A chain link fence around the perimeter, paved pathways, colored tubes and slides twisting high in the air, staircases with long lines of people, multiple swimming pools, water dripping from the rides, water shooting off the end of a slide as a rider hits the bottom, rust spots marring the joints of rides and staircases, puddles of water everywhere, lifeguard stands, flags flying, wet patrons in swimsuits, a wave pool packed with people and inner tubes, striped umbrellas shading beach chairs, towels and blankets on the grass, a colorful kiddie park with water spraying and spouting, concession stands, picnic tables, lockers, restrooms, kids splashing in the play area, kids running, lifeguards with walkie-talkies and lifesavers, signs pointing people to various areas of the park, water carpets, life jackets, kids with water wings, hair ties floating in the water, garbage cans swarmed by wasps, people stretched out in the sun on beach chairs, lights at the top of the slides signaling when it’s okay to go, pickup and drop-off points for inner tubes
Bodies moving swiftly through tubes and down slides, echoing screams and laughter within the tubes, parents talking while relaxing in the sun, kids crying after running too fast and slipping, kids dripping and splattering water on the family’s blanket, staircases that creak with each step, feet slapping the pavement and splashing through puddles, piped-in music, wind whipping the flags around, announcements being made over an intercom, lifeguard whistles, lifeguards yelling through megaphones, cell phones ringing in the sunbathing area, soda slurped through straws, crinkling food wrappers, the fart of mostly-empty ketchup and mustard bottles, restroom doors opening and closing, toilets flushing, the whoosh of water down a slide
Chlorine, sunblock, suntan oil, wet bathing suits and towels, food smells, bubblegum, bug repellent, mildew
Chlorinated water, sweat, concession food (hamburgers, fries, hot dogs, pizza, nachos, ice cream bars), bottled water, soda, candy bars
Pavement burning one’s feet, jumping from puddle to puddle to keep the soles of one’s feet cool on a hot day, bare feet slapping against concrete, the chafe of a wet bathing suit, a wedgie after riding a huge slide, water in one’s eyes, wet hair sticking to one’s neck and face, sunburn, the greasy feel of sunblock or suntan oil, warm plastic beach chairs, the sticky closeness of crowds, a plastic or fiberglass railing under one’s hand, a trembling in the belly as one reaches the top of the stairs, dizziness as one looks over the top and prepares to go down, water splashing on the skin, the sting of a wet towel being snapped, cold drinks and ice cream, a squishy inner tube, cold air in the restroom that raises goose bumps on one’s skin, undulating waves in the wave pool, tangled wet hair, water spraying the face, the burn of water going up one’s nose, the crackly feel of waterlogged ears, stomach cramps
A drowning or near drowning
Falling down the stairs
Slipping and falling on the concrete
Being unable to swim
Having a fear of heights and not wanting one’s friends to know
Dictatorial or inattentive lifeguards
Overprotective parents trying to watch a fearless child who doesn’t swim well
A punctual child who does not show up at a meeting point by the designated time
Body image issues
Poorly maintained equipment
Water that isn’t properly chlorinated and becomes a breeding ground for germs
Going to the park with friends who have different goals (riding as many rides as possible vs. picking up girls vs. picking fights)
A swimsuit malfunction in the wave pool
Kids and teenagers, lifeguards, parents, park employees, sunbathers, tourists on vacation
Tall staircases, death-defying slides, wave pools, metal equipment in a park full of water, young swimmers with poor bladder control—the possibilities for conflict in a water park run the gamut from mildly embarrassing to life threatening. In real life, these parks are closely monitored and regulated, so their safety and cleanliness must meet certain standards for them to remain operational. But in fiction, anything goes and everything is possible. With the proper foundation building, a water park can be the perfect place for a hero or heroine who is simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I ran up the steep stairs behind Matt, ignoring how the gritty non-slip strips on the steps cut into my feet. At the top, I took in the view of the park at night, how the lights glittered on every wet surface, making it impossible to tell just how high up we were. The wind gusted, and the platform swayed the tiniest bit. My chest tingled as I imagined the crazy plunge I’d be taking in the dark. I gripped the metal railing and wished the guys ahead would hurry up.
Techniques and Devices Used: Light and shadow, multisensory descriptions
Resulting Effects: Characterization, establishing mood