Just after the release of the Heartbreaker’s seventh album, Let Me Up (I’ve Had Enough), Petty and his family were in their home when they noticed it was on fire and filling with smoke. Petty, his former wife, housekeeper, and one of his daughters did everything they could to try and put it out but failed. After getting outside and awaiting emergency crews, their house completely burned down. Petty and his family had lost everything that they owned. He was unable to save all of his long time collections, memorabilia, and even clothes, which was devastating to him. They later discovered that their house had been set on fire by someone attempting to burn their home down. Petty couldn’t believe that someone out there wanted to hurt him and his family. However, even through that he was just thankful that him and his family were alive. He gives big thanks to family friend Annie Lennox for having provided them with clothes and shoes until they could replace all of their lost belongings. With no home, they stayed in a hotel for a few weeks while trying to deal with the trauma of someone out there attempting to kill them. Petty turned to his music in order to keep his mind occupied.