Radio Broadcast

“Goooood morning, Highlanders! You’re listening to the local news on WHLD, AM radio 1250. Today is Friday, January eighteenth, and these are your community updates.

“First Presbyterian Church wants me to remind you that the annual Souper Bowl Drive begins tomorrow. Don’t forget to grab a couple of extra cans for the local Food Pantry when you’re doing your grocery shopping. Remember, every three cans donated can be redeemed for one ticket to the Souper Bowl party, and trust me, you don’t want to miss out on the chili and chicken noodle soup cook-offs. Folks, last year’s event raised over five thousand cans to help feed those in our area who need a little help. Let’s see how quick we can beat that this year.

“And speaking of soup, His Hands Soup Kitchen is in need of some volunteers throughout the week. If you’ve got time, Mrs. Hattie will surely put you to work, so give her a call at 828-555-5656.

“Folks, last week, Odele Freeman slipped on his icy driveway and broke his hip. Debra says he’s feeling better physically, but his spirits are down and her nerves are frazzled. She may have mentioned something about him being a big, old, grumpy baby, but don’t tell her I told you. Anyhow, she’s hoping some of his VFW buddies will come around for a few games of checkers and give her a little time to get out of the house.

“And parents, don’t forget that school is closed next Monday to honor Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.

“I will close out the local updates with this quote from Doctor King. ‘The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.’

“Now on to the national news ...”