
Alien’s Mail Order Queen

Life gets in the way


With slightly trembling hands, twenty-six-year-old Freya Reece tapped on her front door’s digital mailbox screen to check her mail. The upgraded technology had been installed by the building owner about four months ago, on an experimental basis. The company that designed them had offered to install them and let the tenants use them for free. She didn’t care, she was getting bad news the old way or the new way. Immediately, the inbox came to life with a list of final warning letters from her creditors. Her face fell and her heart thumped as she went through them one by one. She couldn’t ignore her debts anymore.

After going through them, she threw herself on her old-fashioned couch in frustration.

Her only source of income, her yoga studio, was on the verge of closing down. She had tried multiple marketing strategies already and had desperately held on to the studio she had inherited from her mother. The cost of living had increased but Freya hadn’t been able to charge the same increase. Her clients wanted the same service for less money. She hated the thought of even considering her last option—to sell the studio. But there seemed to be no other choice.

“I’m so sorry, Mom,” she whispered with closed eyes, conjuring up the image of her loving mother who had passed away just a year ago. She knew her mother would understand though, but it truly hurt to let go of the business that she loved with all her heart. Yoga was not just a business to her, after all. It was her passion, her spiritual rock, and her daily dose of joy and relaxation. But not everyone felt the same way about yoga. They wanted to take yoga classes but also wanted access to a full gym. People were all about full-body healthy. It made her sad but Freya was tired of always struggling.

She had contacted her real estate agent Fran, who began the arrangements to sell the yoga studio. Fran said there were a couple of interested potential buyers that she knew of.

At the thought of selling the studio, her heart was pounding in her chest. She tried to calm down then, slowly breathing in and out. She repeated that a few times, to calm her nerves. It was her ‘quick fix’ for calming down. Deep breath in, let it out slow and repeat a few times. In with the good air, out with the toxins. She could feel her body already starting to respond to the clean air entering her body. She did not have time for meditation, though. She had to finish getting ready for the surprise party her best friend Lia was throwing for her alien husband, Bonx.

Yes, alien husband. Aliens had been a part of human life since they had discovered Earth a few years before. Many of the good aliens fell in love with the human world and settled here.

At least she had found someone who complemented her. Freya was happy for her friend but wistful about her own lack of love life.

With a heavy sigh, she forced herself to head to her small bedroom. On one wall was the only modern technology in her room—her closet. The building had renovated with the experimental closet. It was made of steel with a digital screen where she could navigate through the inventory of clothes she had, and mix and match them to create an outfit. The wardrobe technology even allowed her to voice in the occasion and a range of suggested ensembles would appear on the screen. It made use of an image she had uploaded and could be dressed up digitally, allowing her to see how she would look like wearing a particular ensemble.

Apart from this closet, the rest of her apartment interior was made up of ordinary furniture, appliances, and décor that was many years old.

After browsing through a couple of outfits, she finally settled on a white blouse with cutout shoulders and a short, printed skirt that showed off her long tanned legs. The clothes suited her slender figure perfectly and made her look a little bit taller. Pulling her shoulder-length chocolate brown locks up in a stylish messy bun. Adding some light makeup gave off the façade of serene despite her chaotic emotions.

She went back to the kitchen and opened her fridge to take out the cupcakes she had baked and decorated. This was her contribution to the party food, which she knew Lia and Bonx were crazy about. Most people ate supplements in capsules and instant food concoctions for their daily nutrition. It was definitely a refreshing, exciting change to actually prepare ‘real’ food when there was a special occasion. After all, parties would never be complete without actual appetizing, mouthwatering snacks and dishes.

A honk sounded outside her first floor apartment. She was ready to go. She rushed outside with the container of cupcakes. She smiled as she approached the small electric car of her long-time friend, Billy.

“Hey, looking good.” Billy said, smiling.

“Thanks,” Freya said, smiling back. She placed the container with the cupcakes on her lap, pulled the seatbelt across her shoulder and slid it under the container, clicking it in at her hip. “And thanks for the ride.”

“No problem,” Billy replied, as he drove off.

“I can’t believe it’s already been two years since Lia and Bonx got married!”

“Well, I can’t believe she fell for that alien!” Billy said, guffawing. “Remember how Lia used to detest aliens after they had discovered Earth and became a permanent part of our society?”

“Yeah,” Freya agreed. “But apparently, only aliens like Bonx have the actual patience to put up with her stubbornness.”

They both laughed.

“So, what about you, Freya?” Billy suddenly asked. ”Are you also waiting for an alien to come along and sweep you off your feet?”

Freya laughed. “I haven’t got time for that,” she answered truthfully. “I’m not in a hurry. The right one will come along at the right time.”

They continued to make small talk as Billy drove to Lia and Bonx’s. Freya avoided discussing her yoga studio. She didn’t want people to think she was all about her problems. She would figure something out.

The party was in full swing when they arrived at Lia and Bonx’s humble two-story residence. It was a simple home they were still in the process of filling up with furniture and appliances, but it was already looking good and felt homey when you entered. There was a mini garden up front and a quaint porch painted white that led to the front door. The entire house had been done in white and light blue, painted by none other than Lia’s alien husband. He did not just have super strength, but also had the ability to jump up to roofs.

Freya knew most of the people present. Billy mingled a bit with them while Freya headed for the kitchen. Lia was there, busy supervising the food preparations. Dinner was about to be served.

“Freya, you’re here!” Lia greeted her in relief.

“You need any help?” Freya asked, with a smile.

Lia nodded. “You’re a god-send.”

Freya helped carry out the trays of food and set up the dessert table under the ‘Happy Birthday’ banner. As the guests milled about, chatted, danced to the music, and munched on chips and nuts, Freya and Lia worked together.

“Whew, thank you so much Freya.” Lia breathed when they were done. She was smiling and glowing beautifully. Her flawless skin was evident and her tiny, pretty face was always very welcoming. She had her wavy black hair tied up in a ponytail and was wearing a soft pink simple sweater dress.

In a few minutes, the guests had gathered around in the living room. The curtains were arranged so Bonx wouldn’t be suspicious as he approached the house. He was a scientist who closely worked with the government and that day, he was scheduled to work a bit later than usual. He was home right on time.

“Surprise!” everybody screamed as soon as Bonx entered the house. He literally froze on the spot. Then recovering at once, his eyes scanned the crowd and lingered on his wife. Lia bounded over to him and they met in a sweet, tight embrace. Looking at them, Freya was truly happy for her best friend. They made the perfect couple.

In the next hour, their little startup house rocked with lively chatter, and brimmed with love and friendship. Bonx looked happy and got along really well with Lia’s family and relatives. He also enjoyed the company of their human friends. There were, of course, aliens in the crowd too, mostly his colleagues who had left work earlier than him to join the surprise.

“Seems like Earth really suits you now, Bonx,” Freya remarked.

“You know, over the past two years, I have been in contact with some of my old friends from Tryptin,” Bonx said thoughtfully. “I heard the royal palace is looking for an Events Manager. You might be interested.”

Freya’s mouth dropped open. I might be interested?

“Our planet is much smaller than Earth,” Bonx explained. “It is like one country, governed by the royal palace. My friend Patrix is one of the head warriors. He is in close contact with the king.”

Lia threw an arm around Freya’s shoulders. “I believe Freya here is more than qualified for that kind of job. However, the question is—are you willing to live there?” she asked her friend.

Freya’s heart beat faster. She was eager to take on the challenge and had always been quite adventurous too. Since she was single with no parents, and was just a couple signatures away from selling her studio, the opportunity sounded perfect. “How much is the pay?” she asked. She wanted to know if it would be worth the move to a strange planet.

“Well, you would be working for royalty so the pay and benefits will be considerable,” Bonx said. “Apart from the lodging and food, you will likely receive a salary similar to that of a CEO here.”

“Wow...” Lia inhaled. “Tryptin is a rich country. Why didn’t we choose to live there again?

Bonx smiled at his wife. “Because you wanted to stay close to your family.”

“Oh, right.” Lia grinned before turning to her friend again. “Well?”

Freya took a deep breath and made a decision right then and there. “I’m in.”

