
Consider posting your review.

Leaving a book review is a very powerful tool when it comes to getting attention for my books. As an independently published author, I don’t have the connections or financial muscle of a New York publisher. Getting my books to the front of the bookstore or in full-page ads in the newspaper is something I’m not able to take advantage of, not yet anyway.

But I do have the advantage of speaking directly to you, the reader. Spreading news about my books by leaving a review not only proves my story’s worth to others who might enjoy it, but word-of-mouth and social prof can be more powerful than anything New York publishers can offer.

Honest reviews of my books help attract other readers. If you’ve enjoyed this book, I would be very grateful if you would spend just five minutes leaving a review — it can be as short as you like.

Thank you so much.

Happy reading,

A J Walker