Final Thoughts

As someone that has faced never ending struggles, Tom Petty’s music helps aid in achieving the mindset of not backing down or not giving up even when it’s tough. His persistence to push through among the hard times in his life was and always will be an inspiration to keep trying no matter the circumstances. Appreciating Petty’s music takes a great mind, in that of most musicians are doing it for the fame and success. However, while just simply listening to Petty seems to create the understanding that Petty wanted to inspire others through his music. Coming across music artists these days that aren’t doing it for the fame is rare so being able to have Tom Petty’s music on hand is what makes getting through each day easier.


During the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s there were a lot of talent musicians that kicked off their career. Some more successful than others but, Tom Petty was one that was successful and probably always will be so long as the right people are appreciating his music. The interesting thing about music from over thirty years ago is that it’s original. Petty’s music doesn’t sound like any other person’s or band’s because he did it first. So much of today’s music is similar or pulled from other people, but Petty’s and the Heartbreaker’s is music that nobody, no matter how talented, could ever top.