Your dietary choice can help the world
How can what you choose to eat help save the world? This is a very important question. The way that western society grows food and raises livestock for food purposes has drastically changed in the last one hundred years. There was a time when every community had a local market. It was easy to trace your food back to its source. You knew who your butcher was. You could shake the hand of the person that owned the cow that supplied the milk that you drank. You could see the dirt under the fingernails of the farmer that sold you your carrots and potatoes. Things were much smaller and simpler. It is rare these days that anyone ever sees or meets the people that bring them their food. In fact, most people don't even know if their food comes from their own country or if they are eating a piece of fish from China, an avocado from South Africa or a capsicum from Mexico. Choosing to become a vegan implies becoming much more aware of your food. This means being conscious of what is in your food, where it comes from, whether it is genetically modified, and how good it is for your body. Becoming conscious of your food is the first step to becoming a healthy eater. Before we discussed personal, moral and ethical reasoning to veganism, let us look at the overall environmental implications.