Dear Reader,
I have always been fascinated by the story of the Good Samaritan. It takes a lot of courage to stop and help a stranger, and it opens up the possibility of exposing your own life to others.
That’s why I wrote this story. I got the idea from a newspaper article about a man who’d helped someone, then, because of all the attention, was forced to reveal certain aspects of his own less-than-perfect life. I thought it was sad that he’d stopped to help a fellow human being, but was now being persecuted for not being a perfect hero after all.
Derek Kane didn’t want to be a hero; he just wanted to help others in need. Stephanie Maguire wanted a hero, but what she found was a real-life human being with flaws and misgivings. And she also found that she could love the man, not her image of what he should be.
In today’s society, we focus a lot on images. It’s good to take the time to focus instead on what really matters. Inner beauty, a solid faith, strength and integrity win out every time.
Until next time, may the angels watch over you while you sleep.