Chapter Thirty-Six



Late November


Tess rode in a buggy with Mary and the children bound for the SR Ranch, Tom at the reins. Cale rode horseback beside them, the brim of his Stetson pulled low, and a heavy duster buttoned to his chin. She wondered how she’d come to be so blessed. Cale cared for her spirit with such gentleness and affection, while worshipping every inch of her so often in the dark hours of the night, that she suspected she would soon have an announcement. Just a few more days to be certain.

“Are you nervous?” Tess asked Mary, placing a blanket atop Molly Rose beside her. The dark wool traveling gown kept Tess warm enough. Both she and Mary had pinned their hair into fancy buns and wore velvet bonnets secured by a ribbon at the chin.

“A little.” Mary held little Evelyn close, swathed tightly. “I guess excited would be more appropriate. I can't believe my sister is alive and that I'll see her in just moments.”

Tess hugged Molly Rose to her side. “I'm so happy that you and Tom came back with us. Thank you for witnessing mine and Cale's marriage.”

“I'm so confused about all the relations, but I do believe that we're sisters now. At least, that's how I feel in my heart.”

“Mine, too.”

The buggy stopped. Tom dropped to the ground and came to take Robbie and Molly Rose, then he helped Mary while Tess held Evelyn. She handed the ever-growing babe off, then was whisked to the ground by the strong arms of her husband, his hands lingering at her waist. He surprised her by whipping off his hat and capturing her lips in a quick kiss, leaning his head far enough to the side to avoid the brim of her bonnet.

She ducked her head bashfully but burst out laughing when Robbie exclaimed behind her, “Ewww.”

“Just you wait, Robbie,” Cale said over his shoulder, falling in step beside her.

“Wait for what?”

“The day you find your sweetheart.”

“I ain’t never gettin’ hitched.”

“I am not ever getting married,” Tess corrected.

“Why’re you sayin’ that? You just got married. And you were supposed to marry me.”

“Robert Thomas Simms, mind your manners,” Mary scolded.

He tugged at the buttoned collared shirt and wool coat he was forced to wear. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Don’t worry, Robbie,” Cale said. “You’ll find a woman like Tess one day.”

“If you say so.”

Cale clasped her hand. “I’m not giving you up, Mrs. Walker,” he said under his breath for her ears only.

Teresa Rios Campos Carlisle Walker.

Mrs. Caleb Joseph Walker.

It pleased her more than she ever imagined it would.

The last several weeks had passed in a blissful blur. They'd returned to Blight's homestead, filled him in on the tragic events, and retrieved Douglas Haverly and their mula, Moses. In Tucson, Cale made arrangements for the boy to be returned to his family farther south.


She and Cale stayed for several weeks with Tom and Mary. Tom had found a house in town, but it needed repairs, so Cale assisted. Tess agreed to marry him, since there was no reason to wait. He’d taken her to bed as soon as they’d had privacy, and the use of a ratty old blanket was never an issue again. Cale made love to her so completely, and so frequently, upon their return that she no longer worried that he might get her with child. It was a foregone conclusion. Although they never spoke directly of it, it was clear he was determined to fill her with his child, and that babe deserved a holy union.

Returning to Texas had brought them first to the Walker Ranch. She met Cale's pa and his brothers, Joey and T.J. It wasn't the warmest of families, but Tess knew immediately that Cale embraced it. His pa was more than happy to deed land to him, and the two of them talked well into the night about the future. First thing this morning, Cale, Tom, Mary and the children had all piled into the buggy so that Mary could, at long last, see her sister.

As they moved toward the porch, two women appeared at the door. Tess knew they had to be Mary's siblings.

“Molly?” Mary released her children's hands and flew up the steps, locking the woman into a fierce hug.

Tess moved to Robbie and Molly Rose and knelt beside them, holding them close while Mary reunited with one sister, then the other. They all clung to one another.

Tess's throat tightened.

An older woman came outside. “All of you, come inside now before you catch a chill.” She ushered everyone indoors.

Tess removed her hat, and Cale helped with her coat, while the others did the same. They all gathered in a sitting room on the right, crowded with family members.

“Matt,” Cale said to a tall man with brown hair and features much like the woman who’d just greeted them on the porch, “I’d like you to meet my wife, Tess.”

Matt grinned and took her hand. “It’s a pleasure. When we got your letter, Molly laughed at how quickly your wedding happened.”

“Cale was impatient,” Tess teased.

“When a man makes up his mind, there’s no reason to wait,” Matt said.

A similar-looking man appeared, and Tess knew this had to be Matt’s brother.

“It’s good to see you, Logan.” Cale shook his hand, then addressed a blond woman who stood nearby. “Claire? I didn't expect to see you here.”

“You've been away for a bit,” Logan replied. “Claire is my wife.” He ushered a young boy forward, about eight or nine. “This is her brother, Jimmy.”

Cale greeted the boy, then shifted his attention back to Logan and Claire. “Congratulations. I'd like you to meet Tess.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet the woman who finally tamed Walker.” Logan glared at Cale. “You wandered more than a Longhorn.”

“I think you’re confusing me with yourself,” Cale replied.

Logan grinned and placed an arm around Claire’s shoulder. “With so much matrimony in the air, Rosita is gonna think her good luck charms actually work.”

Another tall, dark-haired man with a scar on his left cheek came forward.

“Nathan,” Cale said. He clapped him on the back. “You made it through your Grand Canyon adventure. I see that Emma is here safe and sound.”

“You don’t know about this one yet, do you?” Logan chimed in. “Nathan and Emma just got hitched.”

Cale looked a bit bewildered. “Maybe Rosita is working some sort of sorcery.”

“Who’s Rosita?” Tess asked.

“The cook.”

“Finding Emma is a long story,” Nathan said. “I’m pleased to meet Hank Carlisle’s daughter. Did you find him?”

Sí,” Tess answered.

“Another long story,” Cale said. “One best told over a bottle of whiskey and an endless supply of cigars.” His hand sought hers and took possession.

“Sounds good,” Matt said. “I don't think these ladies will be able to separate themselves anytime soon.”

Emma, Mary and Molly were still entwined in their own world, crying, laughing, gasping and hugging.

Tom chatted with Logan, and further introductions were made on his behalf.

“You wanna head to my pa's study?” Matt asked all the men. “He won’t return from Dallas until next week.”

Cale turned to her. “Do you mind?”

“No. You go on.” Tess felt comfortable here, far different than at the Walker Ranch.

Cale kissed her on the cheek before joining the men.

“I’m so happy you’re here,” Claire said, moving to Tess’s side. “I’m sure you’re tired after such a long journey.”

“It was so important for Mary to come. I’m glad I could accompany her.”

Robbie and Molly Rose tugged at her skirt as Matt and Logan’s mother came to her.

“Please accept my apologies for not introducing myself sooner. I'm Susannah Ryan, and you must be Tess. We couldn't be more pleased that you and Caleb have married. He's very dear to us. It's so wonderful to meet you.” As Susannah folded her into a hug, Tess couldn’t help but like her immediately. Stepping back, Susannah added, “I wonder if the little ones would like to go to the kitchen for cookies? It'll ruin their dinner, but I won't tell Rosita.” She reached a hand to each of them. “Jimmy? You coming too?”

“Yes, ma'am!”

Tess nodded to Robbie and Molly Rose, and they each took one of Susannah's hands and let her lead them down the hall.

Mary finally turned and joined Tess and Claire.

“Tess,” she said, “this is my sister Molly.”

Sparkling eyes and a huge smile so very like Mary’s greeted her, along with a bulging waistline. “You married Cale, so now we're sisters,” Molly said.

Molly held her tight, and in that embrace, Tess felt a love and connection that she'd never before experienced. It was as if Molly, as if this entire household, needed her presence. It was odd and wholly unexpected.

“I’ve never had a sister,” Tess replied.

“Well, now you have a bunch,” Molly exclaimed.

The other sister beamed. “I'm Emma.”

Tess hugged her as well. “I've never been around so many women before.”

They all laughed, then settled onto the stuffed couch and chairs, talking and reminiscing. Tess lost track of time.

The children entered the room in a rush, Robbie and Molly Rose running to Mary. A Mexican cook, presumably the one and only Rosita, entered carrying Evelyn. “Are you the mother?” She looked at Tess, who shook her head.

She was struck by the longing that pierced her. She wanted to have a child of her own. With luck, she and Cale would soon.

Emma sat beside her. Delivering a sidelong glance at Tess, she leaned near and said, “I hope you don't mind me saying, but you're with child.”

“How do you know?” Tess asked, surprised. Her heart leapt. She hoped it was true.

Emma sighed. “Just a little gift I have. I'll explain it to you later, if you’d like to know.”

Intrigued, Tess nodded. “I’d like that.”

Rosita let out a hearty chuckle. “Miss Tess, right? You are Cale’s new wife? All these women are with child, so why not you too?”

Susannah frowned. “I'm not, Rosita. I'm much too old for that.”

Mary chimed in, “I'm fairly certain I'm not either. Evie keeps me quite busy for now. Are Emma and Claire expecting?”

The women nodded.

“Then I hope I catch what you all have,” Tess said.

Everyone laughed.

“I'd love to meet your children,” Molly said to Mary.

As Mary stood and took Evelyn from Rosita, she beckoned the other two forward. “This is Robert, and this is Molly Rose. Children, this is your Aunt Molly.”

“She has the same name as me,” little Molly Rose whispered.

“Sweetheart, you're named after her,” Mary replied.

Molly Rose shyly went to her Aunt Molly and allowed a hug.

“This was a moment I never dreamed would come to be,” Mary said.

Tess came and put an arm around her. “Why don't you go and tend to Evie.” The babe was beginning to fuss, and it was clear she needed a feeding. “I'll look after Robbie and Molly Rose.”

Mary agreed and followed Rosita to a quieter location to nurse the baby.

Jimmy urged Robbie to accompany him upstairs. He had toys in his room he was eager to share.

And so, with a fire blazing in the hearth, Tess sat with her newly-found family—Molly, Claire, and Emma. Molly Rose soon shed her shyness and reveled being the center of attention.

Much later, Tess lay with Cale, the bedsheets tangled around them. He smelled of tobacco and whiskey, and due to the late hour, they’d remained at the SR for the night. The intensity of his loving never ceased to amaze her, especially when the liquor should’ve made him drowsy.

His body partially covered hers, and a knee rested between her legs. His hand moved from breast to hip, and he burrowed his face into her neck.

Content, Tess closed her eyes as she recovered her breath from the vigorous romp, her arm wrapped around his neck.

“I think we’re going to have a baby,” she whispered.

He raised his head and braced himself on one arm, gazing down at her. “Does that make you happy?”


His free hand rested on her abdomen. “Any panic?”

“No. Not in many weeks.” Perhaps her fears had abated. But if not, she was beginning to realize that within Cale’s love, she could weather them.

“Then my plan has worked.”

“And what was that?”

“To make love to you as much as possible so that you’d never think to be frightened again.”

“Well, I think you’ve succeeded. But I do have to say that I’m a bit tired,” she teased.

“That’s a small price to pay.” He kissed her.

“If it’s a girl, can we name her after mi abuela?”

Sí,” Cale replied. His lips moved along her cheek, then her neck, distracting Tess.

He settled more fully over her, and said, “But I think I’ll just call her Blackbird.”

O blackbird! sing me something well.

Happiness blossomed in Tess’s heart, and she felt, for the first time, she wasn’t telling the story—she was the story.





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