Main Shop: strings of lights around the ceiling, color-shaded lamps on tables, burning candles, potted plants decorating the corners, celestial pictures on the walls, a seating area with a sofa and plush chairs, a terrarium full of plants, a dog or cat wandering the shop, a refreshment cart offering tea and fruit-infused water, a small wishing fountain with coins in the bottom, a cashier’s station, flyers for upcoming seminars and classes, a sign-in book, private rooms in the back for psychic readings, glassed-in cases with items for sale (jewelry, crystals, dream catchers, figurines and statues of dragons, unicorns, angels, and saints), shelving and tables displaying tea sets and herbal teas, packets of herbs (comfrey root, feverfew, hyssop, calendula), mirrors, charms, essential oils, candles, relaxation CDs, plaques embossed with inspirational messages, a collection of spell candles (to bring money, harmony, friendship, good health), books, tarot cards, wands, rune stones, incense, pendulums, prayer boxes, vials for carrying ashes or herbs, mortar and pestles, Tibetan bowls


Private Rooms: folding doors for privacy, a round table with a fringed cloth, cushioned chairs, a storage chest, a lamp, tarot cards spread on the table, crystals in a bowl, a tea cup, an incense burner, a box of tissues, statuary, a potted plant, curtains draped from the ceiling and walls, paintings on the walls, business cards, pens and paper, candles



Ethereal music playing, customers murmuring to each other, a bubbling fountain, chimes jingling when the front door opens, the phone ringing, the click of a dog’s toenails on the floor (if they have a store pet), tea being poured into a cup, the rustle of a plastic bag filled with herbs, coins splashing into the fountain, glass doors sliding open so merchandise can be examined, a cash register drawer shooting open or clicking closed, the whir of a receipt being printed, a match being struck to light a candle, tarot or angel cards slipping from a deck and onto a tabletop, murmurs from the private rooms, the tinkle of crystals bumping against each other, sniffling or weeping, the soft swish of tissues being pulled from a box



Incense, herbs, scented candles, essential oils



Herbal tea, water



The tickle of incense in the nose, a cup of tea warming the hands, sweaty palms as one nervously awaits a reading, impending tears, relaxing into a cushioned chair, smooth crystals, a pet rubbing against one’s leg, feathery dream catchers, metal and glass figurines, papery tea packets, steam rising from a tea cup as one takes a sip



Hearing bad news from a psychic

Encountering a charlatan

A psychic shop being picketed or publicly opposed in some way

Hearing conflicting news that adds to one’s confusion

Breaking a piece of merchandise and fearing a negative psychic response

Being asked to do a reading for a skeptic

Superstitions that make a customer closed-minded or irrational

A customer who wants the psychic to make choices for her and tell her what to do

Family members who oppose one’s work as a psychic

Temporarily or permanently losing one’s psychic abilities

Being attracted to a customer and not wanting to give him bad news

Having one’s energy depleted when toxic people enter one’s space

Feeling drained after giving an especially taxing reading to a client



A cashier, alternative healing practitioners, customers seeking answers to questions, delivery men and women, people facing big decisions, people grieving the loss of loved ones and wanting reassurance, psychics, spiritually-minded people



Parking lot, shopping mall, small town street



Psychic readings can be given by utilizing a variety of methods: tea leaves, palms, auras, tarot or angel cards, star charts, runes, numerology (the use of numbers), crystals, or psychometrics (the use of personal items). Most psychics are specialized in one or more of these areas. Besides offering readings, many psychics also sell merchandise through their place of business; customers entering a psychic shop may do so for the purpose of obtaining a reading or because they want to buy their own supplies.



The door jingled as I walked in, ruining my attempt at a subtle entrance. Someone was burning incense strong enough to make me cough. Haunting chimes and watery flute notes drifted from the store speakers, and voices murmured in the back behind a divider as someone sat for a reading. While I waited, I walked around the store. Crystals, spell candles, dream catchers, tarot decks . . . if my devoutly Catholic grandparents knew what I was up to, they would schedule an exorcism before I could blink. I jammed my hands in my pockets, thinking I’d officially lost my mind. But it had been twenty-two days since Dad left—a week longer than any of the other times. I needed to know if he’d stay gone this time.

Techniques and Devices Used: Contrast, multisensory descriptions

Resulting Effects: Hinting at backstory, tension and conflict