Bars of blue-tinged light spaced out along the track, darkness, concrete walls, graffiti, a narrow ledge along one or both walls, pipes running horizontally along the walls, motion sensors, track lines (including the live third track), the lit end of the tunnel appearing larger as one’s train approaches a station, train headlights glinting along the metal tracks, debris near the tracks (paper bags, napkins, crushed plastic cups, straws, etc.), colored signal lights (red, yellow, and green), special items for employees to use (a phone, a fire extinguisher, an alarm box), a fork in the track that leads into another tunnel, evidence of squatters in open areas (blankets, newspapers, flattened cardboard boxes, trash, old clothing), the distant lights of an approaching train, the blur of a train speeding by, rats, roaches, trash blowing in the wake of a passing train, puddles of water, fluttering moths, abandoned train stops no longer in use
The rattle and roar of a passing train, brakes screeching as a high-speed train hits a sharp corner, water dripping, the hum of live tracks, rats squeaking and scrabbling over concrete, the distant sound of a voice on a loudspeaker at a nearby station, blown trash scraping along the ground, shuffling footsteps, echoes, the blare of a subway horn, differing levels of noise depending on the speed of a train passing by, whistling or howling wind, footsteps sinking into loose gravel, the echoing voices of work crews and security guards in the area
Dust, urine, cold concrete, stagnant water, rats, mildew, earth
Some settings have no specific tastes associated with them beyond what the character might bring into the scene (chewing gum, mints, lipstick, cigarettes, etc.). For scenes like these, where specific tastes are sparse, it would be best to stick to descriptors from the other four senses.
Being buffeted by the wind from a passing train, cold concrete under one’s hand, rough concrete catching on clothing as one slides along the wall, grit and sand scraping one’s skin when a train goes by, debris crunching under one’s shoes, being blinded by the light of an oncoming train, a rat skittering over one’s foot, a moth fluttering around one’s head, cold air wafting out of a nearby tunnel opening, trash blowing into one’s legs when a train passes, flattening oneself against the wall to avoid a speeding train, water dripping onto one’s head, damp jeans or shoes from walking in puddles, scrapes and scratches from slips or jumps over walls and ledges
Getting hit by an oncoming train
Falling onto the live third track
Running into dangerous people, such as drug users, gangs, or territorial squatters
Getting lost and not being able to find one’s way out
Fear of the dark
A broken ledge that forces one to walk near the track
Being forced to enter the tunnels as a way of escaping danger
Being discovered by subway crews and security people and being chased
Falling and twisting an ankle far from help
One’s pant leg getting caught between rails when the track switches
Finding a dead body
Being in the tunnel when a train is approaching and being unable to climb out
Becoming incapacitated (breaking a leg, being knocked unconscious) on the tracks
Homeless people, subway work crews
While subway tunnels are off-limits to the public, people can get into them if they’re determined enough. There are also many abandoned tunnels where squatters and homeless folk live. Entire communities exist under the street where the narrow tunnels often open up into larger spaces or lead to old stations no longer in use. Either way, the darkness and isolation of the subway system can add a mysterious and creepy element to one’s story.
Martin’s footsteps echoed in the damp air and a steady breeze blew through his work shirt, chilling his skin. Something squeaked, and his flashlight beam scoured the gravel between the tracks, glancing off a crumpled McDonald’s bag, a couple of dirty needles, and a flattened soda can before finding the rat. It stared at him, nose twitching, before skittering off into the dark. Martin blew out his breath. At least it wasn’t a zombie.
Techniques and Devices Used: Light and shadow, multisensory descriptions
Resulting Effects: Establishing mood, foreshadowing