My original research for this book consisted in the main of a protracted and indolent potter through the Venetian seas. Readers familiar with the subject will recognize all too easily my debt to less escapist scholars, but for newcomers here is a list of the books I have found most useful:
Bradford, ernle, The Companion Guide to the Greek Islands, London and New York 1963. The Great Betrayal: Constantinople, 1204, London 1967.
chambers, d. s., The Imperial Age of Venice, London 1970; New York 1971.
foss, a., The Ionian Islands, London 1969; Levittown, New York 1970.
freely, j., Naxos, Athens 1976.
freeman, e. a., Sketches from Subject and Neighbour Lands of Venice, London 1881.
gunnis, r., Historic Cyprus, London 1938.
hazlitt, w. c., The Venetian Republic: its Rise, its Growth, its Fall, London 1915.
hill, g., A History of Cyprus, Cambridge and New York 1940-52.
hodgkinson, h., The Adriatic Sea, London and New York 1955.
hopkins, a., Crete: Its Past, Present and People, London and Salem, New Hampshire 1977.
jackson, f. h., The Shores of the Adriatic, London and New York 1906.
jongh, b. de, The Companion Guide to Southern Greece, London 1972. The Companion Guide to the Greek Mainland, London 1979.
lane, f. c., Venice, A Maritime Republic, Baltimore 1973.
lauritzen, p., Venice, London 1978.
lorenzetti, g., Venezia, Rome 1956.
maclagen, m., The City of Constantinople, London and New York 1968.
miller, w., The Latins in the Levant, London 1908. Essays on the Latin Orient, Cambridge 1921.
Murray’s Handbook to Greece, London 1884.
norwich, j. j., Venice, the Rise to Empire, London 1977. Venice, the Greatness and the Fall, London 1981.
paradissis, a., Fortresses and Castles of Greece, Athens 1972-6.
perocco, g., and salvadore, a., Civiltà di Venezia, Venice 1973.
roiter, fulvio, The Orient of Venice, Padova 1982.
runciman, steven, A History of the Crusades, Cambridge and New York 1951-5.
smith, michael llewellyn, The Great Island, London and New York 1965.
spanakis, s. g., Crete, Iraklion 1965.
sumner-boyd, h., and freely, j., Strolling Through Istanbul, Istanbul 1972.
villehardouin, g. de, Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade, tr. F. Marzials, London and New York 1908.
west, r., Black Lamb and Grey Falcon: The Record of a Journey through Yugoslavia in 1937, London 1942; New York 1955.
young, m., Corfu and Other Ionian Islands, London and New York 1971.
yugoslav lexicographical institute, The Yugoslav Coast, Zagreb 1966.
The translation of an anonymous Cretan poem on page 83 is by Michael Llewellyn Smith, from his book The Great Island, (Longmans, 1965). The Euripides translation on page 92 is by T. F. Higham, and comes from The Oxford Book of Greek Verse in Translation, (Oxford University Press 1938). The maps on pp. 10, 33, 53, 66, 73 are reproduced courtesy of the Museo Storico Navale, Venice.