
Arcanist: worshipper of old gods and practitioner of arcanism or death magic

Akasha: the infinite ether of the universe and source of magic

Azdaha: a gigantic snake-like, winged mythological monster, resembling a dragon or wyvern

Coban: a poor desert city

Dahaka: the rebellion and separatist militia opposed to the monarchy

Droon: an abandoned city drowned by lava from an active volcano

Dustlands: an expanse of arid wasteland at the center of the realm, inhabited by Scavs

Eloni: a wealthy city, second richest to the capital city

Eskorit: a city in the plains, home to the skores

Fero: the god of death and destruction

Indraloka: the military base of the rebellion

Jade: a hallucingenic drug distilled from Jādū crystals causing euphoria and temporary immunity to pain

Jādū: crystal remnants of magic, used to embue weapons with elemental magic, open portals, and send communications; also used for Jade

Jaxx: a poorer forested city in the west

Kaldari: the capital city of the Kingdom of Oryndhr

Magi: an akasha-blooded practitioner of magic; formerly a member of the outlawed Order of the Magi

Nyriell: a hidden underground city and the secret home of the houseless, protected by the Dahaka

Royal Stars: minor deities, hands of the gods, and creators of the Starkeeper

Runecaster: the official handler of Jādū crystals for magic and portal use, usually part of the Imperial House

Saru: the god of light and creation

Scav: nomadic outlaws who live in the Dustlands and are addicted to Jade

Setareh sar lokkar: servant of the star

Setareh Framātāram: master of the star

Simurgh: a benevolent mythological creature with the head of a dog and the body of a giant bird, reminiscent of a phoenix or a firebird, generally female

Soul-fated: a fate-ordained bond between two magic users, which acts as both an anchor as well as an amplifier of magic once the bond is sealed

Starkeeper: a celestial warrior created by the Royal Stars to save the realm of men during the War of the Gods

Veniar: a wealthy city, third wealthiest after Eloni

Vertex: a point in a birth or star chart that represents karmic destiny, marked by significant life events and fated encounters

Xersten: a small city nestled in an isolated mountain range