Chapter Sixteen: Is Peace at Hand?
1. Sybil Stockdale diary, n.d., 184, SBSP.
2. Ibid.
3. Sallie Stratton, “Losing Chuck, Finding Sallie: Odyssey of an MIA Wife” (unpublished memoir, 2016), chap. 4, 2.
4. Sallie Stratton, in conversation with the author, September 7, 2017.
5. Jack Anderson, “The Washington Merry Go-Round,” Washington Post, February 3, 1972, C23, collection of Sallie Stratton.
6. Franklin, M.I.A., 61; Allen, Until the Last Man, 53; Karen Thorsen, “A P.O.W. Wife Turns Political” Life, September 29, 1972, 32–42.
7. Thorsen, “P.O.W. Wife Turns Political,” 32–42.
8. Kathleen Johnson Frisbie, in conversation with the author, April 20, 2018.
9. Allen, Until the Last Man, 53; Louise Mulligan, email message to author, April 23, 2018; Franklin, M.I.A., 61; Don Hill, “Many POW Families, Changing Attitudes,” Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk, VA), July 1971, REDASC.
10. Louise Mulligan, in conversation with the author, August 14, 2015.
11. Louise Mulligan, email message to author, April 24, 2018.
12. Phyllis Galanti, “Report on Paris Trip,” February 10–19, 1972, folder 60, section 3, PEGP.
13. Ibid.
14. “Paris P.O. Swamped with POW Letters,” Richmond News Leader, April 28, 1971, section 5, PEGP.
15. Phyllis Galanti, “Report on Paris Trip,” February 10–19, 1972, 1–2, folder 60, section 3, PEGP.
16. Moreau, Waiting Wives, 276; Kathleen Johnson Frisbie, in conversation with the author, April 20, 2018.
17. Phyllis Galanti, “Report on Paris Trip,” February 10–19, 1972, 1–2, folder 60, section 3, PEGP.
18. Phyllis Galanti to the North Vietnamese Delegate General, February 1972, folder 60, section 3, PEGP (translation mine).
19. Phyllis Galanti diary, “Report on Paris Trip,” February 18, 1972, folder 60, section 3, PEGP. Photograph by Kathleen Johnson.
20. Phyllis Galanti, “Report on Paris Trip,” February 10–19, 1972, 1–2, folder 60, section 3, PEGP.
21. Judi Clifford, in conversation with the author, September 16, 2016.
22. Phyllis Galanti, “Report on Paris Trip,” February 10–19, 1972, 3, folder 60, section 3, PEGP.
23. Ibid., 4.
24. National Week of Concern for Americans Who Are Prisoners of War or Missing in Action, proclamation 4115, National Security Council, March 26–April 1, 1972.
25. Sybil Stockdale diary, n.d., 185, SBSP.
26. Ibid.
27. Stratton, “Losing Chuck,” chaps. 4, 5.
28. Sybil Stockdale diary, n.d., 186, SBSP.
29. “POW Wife Accuses Republicans of False Claims,” news release, Virginia Beach, VA, n.d., JJDPC; Ethel A. Steadman, “Fund-Raising Letter: POW’s Wife Cites False Nixon Claims,” Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk, VA), n.d.
30. Steadman, “Fund-Raising Letter.”
31. Sybil Stockdale diary, n.d., 185–86, SBSP.
32. Stratton, “Losing Chuck,” chaps. 4, 7.
33. Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, cassette tape, labeled tape 2, side A, parts 1–2, JJDPC.
34. Sybil Stockdale diary, n.d., 186–87, SBSP.
35. Wiest and McNab, Illustrated History, 208.
36. Louise Mulligan, email message to author, April 24, 2018.
37. Dr. Roger Shields, in conversation with the author, April 23, 2018.
38. Phyllis Galanti, index card speech, n.d., card 7, PPGPC; Phyllis Galanti to “Dear Delegate,” June 14, 1972, PPGPC.
39. Stratton, “Losing Chuck,” chaps. 4, 9.
40. Sybil Stockdale diary, n.d., 186, SBSP.
41. Press release, Office of the White House Press Secretary, May 15, 1972, 2.
42. Ibid., 4; Phyllis Galanti to Richard Nixon, May 19, 1972, folder 18, section 1, PEGP.
43. Melissa B. Robinson and Maureen Dunn, The Search for Canasta 404: Love, Loss and the POW/MIA Movement (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2006), 127–28.
44. Press release, Office of the White House Press Secretary, May 15, 1972, 6; Sybil Stockdale diary, n.d., 190, box 11, folder 22, SBSP.
45. Sybil Stockdale diary, n.d., 189, SBSP.
46. Ibid.
47. Henry Mark Holzer and Erika Holzer, Aid and Comfort: Jane Fonda in North Vietnam (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1990), 59–76.
48. Sybil Stockdale diary, n.d., 210, SBSP.
49. Henry Kissinger, Ending the Vietnam War: A History of America’s Involvement in and Extrication from the Vietnam War (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003), 375–77.
50. National League of Families convention minutes, October 1972, Cora Weiss Papers (DG 222), SCPC.
51. Kissinger, Ending the Vietnam War, 340–45.
52. National League of Families board election document, October 1972, Cora Weiss Papers (DG 222), SCPC.
53. National League of Families convention minutes, October 1972, folder 47, section 3, PEGP; National League of Families convention minutes, October 14–16, 1972, collection of Sallie Stratton.
54. Helene Knapp, “Helene’s Memoire from the Years 1946–1978” (unpublished memoir, 1978), 9; Helene Knapp to author, May 30, 2019.
55. Kissinger, Ending the Vietnam War, 375.
56. Sybil Stockdale diary, n.d., 211, SBSP.
57. Stratton, “Losing Chuck,” chap. 4, 31–32.
58. National League of Families voter appeal, 1972, PPGPC.
59. Van Atta, With Honor, 422.
60. Sybil Stockdale diary, n.d., 211–12, SBSP.
61. Ward and Burns, Vietnam War, 511.
62. John McCain, Faith of My Fathers, 337.
63. Jack Taylor, “Risner, POW Leader, Says Protestors Prolonged War,” Washington Post, 1973 (specific date unknown), collection of Max Friedman.
64. Dr. Henry Kissinger, in conversation with the author, October 15, 2015.