An outdoor basketball court, a grassy area for soccer or flag football games, a playground with the usual equipment (slides, swings, jungle gyms, monkey bars, a rock wall), tennis courts, an outdoor pool, bike racks next to the sidewalk, heat waves shimmering on the asphalt, a wide cement path leading to the front doors, a reception desk just inside the entrance where people sign in or register for classes and events, an indoor gymnasium with bleachers, a small weight room, locker rooms and public restrooms, water fountains, administrative offices, motivational posters on the walls, children or adults participating in different classes (dance, painting, ceramics, tumbling, karate, gymnastics, Pilates, yoga, self-defense, swim lessons), children engaged in various after-school activities (doing homework, eating snacks, playing board games or sports), children running, parents arriving to pick up kids, adults walking alone or in pairs to a class, water spots on the floor from swimmers exiting through the building, people paying for a class at the information desk, vending machines, a waiting area with couches and chairs
Echoes emanating from the gymnasium, squeaking sneakers, people yelling, balls bouncing, referee whistles blowing, children yelling and laughing, pounding feet, doors opening and closing, a breeze from an open door fluttering announcements pinned to a bulletin board, people chatting as they head to a class, keys jingling, people talking on phones, administrative phones ringing, people asking for directions, music coming from a dance class, teachers calling out instructions, splashing from the pool area, water-logged ears making sounds seem muffled, soda cans clunking out of a vending machine, people cheering or clapping at a sporting event, parents yelling at coaches, a whistle shrilling, heavy doors swinging closed, the thwack of tennis racquets hitting balls outside, the clattery shake of a ball hitting the chain link court fence
Chlorine from the pool, wet towels, sweaty kids, paints, hot asphalt, disinfectant, hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies, floor wax, rubber
Vending machine food, water, after-school snacks, pizza and cake from a birthday party
Air conditioning turned up too high and causing goose bumps, tile floors made slick with puddles from a swimmer, metal bleachers sticking to the backs of one’s legs, the sun beating down on the outdoor basketball court, burning muscles in a fitness class, fatigued muscles from a workout in the gym, the patterned bump of a basketball bouncing against one’s palm, a paintbrush swishing across a canvas, rolling on a cushioned gymnastics mat, water dripping from a wet swimsuit, water sliding over one’s skin, the tightness of a swimming cap or pinch of goggle straps, slapping a palm against a locker door to shut it, the weight of a water bottle in one’s hand, the drag of a backpack on one’s shoulder, dropping into a soft chair to wait for one’s ride
Competition between students
Rooms being double-booked
An instructor not showing up
Broken or inferior equipment
Parents showing up late to pick up kids
Personal belongings being stolen from a locker
Dissatisfaction with an instructor
Inept referees
Delinquent kids
Sports injuries
Instructors being hired without proper background checks
The facility being sued by a parent
Instructors frustrated by the facility’s limitations
Parents who like to gossip and find fault
Instructors favoring certain students
Niche classes being cast aside for more popular ones
Low funding causing layoffs and cutbacks that affect the center’s quality and safety
Administrators, adults, children, coaches, instructors, other employees (after-school care program staff, janitorial staff, maintenance crews), safety inspectors, parents
Rural Volume: Gymnasium, locker room
Urban Volume: Community center, fitness center, outdoor pool, sporting event stands
There are different kinds of rec centers; some cater mostly to children while others service the entire community. Rec centers offer a variety of services: space for many different kinds of classes, after-school care, athletic fields and facilities, and rental space for parties or gatherings. Because most of these facilities are government-sponsored, the kind and quality of amenities offered will vary depending on the funding. Cleanliness and upkeep will also be different from one center to another.
Jeremiah walked as fast as he could through the empty corridor. Noises echoed down the hallway from the gym—bouncing balls, shoe squeaks, and Coach’s trigger-happy whistle. Jeremiah swallowed, imagining what he’d have to say when he showed up late. Again. His quick walk turned into a jog.
Techniques and Devices Used: Multisensory descriptions
Resulting Effects: Characterization, foreshadowing, hinting at backstory, tension and conflict