Eating for your environment

Everyone is aware that our environment is taking a beating. Animal production contributes heavily to this problem. Poultry farms, pig farms and cattle ranches produce massive amounts of waste. This includes animal waste in the way of urine and feces, as well as paper and plastic waste that go into the business end of running these establishments.

The transportation of food once it has been processed and is on its way to the market requires enormous supplies of fuel. The fuel burned by the large trucks moving the animal products also adds to the amount of noxious gasses being released into the air. These trucks number in the thousands, and help to add to the over congestion of our roads and highways.

The electricity needed to run the massive farms is another overuse of energy. With electricity coming mainly from coal burning, this increases the amount of coal that is mined from the earth, and burned into our atmosphere.

It is also imperative to look at the amount of energy being used to simply produce the food needed for these animals to eat. Corn is the main ingredient fed to the livestock. This means that hundreds of thousands of acres of land is required to grow enough corn just to feed these animals. This again requires ridiculous amounts of fuel for the machinery needed to cultivate and harvest the corn. Most of the corn, grain and soy grown in America is produced solely to feed animals being raised for food.

Water is fast becoming a precious commodity. It is scary to think of the amounts of water required to support the drinking needs of these animals, as well as the water needed to grow the crops for their food. Imagine all the water that could be saved if these practices were reduced or altered. This endless cycle of production, sustentation and destruction is having adverse environmental impacts that may be irreversible.

Your choice to become a vegan means that you are reducing the amount of animals raised solely for food. Depending on the amount of meat you already eat, your choice may save the life of hundreds of chickens, pigs, ducks, turkeys and cows over your lifetime. If your decision to become a vegan were to catch on with your friends and family, then the rippling effect of your decision would continue to save hundreds more animals. You would be saying to the food production powers that you do not agree with their methods and ideals. You would be making a personal statement toward protecting the world in which you live.

Our oceans are being overfished. Your decision to refrain from eating fish will help to reduce the demand that commercial fishing companies are trying to supply. This in turn will also help smaller, local fishermen to stay in business. Little did you know, that your decision is helping people that you will never even meet. The amount of fuel needed to run the boats and ships used for commercial fishing increases our dependence on oil, and also leaks into the waters as pollution. It is rewarding to know that your decision will help to ensure the health of our oceans.