Radio Broadcast

“Goooood morning, Highlanders! You’re listening to the local news on WHLD, AM radio 1250. Today is Thursday, May twenty-third, and these are your community updates.

“With only a couple weeks until summer break, our schools are looking for End of Grade Testing proctors. If you’re interested in monitoring the students during these state-mandated tests, please give Mrs. Jean a call during school hours at 555-4982. If you’ve got a couple of hours to spare, she sure could use your help.

“It’s time to get ready for our annual Backpack Kids food drive. Collection boxes are located around town at all the banks, grocery stores, convenience stores, and Ace Hardware. If you’d rather donate money instead of ready to eat foods or just need more information, contact Carole Hogsed at 555-KIDZ. That’s 555-5439.

“It’s time to begin our annual countdown to Memorial Day weekend with a couple of reminders concerning the holiday festivities. Sunday evening, bring your picnic basket and meet up with friends and family at Highlands Park for Memorial Day fireworks show.

“Join us downtown at Town Hall, eleven thirty Monday morning for a time of quiet reflection and gratitude for those brave men and women who gave their lives to defend our freedom.

“At noon, Highlands’ Veterans of Foreign War will lead us in “The Star Spangled Banner” as our Flag rises from half-staff. Folks, this is a beautiful sight you don’t want to miss.

“Then hang around for our annual Memorial Day parade and enjoy the quirky, funny, and sometimes strange floats created by your neighbors.

“I’ll leave you with this quote by G. K. Chesterton. ‘The Flag does not fly because of the winds that blow it. The Flag flies because of each Soldier’s last breath blowing past. For those who have fought and died for it, freedom has a taste that the protected will never know. The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.’

“Now on to the national news ...”