Bright colors and cheerful displays, ivy plants, silk arrangements in baskets or vases, live houseplants on shelves, home décor plaques with cute or homey sayings on them, a card rack, small knickknacks, boxes of chocolate, tall glass coolers filled with fresh flower arrangements, a walk-in cooler for bulk flowers and storage, a staging area for creating arrangements (spools of ribbon, lace and wire, green florist tape, flower wrap, crystal vases, packets of flower food, bows, spray glitter, blank cards on sticks, and seasonal embellishments for special holidays or occasions), Mylar balloons and helium tanks, hardier flowers sitting out in water pails, shoppers browsing for an arrangement or flipping through wedding catalogues
The rustle of florist plastic or tissue paper, the ding of a cash register opening, the suctioned whoosh of a display case door being opened, refrigeration motors, the hiss of the helium tank, the owner chatting with customers, sheets of florist paper being torn from a roll, the snip of scissors as flower stems are trimmed, water droplets falling as flower bunches are pulled from hydration buckets, water pouring into a vase, leaves rustling against flower stems, the phone ringing as someone calls in an order, a broom sweeping up stems and leaf fragments
Fresh flowers, greenery, earthy scents as sunlight from the window warms plant soil, glue, lacquer, plastic, chemicals from spray glitter or glue
Coffee, smoothies, water or pop brought into the store by employees, fast food grabbed for lunch or leftovers reheated from home
The powdery smoothness of a flower petal, a painful prick from accidentally snagging one’s finger on a thorn, slippery floral paper being wrapped around a purchase, twisting an arrangement to see it from every side before making a decision, the blast of cold on one’s arms and face when opening the cooler, wrapping stems in rubber bands to keep a bouquet together in a water pail, moist soil from a potted tropical houseplant, wiping bits of ferny leaves and flower clippings off the counter, the rhythmic sweeping motion as one cleans up for the night
A cooler breaking down
A flower shipment being delayed
Not being able to order a specific flower for a customer because of supply issues beyond one’s control
A delivery mix-up
A forgotten order
Having an employee quit right before a big function like a wedding or anniversary party
Losing power to one’s refrigeration units for an extended period of time
Receiving an order of flowers that are diseased or contain pests
A shop owner developing allergies to flowers later in life
An arrangement from one’s shop being used in a terrorist attack
Commercial supply delivery people, drivers delivering arrangements, employees, the storeowner, wedding and event planners
Rural Volume: Farmer’s market
Urban Volume Big city street, grocery store, small town street
Some flower shops are freestanding, while others are part of a larger business (such as a floral department in a chain grocery store). Most also sell a variety of household potted plants, fertilizer and vases, and also double as a gift store.
Greg unwrapped the last miniature orchid and placed it near the register. Perfect. He stepped back to take in the colorful silk arrangements, vibrant potted plants, and eclectic giftware decorating the shelves and display counters. Everything was ready for tomorrow’s opening day. He took a deep breath, inhaling the sweetness of greenery, soil, and petals, a mixture that had captivated him since opening his first flower store ten years ago. A swell of warmth gathered in his chest at how far he’d come. The dyslexic boy too shy to raise his hand in class—the one who no one believed would amount to much—was about to open his third store.
Techniques and Devices Used: Multisensory descriptions
Resulting Effects: Establishing mood, hinting at backstory, reinforcing emotion