Couches and soft chairs, throw pillows, cozy décor (soft lighting, throw rugs, warm colors), a dish of candy or mints, boxes of tissues, a small wastebasket, a bookcase filled with books and personal memorabilia, an office desk covered with the usual supplies (an inbox, a phone, stacks of files, paper pads and pens, a computer and printer, open reference books, a coffee mug, knickknacks), a burning candle, artwork on the walls, inspirational plaques, windows with the blinds or curtains drawn, potted plants or cut flowers, a corner or desktop water feature



Muffled voices in the hallway or behind closed doors, a therapist’s soft voice, the trickle of a fountain, soothing background music, people arguing, clients crying and sniffling, noses being blown, tissues being ripped from boxes, someone shifting awkwardly on a sofa, carpeted footsteps, the scratch of the therapist’s pen as notes are taken, repetitive sounds made by nervous clients (clicking a pen, drumming fingers, twisting the cap on a bottle of water), the crinkle of a candy wrapper, awkward or stubborn silence, voices that raise or climb over one another during couple’s therapy



Upholstery, coffee, tea, scented candles, air freshener



Salty tears, bottled water, candy or mints, coffee, tea



A comfortable chair or squeezable pillow, shrinking away from someone at the other end of the sofa, a spine that is ramrod-straight or slumped in despair, jittery or tense muscles, tears trickling down the back of one’s throat, sniffing back tears and snot, a hard wad in one’s throat from the effort of holding emotion in, eyes prickling as tears begin to form, a dry mouth, taking deep breaths and rapidly blinking in an effort not to cry, a knotted stomach, soft tissues, dampness on the cheeks, blurred vision, the fight-or-flight response kicking in, clenching fists and jaws, leaning in to emphasize one’s point, a muscle jumping in the face or jaw, clearing one’s throat, fiddling with a watch or other piece of jewelry to have something to do with one’s hands, scraping the heels of one’s hands down the front of one’s jeans as if to push bad feelings away, crossing one’s arms and angling the body away from one’s partner or the therapist, taking a swig of water to stall after a difficult question has been asked



Clients who are in denial

Clients who are repressing memories and emotions

Seeing an inexperienced therapist who is unable to help

A therapist who is physically or emotionally involved with a patient

Dishonest clients

Meddling family members

A scenario in which one’s therapist abruptly becomes unavailable (an injury, a family emergency that calls her out of town, personal issues, a sabbatical)

Side effects from one’s medication

A client who refuses to speak or engage

An inattentive therapist

A therapist with personal experiences and emotional wounds that bring personal bias into sessions



A cleaning crew, clients, office staff, therapists



Courtroom, hospital room, police station, psychiatric ward



Character wounds should be deep and hurtful, forming flaws and inhibiting the hero’s ability to achieve his goals. Therapy is often helpful to get to the root of the problem and bring about self-revelation. A common problem with this setting is that the scenes leading up to this epiphany are often inactive ones and can slow the pace of the story. To alleviate this problem, be careful with the length of these scenes; don’t let them drag out. Make sure that each scene is necessary to the overall story, and engage readers through the sharing of new information or the raising of new questions. Utilize body language in this setting as it can be especially revealing when characters are reluctant to speak or are bottling up their emotions.



Jake slouched on the end of the couch, as far from the therapist as he could get. He hadn’t said a word yet and she was already making notes on her pad. The scratch of ink sawed at his ears, making him want to stab something with her pen. And that box of tissues. They pissed him off, sitting on the coffee table, all perky and within reach. You know, in case he felt the need to burst into tears. What a joke. And all this because he’d yelled at the coach and slapped that pushy reporter’s camera out of his hand. He’d barely grazed the guy, and now he was stuck doing this stint to avoid “further repercussions.” What a load of crap.

Techniques and Devices Used: Multisensory descriptions

Resulting Effects: Characterization, reinforcing emotion, tension and conflict