that a 12" circular area in the centre of the table must be left clear of all terrain as a duelling area.

Weather: Roll a D6. On a 5 or 6, roll again on the Weather Table. Otherwise, the weather will have no effect on the game.

Time of Day: Roll a D6. On a 6, roll again on the Time of Day Table. Otherwise, the engagement takes place during daylight hours.

Deployment: Roll a D6. The player who rolls highest places his nominated duellist (see below) at some point on the edge of the central duelling area, and the rest of his models within 6" of the duellist, but outside of the duelling area. The other player then follows the same procedure. Roll a D6 once more to see which player goes first.


Standard Victory Points are used, along with the special modifiers below.


The game lasts for D6+6 turns (determined at the start of the game) or until one side withdraws, concedes or is destroyed.


At the start of the game, each player nominates one model from his warband to be his duellist. The duellists from each side will initially be the only models allowed inside the duelling area and will be the only models that fight. If a duellist is critically injured, another model can be nominated to replace it and may use its next movement to enter the duelling area. This model is now considered a duellist.

For the first 2 turns, only the duellists may be activated and they may not use any missile weapons. All other models must remain where they are deployed. From turn 3, all models may be activated as normal. Certain actions will count as negative Victory Points. The first non-duellist model to attack another model (either in hand-to-hand or with shooting, whether successful or not) will incur -2 Victory Points. The first non-duellist model that enters the duelling area will incur -2 Victory Points.


In this scenario, one side attempts to defend a strategic point at any cost. This may be a shrine, a hill, a building or something similar. The attacking side gets twice as many points as the defending side, and must wrest control of the objective.


Forces: Determine which player is attacking and which is defending (roll randomly if necessary). The defender's force is half the points value of the attacker's.

Terrain: Use the standard terrain placement rules. However, a small piece of terrain that will act as the objective must be placed in the centre of the table, and no other terrain piece may be within 8" of it. This terrain piece must be substantial enough to provide heavy cover.

Weather: Roll a D6. On a 5 or 6, roll again on the Weather Table. Otherwise, the weather will have no effect on the game.

Time of Day: Roll a D6. On a 6, roll again on the Time of Day Table. Otherwise, the engagement takes place during daylight hours.

Deployment: The defender deploys first and must place all of his models within 12" of the objective. The defender then nominates the table edge along which the attacker will deploy. The attacker uses the Reserves rule.


The side that controls the objective at the end of the game wins. To control the objective, there must be at least one friendly and no enemy models in contact with it.


The game lasts for D6+6 turns (determined at the start of the game) or until one side withdraws, concedes or is destroyed.


One side is attempting to escort an important Civilian model (an official, captive, informant or similar) from one side of the table to the other. This scenario requires a lot of scenery with a good amount of buildings, walls and/or trees to provide cover and create alleyways and choke points.


Forces: Determine which player is attacking and which is escorting (roll randomly if necessary). The escorting player's force is half the points value of the attacker's.

Terrain: Use the standard terrain placement rules.

Weather: Roll a D6. On a 5 or 6, roll again on the Weather Table. Otherwise, the weather will have no effect on the game.

Time of Day: Roll a D6. On a 6, roll again on the Time of Day Table. Otherwise, the engagement takes place during daylight hours.

Deployment: Both players roll a D6. The player who rolls highest chooses a long table edge. The attacker deploys all his models first, up to 15" in from the nominated table edge. The escorting player then deploys his models within 1" of the opposite table edge.


The Escorting side gains Victory Points equal to the Rank of each model that it successfully moves off the long table edge to which it deployed. The Civilian model is worth 10 Victory Points if it successfully moves off the opposite table edge. The blocking side gets Victory Points equal to the Rank of each enemy model that it kills and 10 Victory Points if it kills the Civilian model.


The game lasts for 10 turns or until one side withdraws, moves off the table, concedes or is destroyed.


The Civilian model activates and moves as per normal Infantry and cannot be mounted. He/she has stats of 0 and no weapons but does get a single Defence counter if engaged in combat.

(Richard Lloyd)


In this scenario one player tries keep his opponent on the opposite side of a river.


Forces: Determine which player is attacking and which is defending (roll randomly if necessary). The attacker's force has 20% more points than the defender.

Terrain: Use a playing area 36" square. A river or stream 3–6" wide runs through the centre of the board, and is spanned by a bridge in the centre of the playing area. Randomly determine which direction is downstream. Each player places a piece of terrain on each side of the rider, at least 6" from the river's edge. The river is difficult terrain – roll a D6 for each model entering the river. On a 6, the model is swept downstream 2D6" and gains a Stunned counter, then roll for drowning (here). A model that is at least partially in the river fighting a model not in the river suffers a -1 Initiative penalty.

Weather: Roll a D6. On a 5 or 6, roll again on the Weather Table. Otherwise, the weather will have no effect on the game.

Time of Day: Roll a D6. On a 6, roll again on the Time of Day Table. Otherwise, the engagement takes place during daylight hours.

Deployment: The defender places all of his figures anywhere on the table, and then indicates which edge the attacker will start from. The attacker's models move onto the table anywhere along that edge.


When the game ends, each warband gains Victory Points equal to the Ranks of all of its models on the Defender's side of the river. If the Attacker has the most Victory Points, the Attacker wins. If the Attacker has less than half the Victory Points of the Defender, the Defender wins. Otherwise, the game is a draw.


In the End Phase of the 4th turn, roll a D6. If the result is a 6, the next turn will be the final turn of the game. If not, roll a D6 in the End Phase of the 5th turn. If the result is 5 or 6, then the next turn is the final one. If not, roll a D6 in the End Phase of the 6th turn, and this time a 4, 5 or 6 means the next turn is the final one – and so on.


In this 2, 3 or 4-player scenario, warbands battle to occupy a building or feature in the centre of the board.


Forces: All players select a force of equal points value.

Terrain: Use a playing area 36" square. There is only one piece of terrain on the board, placed right in the centre of the playing area.

Weather: Roll a D6. On a 5 or 6, roll again on the Weather Table. Otherwise, the weather will have no effect on the game.

Time of Day: Roll a D6. On a 6, roll again on the Time of Day Table. Otherwise, the engagement takes place during daylight hours.

Deployment: All players roll a D6. The player who rolls highest chooses a table edge, then the next player and so on. Models move onto the table from anywhere on their respective table edge that is not within 6" of a corner.


When the game ends, each side gets Victory Points equal to the Rank of all of its models that have their bases touching the shrine. The winner is the side with the highest number of Victory Points. If there is a draw, then use the number of wounds on still living models in the drawn warbands as a tie-breaker.


In the End Phase of the 4th turn, roll a D6. If the result is a 6, the next turn will be the final turn of the game. If not, roll a D6 in the End Phase of the 5th turn. If the result is 5 or 6, then the next turn is the final one. If not, roll a D6 in the End Phase of the 6th turn, and this time a 4, 5 or 6 means the next turn is the final one – and so on.

(Patrick Connor)


In this scenario, one side attempts to kidnap or kill as many of the enemy as possible, particularly some civilians caught up in the action.


Forces: Determine which player is attacking and which is escorting (roll randomly if necessary). The attacker has 20% more points than the defender. The defender adds one Civilian model to his force for every 25 points spent in his force.

Terrain: Use the standard terrain placement rules.

Weather: Roll a D6. On a 5 or 6, roll again on the Weather Table. Otherwise, the weather will have no effect on the game.

Time of Day: Roll a D6. On a 6, roll again on the Time of Day Table. Otherwise, the engagement takes place during daylight hours.

Deployment: The defender chooses a long table edge and then deploys all of his models anywhere on the table. The attacker uses Edge deployment.


The Attackers gain 1 Victory Point for each Civilian model that has been killed and 5 Victory Points for each Civilian model that has been subdued and taken from the table via any table edge. The Defender gains 2 Victory Points for each Civilian model that is unharmed and still on the table.


The game lasts for 10 turns or until one side withdraws, concedes or is destroyed.