Also by Ian Stewart:

Concepts of Modern Mathematics

Game, Set, and Math

The Problems of Mathematics

Does God Play Dice?

Another Fine Math You’ve Got Me into

Fearful Symmetry (with Martin Golubitsky)

Nature’s Numbers

From Here to Infinity

The Magical Maze

Life’s Other Secret


What Shape Is a Snowflake?

The Annotated Flatland

Math Hysteria

The Mayor of Uglyville’s Dilemma

Letters to a Young Mathematician

Why Beauty Is Truth

How to Cut a Cake

Taming the Infinite/The Story of Mathematics

Professor Stewart’s Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities

Professor Stewart’s Hoard of Mathematical Treasures

Cows in the Maze

Mathematics of Life

with Terry Pratchett and Jack Cohen

The Science of Discworld

The Science of Discworld II: the Globe

The Science of Discworld III: Darwin’s Watch

with Jack Cohen

The Collapse of Chaos

Figments of Reality

Evolving the Alien/What Does a Martian Look Like?

Wheelers (science fiction)

Heaven (science fiction)