Archives and Special Collections
Note: The abbreviations used in the notes for archival sources, both public and private, are listed below.
Jane and Jeremiah Denton family private collection |
James and Sybil Stockdale Papers, Collection of the Coronado Historical Association, Coronado, CA |
James and Sybil Stockdale family private collection |
Phyllis Eason Galanti Papers, Virginia Museum of History and Culture, Richmond, VA |
Paul and Phyllis Galanti family private collection |
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections, Dole Institute of Politics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS |
Sybil Bailey Stockdale Papers, Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford, CA |
Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, PA |
Author Interviews
Amwake, Lynn Boroughs. February 27, 2017.
Boroughs, Tom. December 4, 2016.
Butler, Karen. January 17, 2015, and January 27, 2017.
Capen, Richard. January 18 and March 4, 2016; March 30, 2017.
Clifford, Judi. January 5 and September 16, 19, and 20, 2016; various dates, May 2016–December 2017.
Crayton, Patsy. January 17, 2015; July 22, 2016; January 27, 2017; and February 16, 2018.
Dennison, Sandy. March 9, 2016.
Denton, Jeremiah, III. May 7 and 8, 2016.
Dole, Senator Bob. October 13, 2016.
Estocin, Marie. February 22, 2018.
Frisbie, Kathleen Johnson. October 3, 2017; March 1, 18, and 21, April 20, and May 15, 2018.
Galanti, Paul. December 15, 2016; various dates, May 2016–December 2017.
Gellman, Dr. Irwin. October 17, 2017.
Halyburton, Marty. May 7, 2015.
Halyburton, Porter. May 7, 2015.
Henry, Debby Burns. January 16 and May 2, 2016
Hickerson, Carole Hanson. July 10, 2015, and April 11, 2018.
Johnson, Bruce. April 5, 2018
Khachigian, Ken. March 3 and 12, 2017.
Kissinger, Dr. Henry. October 15, 2015.
Knapp, Helene. March 15–18, 2015; various dates, 2015–2018.
Leepson, Marc. June 15, 2018; various dates, 2016–2018.
Lynch, Bernard. July 20, 2017.
Lynch, Merriann Boroughs. February 8 and July 20, 2017.
Mackenzie, Ginni. September 10, 2016.
Mackenzie, Ross. September 10, 2016.
Martin, Sherry. January 30, 2016.
McCain, Senator John. March 10, 2016.
McDaniel, Dorothy. January 16 and 18, 2018.
McDaniel, Red. January 16, 2018.
McElhanon, Sandy. March 10, 2018.
Mulligan, Louise. August 14, 2015.
Nichter, Dr. Luke. April 25, 2018.
Ochberg, Dr. Frank. February 28, 2017.
Perot, H. Ross. March 15, 2015.
Pollard, Joan. April 24, 2018.
Rander, Andrea. May 7 and 8 and June 29, 2018.
Robertson, Jenny Connell. January 16, 2016.
Shields, Dr. Roger. April 23, 2018.
Sienicki, Ted. December 18, 2015.
Stockdale, Sid. June 8 and 17, 2015.
Stratton, Sallie. September 7, 2017.
Tschudy, Bill. April 11, 2017.
Tschudy, Janie. December 17, 2015, and March 21, 2017.
Twinem, Pat. June 6 and 7, 2017.
Woolfolk, Bebe. November 27, 2015.
Selected Articles
A, Dr. Ganesh, and Dr. Catherine Joseph. “Personality Studies in Aircrew: An Overview.” Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine 49, no. 1 (2005).
Cease, Cheryl J. “The Mulligans: Life After Hanoi.” Tidewater Virginian: Business Magazine of Southeastern Virginia, August 1986.
Collins, Denis. “The Deprogramming of a POW.” Washington Post, August 31, 1981.
Denton, James S. “Editor’s Introduction: In Hanoi, Going Forward and Backward.” World Affairs Institute, January/February 2014. http://
Goodwin, Gerald F. “Black and White in Vietnam.” New York Times, July 18, 2017.
Luti, William J. “Did Fake News Lose the Vietnam War?” Wall Street Journal, January 20, 2018.
Moran, Jordan. “Nixon and the Pentagon Papers.” Miller Center, University of Virginia. https://
Peterson, Captain Gordon I., USN (Ret.), and David C. Taylor. “A Shield and a Sword: Intelligence Support to Communications with US POWs in Vietnam.” Studies in Intelligence 60, no. 1 (March 2016).
Powledchs, Fred. “H. Perot Pays His Dues.” New York Times, February 28, 1971.
Riley, Jason L. “Martin Luther King: ‘We Can’t Keep Blaming the White Man.’” Wall Street Journal, April 4, 2018.
Stockdale, Jim, II. “My Father, the Spy in the Hanoi Hilton.” Daily Beast, April 27, 2015. www
Thorsen, Karen. “A P.O.W. Wife Turns Political.” Life, September 29, 1972.
Wainwright, Loudon. “When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again—or Doesn’t.” Life, November 10, 1972.
Weller, Sheila. “It Happened in 1967.” Vanity Fair, March 2017.
Websites http://
Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency. www “Operation Rolling Thunder.” www
Richard M. Nixon Presidential Library and Museum. www
Selective Service System. “About the Agency.” www
Senator Bob Dole Official Website. www
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Page/The Wall USA. www
Film, Video, and Television Programs
“1971 Mrs. Paul Galanti, Wife of Prisoner of War, Pleads for Prisoner Release.” YouTube video, 1:33, from a news report broadcast by WSLS TV on February 9, 1971. Uploaded by nutty.archives, September 27, 2016.
American Experience. “Return with Honor.” PBS, 2000. www
Fastoso, Mark, dir. Jeremiah. Birmingham: Alabama Public Television, 2015, 57 mins.
Unpublished Works
Boroughs, Merriann. Scrapbook. February–March 1973. Boroughs family private collection.
Capen, Richard. Untitled autobiography, n.d. Collection of Richard Capen.
Denton, Jeremiah, III. Unpublished memoir, 2017. Collection of Jeremiah Denton III.
Knapp, Helene. “Helene’s Memoire from the Years 1946–1978.” Unpublished memoir, 1978.
Mackenzie, Ross. Retirement scrapbook. December 11, 2006.
Smith, Steven L. “The Reluctant Sorority: Stories of American Wives of Prisoners of War and Missing in Action, 1965–1973; Lessons in Exercising Leadership in the Absence of Power.” PhD diss., University of San Diego, April 2006.
Stratton, Sallie. “Losing Chuck, Finding Sallie: Odyssey of an MIA Wife.” Unpublished memoir, 2016.
Abramson, Rudy. Spanning the Century: The Life of W. Averell Harriman, 1891–1986. New York: William Morrow, 1992.
Allen, Michael J. Until the Last Man Comes Home: POWs, MIAs and the Unending Vietnam War. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2009.
Berrigan, Daniel. Night Flight to Hanoi: War Diary with 11 Poems. New York: Harper & Row, 1968.
Clinton, James W. The Loyal Opposition. Niwot: University Press of Colorado, 1995.
Collins, Gail. When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present. New York: Little, Brown, 2009.
Cronkite, Walter. A Reporter’s Life. New York: Knopf, 1996.
Davis, Vernon E. The Long Road Home: U.S. Prisoner of War Policy and Planning in Southeast Asia. Washington, DC: Historical Office of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, 2000.
Denton, Jeremiah A., Jr., with Ed Brandt. When Hell Was in Session. Clover, SC: Commission Press, 1976.
Dole, Bob. One Soldier’s Story: A Memoir. New York: Harper, 2005.
Farrell, John A. Richard Nixon: The Life. New York: Doubleday, 2017.
Ferguson, Niall. Kissinger, 1923–1968: The Idealist. New York: Penguin Press, 2015.
Franklin, H. Bruce. M.I.A., or Mythmaking in America. Brooklyn: Lawrence Hill Books, 1992.
Grubb, Evelyn, and Carol Jose. You Are Not Forgotten. St. Petersburg, FL: Vandamere Press, 2008.
Halberstam, David. The Best and the Brightest. New York: Random House, 1992.
Howes, Craig. Voices of the Vietnam POWs: Witnesses to Their Flight. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Karnow, Stanley. Vietnam: A History—The First Complete Account of Vietnam at War. New York: Penguin, 1984.
Kissinger, Henry. Ending the Vietnam War: A History of America’s Involvement in and Extrication from the Vietnam War. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003.
McCain, John, with Mark Salter. Faith of My Fathers. New York: Random House, 1999.
McGovern, James R. Black Eagle. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1985.
McMaster, H. R. Dereliction of Duty: Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Lies That Led to Vietnam. New York: Harper Perennial, 1997.
Moreau, Donna. Waiting Wives: The Story of Schilling Manor, Home Front to the Vietnam War. New York: Atria, 2005.
Morris, David J. The Evil Hours. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015.
Nixon, Richard. The Memoirs of Richard Nixon. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1978.
Olson, Lynne. Citizens of London: The Americans Who Stood with Britain in Its Darkest, Finest Hour. New York: Random House, 2010.
Powell, S. Steven. Covert Cadre: Inside the Institute for Policy Studies. Ottawa, IL: Green Hill, 1988.
Pye, Anne Briscoe, and Nancy Shea. The Navy Wife. New York: Harper & Row, 1965.
Rochester, Stuart I., and Frederick Kiley. Honor Bound: The History of American Prisoners of War in Southeast Asia, 1961–1973. Washington, DC: Historical Office of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1998.
Stockdale, Jim and Sybil. In Love and War: The Story of a Family’s Ordeal and Sacrifice During the Vietnam Year. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1990.
Swerdlow, Amy. Women Strike for Peace: Traditional Motherhood and Radical Politics in the 1960s. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Swift, Will. Pat and Dick: The Nixons, an Intimate Portrait of a Marriage. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2014.
Thomas, Evan. Being Nixon: A Man Divided. New York: Random House, 2015.
Tierney, Helen, ed. Women’s Studies Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Press, 2002.
Townley, Alvin. Defiant: The POWs Who Endured Vietnam’s Most Infamous Prison, the Women Who Fought for Them, and the One Who Never Returned. New York: Thomas Dunne, 2014.
Updegrove, Mark K. Indomitable Will: LBJ in the Presidency. New York: Skyhorse, 2012.
Van Atta, Dale. With Honor: Melvin Laird in War, Peace, and Politics. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2008.
Ward, Geoffrey C., and Ken Burns. The Vietnam War: An Intimate History. New York: Knopf, 2017.