The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
- African Americans
- combat troops
- Holland as
- James, D., as
- Marines
- National League integration of
- Rander, A., and
- Rander, D., as
- Air Force, U.S.
- The Air Force Wife and
- Colorado Springs and
- League denying coup of retired
- MIA wife of
- pilots of
- POWs returning
- wives of
- The Air Force Wife
- Alvarez, Everett, Jr.
- as first naval aviator POW
- anti-war activists
- accomplishments of
- Boroughs using
- COLIAFAM as militant
- Denton, Jane, sending letters with
- Liberation Magazine as
- mixed motives for
- Mobe and New Mobe as
- to North Vietnam
- North Vietnam talking with
- POW/MIA wives interaction with
- POW/MIAs and wives as hostage to
- propaganda soldiers as
- protests by
- releases accomplished by
- Weiss as left-leaning
- Appeal for International Justice
- heavy-hitter support for
- POW/MIA families to
- Army, U.S.
- The Army Wife and
- families
- news and grouping as
- POW son joining
- POWs returning as
- wives
- The Army Wife
- Boroughs, Robert Sams “Bob” Jr.
- anti-war activists used by
- covert and coded letters with
- Harriman not liked by
- Mr. POW known as
- Naval Intelligence officer as
- Navy POW families as friends with
- POW/MIA meeting spied upon by
- POW/MIA wives recognition by
- POW/MIA wives working with
- truth told by
- Twinem as assistant to
- U.S. department distrust seen by
- wives and formal organization by
- Brady, Louise
- Brett, Carol
- “Bring Paul Home” letter campaign
- bumper stick campaign
- Burns, Doug
- Burns, Pat
- Butler, Karen
- League of Wives finalizing by
- Look magazine interviewing
- moving from base
- news of MIA, then POW for
- recording Nixon, R., delegates
- on Stockdale, S.
- Butler, Phillip Neal
- CACO. See casualty assistance calls officer
- Capen, Richard “Dick”
- meeting anger remembered by
- personal Swedish connections of
- on POW/MIA data-collecting mission
- casualty assistance calls officer (CACO)
- Grubb, E., suspicion of
- POW/MIA families with assigned
- cease fire agreement
- Kissinger on
- POW/MIA details of
- Chiang Kai-shek
- children
- of Coronado peninsula
- POW/MIA and anonymity for
- POW/MIA children meeting other
- POW/MIA suffering for
- Christmas bombing
- Christmas seals campaign
- Civil Rights Act of 1964
- POW/MIAs and wives shut out from
- women and rights under
- civilians
- collateral damage to
- MIAs as
- POWs returning as
- Code of Conduct
- capture and chain of command
- early release as violating
- Eisenhower establishing
- Korean War prompting
- scrutiny of
- SERE teaching
- U.S. encouraging disobedience of
- COLIAFAM. See Committee of Liaison with Families of Servicemen Detained in Vietnam
- Colorado Springs. See also Knapp, Helene
- Air Force based in
- Paris protest and
- wives in
- Committee of Liaison with Families of Servicemen Detained in Vietnam (COLIAFAM)
- Galanti, Phyllis, receiving letter via
- mail contact cut by
- as militant peace group
- National League as opposite to
- North Vietnam allowing packages by
- North Vietnam snubbing U.S. with
- phones and addresses given out by
- POW and MIA lists through
- POW/MIA wives on danger of
- publicity death announcements by
- Stockdale, J., on forced visits with
- warning on working with
- Communists
- bullets defeating
- Eisenhower warning on
- Galanti, Phyllis, meeting French
- Hanoi as capitol for
- Korean War and POW treatment by
- no writing to leaders of
- POW treatment by
- Congressional hearings
- POW/MIA wives speaking at
- Shuman, E., speaking at
- Connell, James “J. J.”
- Connell, Jenny
- coded letters written by
- League of Wives finalizing by
- on letter deliveries
- Cormier, Irene Davis
- Coronado peninsula
- children of
- new naval amphibious base on
- Vietnam War influencing
- covert and coded letters
- Boroughs promoting
- ONI and
- POW/MIA wives writing
- POWs sending
- Stockdale, S., writing
- Crayton, Patsy
- on stress overtaking wives
- Washington, D.C., move for
- Crayton, Render
- Cronkite, Walter
- Davis, Rennard “Rennie”
- death
- COLIAFAM gaining publicity on
- of LBJ
- POW/MIA wives and stages of
- Defense Department, U.S.
- Pentagon and State mistrusted by
- Dennison, Sandy
- on going public
- League of Wives finalizing by
- Stockdale, S., and
- Dennison, Terry
- Denton, Jane
- anti-war activists and letters from
- Boroughs working with
- coded letters written by
- East coast meetings for
- on edgy meeting
- family reunion for
- on government not doing job
- group kept together by
- gumption back for
- on husband letter
- IRC contact by
- make-believe game seen by
- MIA husband for
- military connections made by
- Nixon, R., incensing
- no South Vietnamese introduction for
- premonition and news for
- private grief of
- protest letter from
- questions by
- Semmes meeting with
- Tschudy, J., meeting
- off
- Washington, D.C., connections of
- Denton, Jeremiah “Jerry”
- as Alabama Senator
- blinking by
- family reunion for
- Geneva Convention illustrated by
- marched and beaten
- POW spokesman as
- shot down in July 1965
- on television
- Diem, Ngo Dinh
- diplomacy
- in Paris
- POW/MIA and futile
- POW/MIA wives in
- Vietnam War history in
- Distinguished Public Service Award, U.S. Navy
- Dodge, Mary
- Dole, Robert J. “Bob”
- on Congress not knowing POW/MIA
- Freedom Rally promoted by
- POW/MIA families writing to
- on Senate recognizing POW/MIAs
- on Sweden interning POWs
- on women strength
- domino theory
- Dunn, Joseph P.
- Dunn, Maureen
- early release
- anti-war activists accomplishing
- Code of Conduct violated by
- Fink Release Program as
- injured POWs accepting
- U.S. government advocating for
- East coast wives
- cultural changes for
- going public for
- meetings for
- National League office for
- 1967 formal meetings for
- Virginia Beach donated building to
- Washington, D.C., and
- West coast meets
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.
- Code of Conduct establishing
- Communist warning from
- SERE prescribed by
- Europe
- Geneva Convention in
- North Vietnam audience trip to
- POW/MIA wives to
- Fellowes, Pat
- financial issues
- Stockdale, S., concerned on
- wives unable to execute
- Fink Release Program
- First Ladies
- Nixon, P., hosting
- Nixon, R., toasting POW wives as
- Fonda, Jane
- Freedom Rally
- Constitution Hall for
- Dole, Moser promoting
- low turnout for
- Mulligan, L., speech at
- Frishman, Robert
- Galanti, Paul
- family reunion for
- shot down June 1966
- Galanti, Phyllis
- Boroughs working with
- COLIAFAM delivering letter to
- family reunion for
- French Communist meeting for
- Grubb, E., proximity to
- husband and preparation by
- information telegraphed by
- from introvert to extrovert
- invincible feeling for
- Kissinger on
- media connection by
- National League leadership for
- Nixon, R., meeting with
- North Vietnam demand by
- pregnancy and life for
- Richmond support and
- as shy, intelligent
- Sweden interning POWs and
- Gartley, Mark
- Geneva Convention
- in Europe
- North Vietnam and
- U.S. and upholding
- going public
- Grubb, Evelyn “Evie”
- on CACO suspicion of
- Galanti, Phyllis, proximity to
- National League leadership for
- on peace group accomplishments
- on Perot support
- as unwanted problem for U.S.
- Grubb, Wilmer Newlin “Newk”
- Habib, Philip
- Haig, Alexander
- Halyburton, Marty
- Halyburton, Porter
- Hanoi
- As Communist capitol
- on pilots as criminals
- POW/MIA families and alternatives to
- “Write Hanoi” campaign to
- Hanoi Hilton
- gallows humor naming
- husbands in
- leaving jails of
- pilots kept in
- PTSD as low after
- torture at
- Hanoi March
- Hanson, Carole
- bumper sticker campaign by
- fundraising ability of
- National League leadership by
- on POW/MIAs for bargaining
- Harkness, Paula
- Harriman, Averell
- ambassador in charge of POWs
- appeasement policy of
- Boroughs, Twinem not fans of
- “crocodile” code name for
- evidence sharing shut down by
- formal organization and response by
- JFK “wise man”
- on Nixon, R.
- no peace accomplishment by
- POW/MIA wives briefed by
- Stockdale, S., decision made by
- Stockdale, S., meeting with
- wives writing to
- Havens, Charlie
- Hegdahl, Douglas
- Henry, Debby Burns
- coded letters written by
- on no caring about POW/MIAs
- Herzog, John
- Ho Chi Minh
- on war crime trial
- Holland, Jerome H.
- as African American
- U.S. ambassador as
- Hotel del Coronado
- Hollywood icons attraction to
- West coast wives close to
- human rights activists
- National League as
- National League emphasis on
- North Vietnam violations and
- POW/MIA wives as subversive
- POW/MIA wives becoming
- In Love and War (Stockdale, J., and Stockdale, S.)
- Interdepartmental Prisoner of War Committee
- International Red Cross (IRC)
- lack of access by
- mail failure by
- POW camp inspections by
- Sweden and meeting with
- James, Daniel “Chappie”
- JCS. See Joint Chiefs of Staff
- JFK. See Kennedy, John F.
- Johnson, Bruce
- Johnson, Kathleen
- as group spokesman
- MIA wives after war
- Paris meetings for
- speech by
- on Vietnamese empathy
- Johnson, Lyndon B. (LBJ)
- attack aircraft used by
- civilian losses kept secret by
- Code of Conduct disobedience and
- credibility lost by
- on freedom for everyone
- keep quiet, death of
- military and civilian mistrust under
- military wives not met by
- no second term for
- North Korea and inaction by
- POW truths of
- POW/MIA families as nightmare for
- POW/MIA wives as liability for
- POW/MIA wives ignored by
- Vietnam War and electoral support for
- Vietnam War and indecisiveness by
- Vietnam War as controlled for
- Vietnam War inherited by
- Johnson, Shirley
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
- diminishment of
- Moorer as chairman of
- Keep Quiet policy
- farce as
- McCain, John S. III, on
- POW treatment as worst in
- POW/MIA wives and enforcement of
- POW/MIA wives rejecting
- POWs urged with
- Stockdale, S., addressing
- World War II and Korean War on
- Keller, Jenny
- Kennedy, John F. (JFK)
- Harriman as “wise man” of
- military and civilian mistrust under
- NSC and JCS altered by
- Kennedy, Robert F.
- Kissinger, Henry
- on cease fire negotiation
- on dark future
- on Galanti, Phyllis
- honor saved by
- James taken to task by
- National League advocacy and
- National League revolt and
- 1972 first hint on end from
- peace agreement in sight by
- POA/MIA families and attention by
- on POW/MIA priorities
- red “Bat Phone” to
- Kitt, Eartha
- Knapp, Helene
- Christmas seals campaign by
- keep-quiet instructions given to
- National League leadership for
- no longer searching
- on fate of husband
- Knapp, Herman “Herm”
- shot down April 1967
- Known Dead list
- Korean War
- Communists and POW treatment in
- Keep Quiet policy from
- POW experiences after
- Kushner, Hal “Spanky”
- Kushner, Valerie
- Laird, Melvin
- defense secretary as
- going public decision by
- homecoming planned by
- on POW return task force
- POW/MIA priority by
- Son Tay camp raid and
- on Vietnamization
- LBJ. See Johnson, Lyndon B.
- League of Wives of American Vietnam Prisoners of War
- Liberation Magazine
- Look
- National League as interesting
- Stockdale, S., and Butler, K., with
- mansplaining
- Marick, Janie
- The Marine Wife
- Marines, U.S.
- airlift by
- POWs returning as
- Vietnam war race composition of
- McCain, John S. III
- on Christmas bombing
- on Keep Quiet policy
- on Kissinger saving honor of
- Senator
- shot down October 1967
- torture influence on
- McCain, John Sidney “Jack” Jr.
- McDaniel, Dorothy “Dot”
- Boroughs working with
- on naval casualty assistance
- McDaniel, Eugene Baker “Red”
- McElhanon, Sandy
- McNamara, Robert
- as liability
- as quantifier and unquantifiable
- Vietnam war declaration and
- Mearns, Pat
- media
- Galanti, Phyllis, connecting with
- Hanoi March and world attention by
- message amplification with
- National League and 138–39
- Perot and POW ads in
- POW/MIA coverage by
- for POW/MIA Sweden meeting
- POW/MIA wives and torture story to
- POW/MIA wives warned over
- prisoner treatment whispers in
- Stockdale, S., appearances with
- MIA wives
- grapevine for
- hope by
- POW return saddening
- as wife or widow
- MIAs. See missing in action
- military caste system
- National League and unimportance of
- officer rank for family in
- military wives
- Denton, Jane, and connections among
- living near each other
- power of
- “the right stuff” for pilot
- missing in action (MIAs)
- African Americans as
- Air Force with wife of
- American, Vietnamese understanding
- Army mother and news on
- for bargaining
- cease fire agreement details on
- children suffering over
- Civil Rights Act of 1964 shutting out
- civilians as
- COLIAFAM delivering list of
- Denton, Jane, husband as
- diplomacy as futile on
- Dole on Congress not knowing
- grapevine for wives of
- Keep Quiet rejected by wives of
- Kennedy, R., and investigation over
- Kissinger on priorities of
- Laird priority for
- list of
- mental health component of
- Nixon, R., on
- no caring about
- no return for
- numbers still missing of
- savings plan excluding
- savings plan including
- Senate recognizing
- Sweden and media coverage of
- U.S. going public on
- Vietnam War aftermath influence on
- Vietnam War creating
- Weis delivering information for
- wives and communications on
- wives or widows within
- Mobe. See National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam
- Moorer, Thomas
- Morse code
- Denton, Jerry, blinking as
- SERE teaching
- Moser, Charles A.
- Mulligan, Jim
- family reunion for
- on Louise political abilities
- shot down March 1966
- tough transition for
- Mulligan, Louise
- electrifying speech of
- family reunion for
- Freedom Rally speech by
- on Haiphong harbor bombing
- husband and preparation by
- information as public for
- National League left by
- political abilities of
- skepticism of
- speaking out
- stretched thin
- tough transition helped by
- WSP letter from
- National League of Families of American Prisoners in Southeast Asia
- African American integration and
- annual meetings for
- business sponsorship of
- COLIAFAM opposite to
- fractures in
- Grubb, E., and leadership of
- Hanson and leadership in
- human rights injustices informed by
- as humanitarian and nonpolitical
- as independent
- Kissinger and
- leadership of
- Look and media interested in
- military rank unimportant in
- Mulligan, L., leaving
- national organization as
- Nixon, R., and requirements of
- Nixon, R., meeting with
- Nixon, R., visiting annual meeting of
- North Vietnam and publicity for
- North Vietnam meeting with
- Paris humanitarian emphasis for
- peace disappointment for
- political action committee created by
- press conference by
- retired Air Force coup denied by
- Vinson as new coordinator of
- Washington, D.C., office of
- White House picketed by
- National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam (Mobe)
- as anti-war activist organization
- going where U.S. wouldn’t
- Russia ties to
- National Security Council (NSC)
- Navy, U.S.
- Alvarez as first aviator POW of
- Boroughs and POW families in
- Boroughs as intelligence officer of
- casualty assistance of
- Coronado with base of
- ego and survival for
- The Navy Wife and
- ONI and
- pilots of
- POWs returning as
- Stockdale, J., status unknown to
- “the right stuff” for
- wives of
- The Navy Wife
- New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam (New Mobe)
- anti-war protest by
- demonstrations organized by
- letter carrier offer by
- 1960s culture
- changes of
- Vietnam War as epicenter of
- women of
- 1968 events
- Nixon, Pat
- Nixon, Richard Milhous “Dick”
- Denton, Jane, incensed by
- disastrous representative sent by
- Harriman on
- on MIA certainty
- MIAs remembered by
- National League meeting with
- National League requirements of
- on peace treaty signing
- Pentagon Papers response by
- political climbing of
- POW wives toasted by
- POW/MIA families praised by
- POW/MIA going public under
- POW/MIA wives connection with
- POW/MIA wives meetings with
- POW/MIA wives on
- POW/MIA wives wooed by
- Rander, A., POW yell at
- Reagan meeting for
- reelection of
- on respecting POW return
- staying power of
- Stockdale, S., and telegrams to
- Stockdale, S., informing
- Stockdale, S., meeting with
- Stockdale, S., on
- Vietnam War ending pledge by
- war impression on
- Watergate break-in and
- withdrawal speech by
- North, Carol
- North Korea
- Code of Conduct prompted by
- North Vietnam. See also torture
- anti-war activists talking with
- cathedral visit, publicity convincing
- cease fire negotiated with
- with delegate empathy
- Europe trip and audiences with
- Galanti, Phyllis, meeting with
- Geneva Convention ignored by
- Geneva Convention signed by
- Haiphong harbor bombing in
- as holding out for peace
- jet plane mission as bad publicity for
- legal, humanitarian violations of
- National League meeting with
- National League with publicity from
- no information provided by
- no war crime trial by
- “Operation We Care” petitions to
- POWs marched by
- propaganda used by
- public image concern by
- on racism
- showing treatment illegality of
- State Department and activists to
- Stockdale, S., nervousness on
- Sweden embassy visit for
- Sweden supporting
- U.S. claiming territory of
- U.S. denouncing treatment by
- WSP and personal relations with
- NSC. See National Security Council
- Ochberg, Frank
- Ochs, Larry
- Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI). See also covert and coded letters
- anti-war activists meeting and
- Boroughs as officer of
- Stockdale, S., and
- officer rank
- ONI. See Office of Naval Intelligence
- Operation Homecoming
- “Operation We Care”
- Overly, Norris
- Palme, Olaf
- POW interning declined by
- Sweden prime minister as
- Paris
- anti-bourgeois society revolt in
- cathedral visit and publicity in
- Colorado Springs and protest in
- individual and personal diplomacy for
- lobby conversations helpful in
- National League and North Vietnam in
- National League as humanitarian in
- peace talks in
- Perot sending POW/MIA families to
- Rander, A., to
- Vietnam War negotiations in
- peace
- COLIAFAM as militant for
- Harriman not accomplishing
- Kissinger on agreement for
- National League disappointment on
- Nixon, R., on treaty for
- North Vietnam and
- Paris talks for
- treaty signing for
- Vietnam War and Paris for
- WSP protesting for
- Pentagon, U.S.
- authorities protected by
- POWs identified by
- protests at
- return news from
- riot act read to
- State and Defense mistrusted by
- Pentagon Papers
- Nixon, R., response to
- Perisho, Nancy
- Perot, Ross
- on Cotton Bowl party
- graphic POW display by
- Grubb, E., on support by
- jet plane mission by
- on POW California parade
- POW newspaper ads by
- POW/MIA families to Paris by
- Singleton, B., contacting
- “Write Hanoi” luncheon for
- pilots
- of Air Force
- Hanoi Hilton for
- Hanoi on criminals and
- mortal immunity for
- as Navy
- politics
- bureaucratic wars in
- National League as not
- National League in
- Nixon, R., climbing in
- POW/MIA families shifting to
- POW/MIA wives and uncertainty of
- Pollard, Benjamin
- letter showing POW status of
- shot down May 1967
- Pollard, Joan
- husband letter for
- as public speaker
- post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Hanoi Hilton and
- low occurrence of
- Rander, D., suffering from
- POW families
- POW mental health
- POW wives
- Powers, Iris
- POW/MIA Bracelet Campaign
- into chandelier
- college students starting
- notables and stars supporting
- POW/MIA families
- to Appeal for International Justice
- CACO assigned to
- Capen on data-collecting mission of
- children and anonymity of
- children meeting other
- Christmas bombing supported by
- COLIAFAM giving out addresses of
- Dole receiving letters from
- Hanoi and alternative avenues by
- holidays hard on
- Nixon, R., praising
- numbers of
- Perot and Paris for
- political shift for
- as public relations nightmares
- sensitivity training for
- Stockdale, S., and sons as
- White House and attention to
- POW/MIA Families for Immediate Release
- POW/MIA wives
- anti-war activists interaction with
- anti-war activists with hostages of
- area coordinators for
- Boroughs for formal organization of
- Boroughs recognized by
- Boroughs working with
- calculated campaign of
- on COLIAFAM and Weiss as dangerous
- COLIAFAM cutting mail contact for
- Congress educated by
- Congressional hearings with
- covert and coded letters by
- as diplomats, negotiators, code writers
- disagreement and balance among
- dragon slayers as
- East coast meetings for
- Europe delegates trip by
- false images called out by
- financial issues for
- going public for East Coast
- grapevine for
- Harriman meeting and skepticism from
- Harriman receiving letters from
- home bases less welcoming of
- human rights activists as
- humanitarian mission for
- husbands and preparation by
- on Keep Quiet failure
- Keep Quiet policy urged on
- LBJ not meeting with
- make-believe game seen by
- media receiving torture story from
- media warning for
- nervousness of activist
- New Girl Villages for
- New Mobe letter offer to
- 1967 East and West coast meetings for
- Nixon, R., connection with
- Nixon, R., sending representatives to
- Nixon, R., wooing
- on Nixon, R.
- no government sponsorship of
- October 1966 meeting of
- politics and uncertainty by
- POW fates changed by
- POW society as mirroring
- POW/MIA communications and
- POWs crediting 1969 change to
- President, Congress and letters from
- refusal of being ignored by
- reluctant sorority of
- shades of grays for
- stages of death experienced by
- State Department and reactions of
- subversive activism among
- survival school for
- Sweden and media exposure for
- as unleashed
- U.S. and silent treatment of
- U.S. as tranquilizing
- U.S. government used by
- U.S. power lobby as
- Virginia Beach donated building to
- war, government questioned by
- West coast meets East coast
- WSP bringing letters for
- years and uncertainty for
- POWs. See prisoners of war
- prisoners of war (POWs)
- accumulation of U.S.
- African Americans as
- Alvarez as first naval aviator
- anti-war activists with hostages of
- Army joined by son of
- for bargaining
- black market photos of
- California parade for
- cease fire agreement details on
- children suffering over
- Christmas bombing supported by
- Civil Rights Act of 1964 shutting out
- Code of Conduct and
- coded letters sent by
- Denton, Jerry, as spokesman of
- diplomacy as futile on
- Dole on Congress not knowing
- early release accepted by injured
- family reunions with
- first returns of
- Gartley on treatment of
- grapevine for wives of
- Harriman as ambassador over
- Hawaiian good luck sign given by
- IRC inspecting camps of
- Keep Quiet policy urged on
- Keep Quiet worsening treatment of
- Kennedy, R., and investigation over
- Kissinger on priorities of
- Korean War experiences of
- Laird and
- maltreatment of
- media on treatment of
- mental health component of
- MIA wives sad on return of
- 1970 incomplete list of
- Nixon, R., on respecting return of
- on Nixon, R.
- no caring about
- North Vietnam marching
- Palme declining internment of
- Pentagon identifying
- Perot and graphic display of
- Perot running newspaper ads for
- Pollard, B., with letter showing
- POW/MIA wives and fates of
- POW/MIA wives society as mirroring
- propaganda and early release of
- PTSD low occurrence among
- savings plan excluding
- savings plan including
- Senate recognizing
- SERE training useful for
- 60 days for release of
- 600 returning
- Son Tay raid news to
- State Department on treatment of
- Stockdale, S., on Communists and
- Sweden and media coverage of
- tap-code for communications among
- on television
- torture of
- U.S. going public on
- Vietnam veterans contrasted with
- Vietnam War creating
- Vietnam War with college educated
- war crime victims among
- war criminal treatment contrasted with
- Weis delivering information for
- White House gala for
- wives and communications to
- wives credited on 1969 change for
- propaganda
- POW early release and
- Stockdale, S., newsletter as anti-
- Vietnam and anti-war activists using
- protests
- anti-war activists in
- Denton, Jane, and letter of
- Paris with
- Pentagon and
- PTSD. See post traumatic stress disorder
- publicity
- COLIAFAM using deaths for
- North Vietnam concern on
- North Vietnam convinced with
- Vietnam and National League with
- Rander, Andrea
- as African American
- family reunion for
- on feeding husband
- marriage as unsaved by
- Nixon, R., rally POW yell by
- Paris meeting for
- Rander, Donald “Don”
- as African American
- captured in winter 1969
- family reunion for
- PTSD for
- Reagan, Ronald
- Nixon, R., meeting with
- on POW California parade
- Risner, James Robinson “Robbie”
- Rumble, Wesley
- savings plan
- POWs and MIAs excluded from
- POWs and MIAs included in
- Semmes, Benedict “B. J.” Jr.
- distrust of
- placating form letter from
- Stockdale, S., invoking
- SERE. See Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape
- sexism
- Shields, Roger
- Shumaker, Lorraine
- coded letters written by
- Shumaker, Robert H. “Bob”
- Shuman, Edwin “Ned”
- Shuman, Eleanor Sue Allen
- Singleton, Bonnie
- Perot contacted by
- Son Tay camp raid
- State Department, U.S.
- collaborative approach as no by
- communication inadequacies of
- doors barred by
- formal organization and response by
- Mobe and activists counted on by
- no collaborative approach by
- no response from
- Pentagon and Defense mistrusted by
- on POW treatment
- POW/MIA wives and reactions of
- prisoner problems with low priority in
- on torture of POWs
- Stockdale, James Bond
- coded letters and
- family reunion for
- on forced visits with COLIAFAM
- interlude with Stockdale, S.
- In Love and War by
- Medal of Honor for
- Navy unknowledgeable of imprisoned
- shot down, beaten in Sept. 1965
- solitary confinement for
- Vietnam War destination for
- war declaration impression by
- young life of
- Stockdale, Sybil
- anti-propaganda and newsletter from
- California move for
- clout increasing for
- coded letters by
- on Communists and POW treatment
- Dennison, S., and mother as
- depression, financial challenges for
- depression and illness for
- Distinguished Public Service Award for
- family reunion for
- government meetings for
- Haig as nervous with
- Harriman and
- husband and preparation by
- on husband and torture
- husband as missing for
- Keep Quiet addressed by
- LBJ truths known by
- letters for
- life celebration service for
- Look magazine interviewing
- In Love and War by
- media appearances for
- media receiving torture story from
- motherhood for
- Nixon, R., informed by
- Nixon, R., meeting with
- on Nixon, R.
- North Vietnam and nervousness of
- on North Vietnam as U.S. territory
- ONI and
- paycheck fight by
- POW wives and POWs mirroring by
- recording Nixon, R., delegates
- Semmes invoked by
- sociability and career advancement for
- spa break for
- Stockdale, J. interlude with
- system inadequacies informed by
- on telegrams to Nixon, R.
- U.S. acknowledgement for
- U.S. covert tool as
- Washington, D.C., move for
- welcome party planner as
- Stratton, Charles W. “Chuck”
- Stratton, Sallie
- Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE)
- Code of Conduct taught in
- combat training in
- Eisenhower prescribing
- Morse code and
- POWs and training by
- PTSD lack as from
- Sweden
- Dole on POWs interned in
- IRC meeting in
- North Vietnam embassy visit in
- Palme as prime minister of
- POW/MIA media coverage in
- POWs not interned in
- secret meeting in
- Viet Cong support from
- Teague, Olin Earl “Tiger”
- television
- Denton, Jerry, and POWs on
- Vietnam War as first on
- Texas wives. See also Johnson, Kathleen; Perot, Ross
- torture
- Denton, Jerry, blinking about
- Hanoi Hilton and
- McCain, John S. III, and
- North Vietnam
- POW/MIA wives telling media of
- Tschudy, Janie
- Boroughs working with
- coded letters written by
- meeting Denton, Jane
- on U.S. State Department reactions
- Tschudy, William “Bill”
- Twinem, Pat
- United States (U.S.)
- Code of Conduct disobedience and
- early release advocated by
- job not done by government of
- MIAs as public for
- Mobe going for
- North Vietnam denounced by
- North Vietnam territory claimed by
- POW/MIA letters to government of
- POW/MIA recognition by Senate of
- POW/MIA wives and Congress of
- POW/MIA wives as power lobby in
- POW/MIA wives questioning
- POW/MIA wives using
- POW/MIAs, wives and tranquilizing by
- POWs of
- prison camp communications and
- Stockdale, S., acknowledged by
- Stockdale, S., as covert tool for
- Stockdale, S., meetings with
- Vietnam and government divide in
- Vietnam War being lost by
- wives and silent treatment by
- wives without sponsorship of
- Vietnam War
- aftermath of
- college educated POWs and
- Coronado influenced by
- diplomatic history of
- domino theory reason for
- first television war as
- LBJ and
- Marines with African Americans in
- McNamara and declaration of
- military and government divide over
- Mulligan, L., on
- 1960s epicenter as
- Nixon, R., pledging to end
- no exit strategy in
- no significant threat as
- Paris for peace negotiations on
- POWs and MIAs from
- POWs contrasted with veterans of
- Stockdale, J., leaving for
- U.S. losing
- Vietnamization of
- Vinson, Joan
- National League coordinator as
- Voices in Vital America (VIVA)
- war criminals
- North Vietnam not trying POWs as
- POW treatment contrasted with
- U.S. POWs as victims of
- Weiss, Cora
- left-leaning background of
- POW/MIA information delivered by
- POW/MIA wives on danger of
- West coast wives. See also Coronado peninsula
- cultural changes for
- East coast meets
- Hotel del Coronado and
- 1967 formal meetings for
- POW California parade on
- White, Sharon
- White House
- National League picketing
- POW gala at
- POW/MIA families attention from
- wife or widow
- women. See also sexism
- Civil Rights Act of 1964 and
- Dole on strength of
- moral motherhood for
- World War II with working
- Women Strike for Peace (WSP). See also Weiss, Cora
- Hanoi visit in 1969 by
- letters brought home by
- Mulligan, L., letter to
- Pentagon protest by
- Vietnamese personal relations with
- World War II
- Keep Quiet policy from
- women working in
- “Write Hanoi” letter campaign
- Perot support of
- WSP. See Women Strike for Peace
- Zinn, Howard
- As Mobe member
- POW/MIA wives impression on
- Zumwalt, Elmo