What if you could wake up every morning energized and eager to take on your work challenges? What if you loved your job, work, or career? What if you could get the edge over your competition and land the job you really want? What if you could be irresistible to employers and have employers chasing after you? What if you could have financial security and never, ever have to look for another job again? Do you think you would be healthier, wealthier, and happier? Get ready to find out!
Recent surveys have shed light on just how discontented workers are with their jobs. As Lynn Franco states, in a revealing Washington Post article, “Tellingly, when asked to name the most enjoyable part of their jobs, the top answer—just above enjoying the company of co-workers—was the commute.”2 To add more despair to the situation, studies clearly show that job stress leads to major health risks. “A substantial body of evidence shows a strong correlation between workplace stress and the development of cardiovascular problems such as hypertension and myocardial infarction.”3
This direct correlation between job stress and cardiovascular problems is just as deadly for women as it is for men, as new studies presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2010 clearly show. Not only do workers need to contend with the effects of job stress, but worrying about losing a job can raise heart risks, too, as researchers discovered in this same U.S. government-funded study.4
Did you order the “double job whammy” with a side of myocardial infarction?
If you are like most people, you are cutting your life short because you don’t like your job. If that is not crazy enough, you are adding to your health risks because you are afraid to lose the job you hate. Come on! Are you serious? Is this any way to live? Think about it.
If you are not satisfied with your work, it is killing you.
I believe most people don’t get the job they want because they do not know what they want! If they know what they want, they don’t know how to get it! If they know what they want and they know how to get it, then they don’t take the steps and action to get it.
This book will give you the gift of knowing what job you want, show you step-by-step how to get it, and energize you with the power to take the action to get it!
When I ask professionals if they like doing a job search, the answer without hesitation is always a loud “No. I hate it!”
Would never, ever having to look for work again appeal to you? Panic Free Job Search is not about searching high and low for work but rather about creating your irresistible offer that employers are attracted to and are compelled to act on. It is about being a candidate without first being an applicant. By the end of this book you will have all the tools you need to create your irresistible offer through the development of your powerful Professional Internet Brand (ProfessionaliBrand) and the deployment of the Smart Search system. Profes-sionaliBranding is about managing and promoting the message about who you are as a professional on the Internet. It is also about managing your online reputation; this is critical to getting hired today. Smart Search is about combining your ProfessionaliBrand with an innovative job search that gets you hired.
It would be foolish to assume that one job-search technique works for everyone. For most professionals, the combination of various strategies and technqiues work best. To some, networking, be it face to face or through social networking sites, is jsut not comfortable; the Internet and social sites are foreign lands they prefer not to visit. For others, building an online presence, complete with an active blog, a Website, a YouTube channel, a video resume, a Web TV show, and a flourishing social media presence is exactly what they want in order to attract employers. For these reasons this book offers various Smart Search strategies and you will find at least one that is right for you.
Your powerful ProfessionaliBrand is the key to unlocking the “new job search,” and when you do, employers will come looking for you.
How is this possible, you ask?
Job search on the Internet used to be about applying to advertisements on job boards and employer sites, and of course e-mailing resumes to hiring managers—the “click and send” approach. Although these still work to a much lesser extent, and mostly today for “commodity jobs,”5 all are based on conveying your message through the confines of the traditional resume. The traditional resume does a poor job of telling the story of who you are. Employers will hire you only if they like you, and the only way to figure that out is if they get to know you and trust you. The Web offers the perfect conduit for giving employers all the information they need about you.
The Web and social networking provide the opportunity to promote the message about who you are as a professional in a multimedia-rich way that is engaging and captivating to employers. These advances in technology are powerful tools you can use to influence the professional opinion others have of you, including employers. The professional opinion others have of you is a causal factor for employers to act on and make you an offer when making hiring decisions, and social media is the perfect tool for providing this critical input.
The sum total of everything you say or do, what others say about you, and the opinion of you as a professional that can be found online is your ProfessionaliBrand. Your ProfessionaliBrand is capable of delivering a positive, engaging message 24/7 in ways that influence employers that a document/ resume can simply not achieve. Job search is about search and the Web is about search. Being found on the Web is about search ranking and page ranking. Page ranking does not only depend on keywords. It also depends on your authority, substantiated by social signals about you as a professional (for example, testimonials, endorsements, Likes and +1s, and followers). In the Web 2.0 world, social signals move the masses, and social signals also move employers. The positive weight of social signals about your ProfessionaliBrand is becoming an important factor to move employers to offer you a job. In other words, how well you are liked and respected professionally by others is a strong signal to employers to chase after you or pass on you.
My name is Paul Hill. I have placed thousands of professionals in the best jobs of their careers, and won numerous National Personnel Associates awards for my record of accomplishment. As an entrepreneur I have trained and taught thousands of unemployed and employed professionals and executives the inside secrets and motivational system outlined in this book, the GetHiredFastTrack System. I know this: What I teach and coach works. Over and over again, clients and associates deploy my system, take smart action, and get hired. They forget the job boards and the online postings, and reach the decision-makers. They get the interviews and job offers they thought would never come their way.
Many books will teach you about passion, or self-confidence, or job search—but no book shows you all three with a specific emphasis on how to use innovative tools and processes that get you hired. This book will guide you through a system called A-C-T: alignment, confidence, and tactics. The book gives you a system for overcoming your fears and anxieties to become focused on an achievable goal. It provides research and marketing secrets that will help you reach the hidden job market, and it shows you how to attract employers with your irresistible offer, through ProfessionaliBranding, so you will never, ever have to look for a job again.
Part I introduces you to revolutionary technology to put you on the path to success in the personal and professional aspects of your life. Part I also demonstrates the importance of choosing work by looking inward and making sure it is aligned with your interests and the things that drive you, such as passion, as well as the consequences of not doing so.
Part II builds confidence by guiding you to discover what you really want to do, your dreams, and how to set smart goals to reach your dreams. You are introduced to powerful mindful visualization techniques in order to overcome fear, shame, and reluctance to step up and go for your dream and the job that is right for you.
Part III contains tactics and mechanics to get you hired, including Google search strings, LinkedIn best practices, techniques for getting noticed by decision-makers and hiring managers, presentation marketing, Job Search Talking, building your irresistible offer through your ProfessionaliBrand, social networking, and other unique Smart Search best practices, from killer resumes to compensation negotiation.
If you are seeking your first serious job, are unemployed, or have a need for a more fulfilling opportunity or a career change, this book will help you. Smart Search will provide you with tangible results, and you will get hired by implementing my suggestions and methodology.
I wrote this book because my passion is my mission, and my mission is:
To inspire people to get clarity on what they want, then show them how to get it.
To inspire people to uncover their interests and what drives them— in essence, their passion—as well as their professional uniqueness, and by doing so enable them to take control of their work lives.
To give professionals the freedom of never, ever having to look for another job again, and the rewards of getting a job they actually want, instead of a job that is simply available to them.
No longer do you have to settle for the job that is available to you simply because you need a paycheck. Nor is it about what is hot or good, but rather about what excites you and what you can make money at, while getting a thrill.
This book will provide you with the system and tools you can use to figure out what you want and how to get it. Throughout this book you will be invited to take—maybe even coerced into taking—action. In these pages, and additionally at, I provide a field-tested system professionals have discovered that delivers results, as well as many more important inspirational truths (such as “getting off your duff” and doing something about finding a job!). If you follow through and take action, you will retain much of the information and set in motion a system that will guarantee your income and turn you into a proactive job-seeker always ready to entertain the multiple employment offers coming your way. Impossible, you say? Read on and get ready for an eye-opening and life-changing adventure. I ask for one commitment and that is to pledge to read the book from cover to cover, and then to help out other professionals by educating them and passing on the gift of this book so that we can help put this great country back to work. One last thing: Of course this is a serious subject, but hell—if you can’t take a joke find another book!