Crowds lining the street on both sides, viewers (packed together, standing side by side, sitting on the curb, spread out in lawn chairs, sitting in truck beds), police cars or fire trucks driving at the head of the parade, floats with giant balloon arches, stray balloons flying away into the sky, mascots and themed displays, marching bands, decorated trucks and cars, horse-drawn wagons or carriages, camera crews and reporters, cameras flashing, viewers recording the parade with their cell phones, classic cars or shiny convertibles containing people of interest (politicians, celebrities, beauty queens) who wave to the crowd, fireworks going off, confetti glittering in the air and on the ground, parade participants in glitzy costumes, flags flying on floats, banners and signs attached to vehicles, people on horseback, dance troops, cheerleaders stopping to perform a cheer, acrobats walking on hands or performing a sequence of flips, clowns working the crowd, military personnel, people on stilts, policemen standing guard and watching the crowd for disruptions, lines of caution tape or sawhorses designating the parade route, people throwing candy into the crowd, dads holding children on their shoulders so they can see, baby strollers, dogs on leashes, a cleanup crew sweeping up horse manure, stray candy and bits of decorations lining the curb



Fire truck or police sirens, marching band music, recorded music coming from the floats, people shouting and hooting, applause, an emcee speaking through a microphone or loudspeaker, babies screaming, kids yelling and laughing, car engines revving, horns honking, the clip-clop of horse hooves, balloons popping, air horns and other noise makers, people singing on the floats, a dance troop leader or drum major calling out directions, flags flapping in the wind, the shuffle of feet as large groups in the parade march in time with one another, rumbling motorcycle engines, dogs barking, a police officer’s whistle, a horse snorting as it plods along, the whine of tiny motorized clown cars, news helicopters flying overhead, the boom of fireworks



Car exhaust, snacks, coffee, wet asphalt, sweat, manure, street food from venders



Snacks bought from a vendor (popcorn, peanuts, soft pretzels, candy, cotton candy, hot dogs), water, soda, coffee



Bodies being crammed together, being bumped and jostled by people standing too close, rough asphalt underfoot, confetti drifting over the skin and landing in one’s hair, bass drums reverberating in one’s chest, the jerk of a leash as a dog strains against it, the weight of a child on one’s shoulders, a nervous or fearful child crawling into one’s lap, sweat dampening the hair and trickling along the skin, sticky cotton candy, hands being warmed or cooled by hot and cold drinks, the heat of the sun beating down on the back of the neck



Being attacked or kidnapped in the chaos

Being pickpocketed

A fear of clowns


Being injured by a runaway car or float

Being pelted with candy

Inclement weather

Losing a child

Difficulty finding a parking space

Sensory overload that leads to a panic attack

A fire or explosion that creates chaos with so many people packed together in the streets

A dog getting loose and taking off down the parade route



Acrobats, announcers, baton and flag twirlers, children, clowns, criminals looking to take advantage, dancers, drivers, float riders and entertainers, horse riders, marching band members, news crews, parade viewers, photographers, police officers, snack vendors, stilt walkers, the grand marshal



Amusement park, big city street, parking lot, small town street



A parade can be useful because it’s such an active setting; with all the noise and visual chaos, parades provide a lot of natural background activity that can complement or contrast with what’s happening in the story. Because everyone’s attention is on the parade, characters can find their way into off-limit places or do things that aren’t noticed because of the distraction. Be aware, though, of stereotypical ways that parades have been used in past stories, such as a means of escaping pursuers (The Fugitive) or an attention-grabbing opportunity for the hero (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off). If your story contains any of these elements, make sure to convey the action in a fresh way.



Lights outlined the floats as they drifted past, moving along with the tinny music. Across the street, people lined the curb, their glow bands and flashing neon lights brightening their faces and hands as they hooted and danced to the music. Grandma sat in her chair, hands held over her ears against each firework boom, but her eyes were wide and a slim smile lifted her cheeks. An evening breeze cooled my skin and I closed my eyes, grateful we’d been able to get her here. Parades had been an important part of her life with Poppy. I hadn’t known how she would respond to her first one since his passing, but my instincts had been right. This was good for her.

Techniques and Devices Used: Contrast, light and shadow, multisensory descriptions

Resulting Effects: Establishing mood, hinting at backstory, reinforcing emotion