Backstage: dressing rooms and a green room, a wardrobe room, roadies moving equipment around, equipment being placed strategically backstage, a pyrotechnic crew setting up special effects, a manager directing traffic, musicians stretching, groupies hanging around the talent, food and drinks set out on tables
The Stage: a stage lit with multi-colored spotlights, lights shining up into the ceiling or out into the crowd, scaffolding, backdrops, huge speakers, amps, microphones on stands, musicians playing instruments in wild outfits, bottles of water near each performer, a message projected onto the wall behind the stage (the band’s name, the latest album cover, tour insignia), lasers, dry ice or smoke, pyrotechnics and fireworks, pole dancers, video screens, musicians breaking instruments or throwing souvenirs (guitar picks, drum sticks, etc.) into the crowd
The Audience: people crammed together, fans wearing the band’s T-shirt, girls sitting on their boyfriend’s shoulders, people body surfing, a mosh pit down front, girls near the stage flashing the artists, people drinking and smoking, fans jumping and screaming, lighters waving in the air, people holding up cell phones to record the show, head banging, fistfights, drunk or high people
Elsewhere: a row of portable toilets (for an outdoor venue), a concession stand (selling bottles of water and soda, candy, gum, beer, wine), merchandise vendors (hawking discs, T-shirts, programs, bandanas, jewelry, caps, posters, key chains, and mugs)
Insanely loud music, people shouting into each other’s ears to be heard, feedback squeals, artists speaking into microphones, guitar or drum solos, stomping feet, applause, fans screaming and yelling, ringing in the ears, fans singing along with the band at the top of their lungs
Marijuana, cigarette smoke, body sprays, sweat, body odor, stale beer, vomit
Cigarettes, dry mouth, beer and other alcohol
Being packed shoulder-to-shoulder with other fans, feeling the bass reverberate within one’s chest, the near-deafening sound of very loud music in the ears, shouldering one’s way through a crowd, being soaked in sweat, weaving in a drunken path, being extremely thirsty, having a drink spilled on oneself, having one’s foot stepped on, being pressed against a railing or the stage by a surging crowd
Losing one’s ticket
Not getting to go and having to listen to everyone else talk about how great it was
Getting separated from one’s friends
Having one’s car broken into in the parking lot
Overspending on merchandise
Having to fight for space during the concert
High fans who act unpredictably
Being trampled in a riot
Being groped in the crowd
Being physically assaulted
Getting backstage passes only to be disappointed when one meets the band
Getting puked on
Being constantly elbowed and jostled
An awful opening act
Being stuck behind a really tall person
One’s view being obstructed by people holding up their phones to record the entire concert
Heated differences of opinions among fans (about the band’s most talented member, best song, worst album, etc.)
Agents, custodial staff, event coordinators, fans, groupies, managers, musicians, personal assistants, roadies, sound and lighting technicians, spectators, vendors
Rural Volume: Mansion
Urban Volume: Green room, hotel room, limousine, performing arts theater, recording studio, Vegas stage show
Rock concerts tend to be more raucous and wild than those associated with lighter musical fare. But as with any other setting, concerts can vary based on a number of criteria. Questions that need asking: Is the concert being held inside or outside? How big is the venue? Is it a concert for a current band (playing to a modern, hip audience), or is the show a reunion tour, where the audience will be older? Knowing the answers to questions like these will help in determining the audience demographics for the show and will allow you to describe the scene accurately and in detail.
I grabbed the water Val handed me and guzzled it down. The August sun was straight up, the sky cloudless and achingly bright. Considering the body heat being generated by a couple thousand people jam-packed together, the temperature on the field had to be at least 110. My neck burned and mud spattered my legs and sucked at my shoes from the last time the water cannons hosed down the crowd. I could barely feel my feet from them getting crushed through the first two shows, but I totally didn’t care. Just two more bands, then Acid Bats would be up. I shook back my sweaty hair and screamed as Zombie Sunrise took the stage.
Techniques and Devices Used: Multisensory descriptions, weather
Resulting Effects: Establishing mood, reinforcing emotion