Fairy Fifibelle Lee was looking out of the window when I got back, and Miss Scritch was tapping the table impatiently.
“What’s happening?” I whispered to Ava.
“We’re waiting for someone new to arrive,” she whispered back. “Apparently, they’re going to teach us today’s spell!”
That sounded exciting, and I looked towards the window too and there was a sudden WHOOSH!!! Something had come through the window … something that looked exactly like a flying carpet … and sitting cross-legged on the carpet was a little old woman dressed all in black. The carpet landed in the middle of the workroom table, and the tiny woman carefully smoothed it out on either side of her before looking around.
“Good morning, Stargirls,” she said, and her voice was like a bird’s – very sweet and high and clear. “Good morning!”
“Stargirls,” said Miss Scritch, “meet Fairy Trilling.”
We were far too surprised to manage much more than a murmured “Good morning,” but Fairy Trilling nodded back in a cheerful kind of way. She was the oldest-looking person I’d ever ever seen; her face was covered in deep, deep wrinkles, and her hair was nothing more than a few straggly wisps. There was a little brown mole on her chin, and for the tiniest moment I wondered if she was a witch – but then I told myself not to be silly. Fairy Mary McBee would NEVER allow a witch into the Academy! And Fairy Trilling’s eyes were so bright that I just knew she must be incredibly clever.
“So you want to learn a Changing Spell?” she said, and she pointed straight at Jackson.
“Erm…” It was the first time I’d ever seen Jackson lost for words. “Erm … yes. Yes, I’d like that.”
“So what do you want to change?” Fairy Trilling asked her.
Melody sat up. “We want to be able to change people into spiders,” she said, and then, as if feeling Miss Scritch glaring at her, added, “if they deserve it, of course.”
Fairy Trilling’s eyes gleamed. “And you think some people do deserve that?”
“Oh, yes,” Melody told her. “I do.”
“We’d better get started, then.” It was as if none of the rest of us were in the room. The tiny fairy was concentrating entirely on Melody and Jackson. “So, which of you would like to be the first spider?”
There was a very long pause, and I saw Jackson swallow. “Does … does it have to be one of us?”
“It certainly does.” Fairy Trilling sounded astonished. “You don’t imagine that anyone can perform a spell they haven’t tried out on themselves, do you?”
Melody looked at Jackson, and Jackson looked at Melody.
“Supposing it wasn’t a spider,” Jackson said slowly. “Maybe that wasn’t a good idea. What about…” She looked around the room, but nothing seemed to catch her eye.
“I know!” Melody nudged her friend with her elbow. “What about a great big hairy spot on someone’s face?”
Miss Scritch stepped forward. “Be careful, Melody,” she said.
Melody waved her away. “It’s OK, Miss Scritch. We want to learn something useful for once.”
Fairy Trilling nodded. “Something useful. I see. Well, that’s easy enough. Repeat after me: Armitty charmitty, slithery dithery. And hold up your star finger.”
“Armitty charmitty—” Melody began.
But Jackson interrupted her. “Hang on a minute,” she said. “What’s going to happen?”
Melody frowned. “Be quiet, Jackson. If you don’t want to do it, that’s fine, but don’t get in my way. I want to be able to do this. Armitty charmitty, slithery dithery!”
She waved her little finger in the air. The star was shining brightly, then suddenly dimmed … and we all gasped.
Melody had an enormous spot on her chin. It wasn’t the usual colour, though. It was bright green with red whiskers, and it was hideous.
It was obvious that Melody had no idea what had happened to her. She was staring at Emma instead, and she looked surprised. “You’re just the same,” she said accusingly.
Jackson sighed. “I just KNEW something would go wrong,” she said. “Melody, it’s YOU that’s got the spot!”
“WHAT?” Melody put her hand to her face. “Oh, oh, OH! Take it off! Take it off right NOW!”
The tiny fairy sitting on the table put her head on one side. “Tell us how you feel, Melody.”
Melody ran to look in a little mirror balanced on one of the shelves. “YUCK! It’s horrible. It’s really, really, REALLY ugly! Why didn’t you tell me that would happen? Take it away – oh, please PLEASE take it away!”
Fairy Trilling folded her arms. “I’m afraid I can’t.”
And it was then that I noticed something seriously weird. The mole on Fairy Trilling’s chin had vanished as if it had never been there at all.