fter a brief rest at our hotel, my headache abated and I was left with nothing more than sore ribs. We changed into our evening clothes, stopped briefly for something called oeufs mayonnaise and proceeded in a cab towards Montmartre. A light dusting of new snow lit by golden gaslights gave Paris a sparkling mystique.
‘You begin to realize, of course, that this case is more complex than it initially appeared.’
I could read from my friend’s expression that this did not altogether displease him.
‘Who do you suppose pushed me down the stairs?’
‘Ha! Our “imaginary” follower no doubt,’ he said with a smile.
‘Yes, but other than our client, and this expert at the Louvre, who knew we would be in Paris?’
‘From those two, and Mycroft additionally, stretch many possibilities,’ said Holmes impatiently. ‘But most probably it was the person at Mlle La Victoire’s apartment who was “not Bernice”.’
‘Do you have any theories?’
‘Four. No, five. But I believe my primary suspect will reveal himself tonight.’
I was not unaware of the keen pleasure my companion took in the increased danger of our situation. His eyes burned with the excitement of the chase.
I fingered the revolver, cold and reassuring, in my pocket. Against my better instincts, I found the thrill of adventure rising inside in me like an unwanted fever.