I open my eyes when Laurel restlessly stirs in my arms. She’s waking up.
Her soft, thin fingers peel off my arm. My body heat is still sizzling through her and I feel guilty for holding her so tight. When she finally manages to free herself from my tight embrace, she slips out of the bed and I have to restrain myself not to yank her back.
And take her all over again.
I don’t really give a fuck if someone hears us, because at this moment, nothing matters to me aside the two of us. Adrian and the Keepers can go fuck themselves. I’ll probably have to sacrifice a young boar for that atrocious thought – and for sleeping with the chosen one.
Laurel tiptoes to the table where she picks up my watch. I turn my gaze to the window and guess it’s around four in the morning. It’s time to let her go.
“Going somewhere?” I ask lazily.
My voice makes her jump and my watch falls to the ground with a thud.
“That better not be my limited edition aqua watch,” I scowl.
“I’m s-sorry,” she stutters, looking flushed. She crouches down to pick it up and carefully places it back on the table. As usual, I don’t know if I find those rosy pink cheeks adorable or downright arousing. My groin seems to think the latter judging by my rock-hard erection.
“Hmmm,” I mumble lazily, trying hard to hold my excitement in check. I pull up one knee and smile at her. I shut down the voice in the back of my mind that tries to make a point about unsafe sex. “So, what were you doing?” I ask again as I take in her slender figure, the mass of tousled hair streaming down her angelic face, and her blue eyes that are like fascinating orbs gleaming in the dark.
She’s licking her lips – not helping – and motions toward the door. “I should go.”
“You seem nervous.”
“No. Maybe just a little.”
“Don’t. Everyone’s resting. It’s quiet in the hotel.”
“So I can go?”
“In a minute,” I say as I step out of the bed, searching the floor for Laurel’s underwear without bothering with my own. I dip and pick up a very sexy ivory-colored panty. I return it to her. “We need to talk.”
Quickly, she steps into the satin fabric. “About what?”
“About us having unprotected sex just now.”
She yanks her head back up. “Yeah, ehm, can we discuss that later? I really need to go.”
I frown, wondering why she’s still nervous and in a hurry. She doesn’t seem bothered at all by the consequences of unsafe sex. “Why the hurry?”
“I have to meet someone, okay. I have to go.”
“No, not okay,” I reply. “Who are you meeting?” I can tell she doesn’t want to tell me, but we both know I’ll find out one way or the other.
“A friend of yours.”
“Be more specific,” I say as I pull on a pair of jeans. The reality of a possible pregnancy is kicking in, leaving me completely turned off. What the fuck was I thinking?
“Andreas,” she exhales full of frustration.
I squeeze my eyes. “Really?” I ask incredulously. Right now, Laurel isn’t exactly Andreas’ most favorite person in the world. I can’t imagine he wants to meet with her.
“Yes, Sam. Really.”
“That’s between him and me.”
I can’t help but grin. “I’m coming with you.”
“No, Sam,” she says fiercely. “You’re staying here.”
“I’m not,” I counter. I grab a shirt out of the closet and yank it down. “It’s for your own protection. Andreas isn’t your biggest fan at the moment. Does he want to meet you or is it the other way around?”
“The other way around.”
I grin again. “How did you pull that off?”
She shrugs. “I grabbed him by his arm and forced him to listen.”
I raise an eyebrow. “Why do you want to see him?”
“You’ll soon know, won’t you, since you’re coming with me,” she replies cynically.
“Fair enough,” I say as I search for my sneakers. “Where’s the rendezvous point?”
“A small temple somewhere in the back.”
“Okay. Go to your room and put on some warm clothes and shoes, but be quiet. You know the other exit from the hotel?”
“Take it. When you go out you turn to the right and then to the left. You walk all the way down. You’ll leave the temple grounds behind you. Just keep walking; you’ll see the small temple. It’s a fifteen-minute walk. I’ll be waiting for you inside the temple.”
With a nod she heads for the door.
“Laurel? If you’re… If there are symptoms of a pregnancy, then I need you to tell me, okay?”
When she walks past me, I spin her around and pull her close. I press my lips against her forehead, kissing away the deep frown. “One of these days we won’t have to sneak around anymore.”
She looks up and sends me a smile that warms me all the way through. “I’ll look forward to that day, Sam,” she whispers.
I enter the marble temple and notice that I’m the first one to arrive. There are no windows in there and it’s still pitch dark. I light an oil lamp and place it on top of the altar. Storm is keeping me company while I wait for the others. Laurel is the first one to arrive.
“Hi,” she says with a beaming smile that could light up the whole temple.
“Hey. Run into trouble?”
“No. No one saw me.”
Before I have the chance to stop him, Storm jumps on Laurel and she drops to the floor.
“Get the fuck over here, Storm! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she says laughing while hugging Storm. “Hey you. I missed you so much.”
Storm makes awkward noises and I raise my brows when I see him transform into a playful pup that aims to please. Oh yeah, he’s totally devoted to her. Laurel glances my way. “You think he’s coming?”
“If he told you he’d come, he’ll come,” I reassure her.
She turns back to Storm, smiles at him. Snuggles into his fur. It’s great to see she’s overcome her fear of dogs. Well, of wolves at least. It reminds me of Adrian’s dogs and just as I’m about to ask about them, Andreas leaps up the steps and enters the little temple that we have used in the past for more secret meetings than I can count.
“What are you doing here?” is the first thing he asks when he spots me.
“Making sure no one gets hurt,” I say, leaning against the fountain.
“What the fuck, man, you think I’ll hurt her?”
I flash a grin. “No, I’m afraid she’ll hurt you, considering the fact she had you by your testicles yesterday.”
Laurel smothers a smile and Andreas grimaces. He turns to Laurel, who is still sitting on the floor, cuddling Storm. “Spill it, Laurel. What am I doing here?”
“Storm,” I call, “outside.” If someone’s coming, Storm will let us know.
“As you know I’m staying at the Archeron Mansion,” Laurel begins. “It’s…”
“Yeah, not interested. For apologies you need to speak with him,” Andreas says, jerking his thumb my way. “I don’t care about your motives, but if anything happens to Rory because of…”
“Hey,” I interrupt him bluntly when I don’t like the way he talks to her, or the tone of his voice. “Don’t be an asshole, man. Let her speak.”
Andreas falls silent for a while. “Ah, I see what’s going on here. Couldn’t keep your pants zipped up, could you? You’re fucking unbelievable, Sampson… On Olympus, right under Adrian’s nose…”
“I said, let her talk,” I say through clenched teeth. “You can keep your comments to yourself.”
“Stop it!” Laurel yells. “Both of you. You can kill each other later if you must, but first you’re going to listen to what I have to say, you too, Andreas, because there’s someone who needs your help.”
“Rory,” she blurts out.
We both stare at her. “Again,” Andreas says.
“Adrian has Rory,” she now whispers. “He kidnapped her on my birthday. He has her, Andreas. He holds her in that cave under his house.”
“He told you?”
“No. I found her.”
My chin falls to my chest. What the hell? I push away from the fountain and walk Laurel’s way. “You went down there?”
She nods. “I was in the library when two phones went off. One was mine; the other ringtone was Rory’s. He keeps them in his desk. I just knew something was wrong. I knew about the entrance to that cave; the place meant for Titans.”
Andreas rakes through his hair. “Son of a bitch.”
“Andreas, the reason why I’m staying at the mansion is because Adrian knows everything. If I don’t give him a chance, he’ll tell everything to the Keepers. He has taken pictures of the four of us in the parking lot.”
Andreas squeezes his eyes. “You sacrificed yourself?”
“She did,” I say in Laurel’s place. “Phaedra told her about the slumber.”
“Are you for real?” Andreas asks her. “You’re trying to keep us safe?”
“I’m trying to keep all of us safe.”
Suddenly, Andreas pulls Laurel close. “Come here.” He kisses the top of her head. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, for coming down on you so hard. I behaved like a jerk.”
“It’s okay, Andreas, my only concern is Rory. I need your help.”
Andreas releases her. “How is she holding up?”
“She needs ambrosia. If you can get me some, then I’ll give it to her.”
“No, you’re not,” I tell her resolutely. “You’re not descending again.”
She stares me right in the face. I hate that determined look. “I am, Sam. You won’t stop me. I’m not letting my friend die down there.”
“I don’t know which gods you have on your side for you to have surfaced, but you won’t succeed again. And if you do, you can’t get Rory with you. Doesn’t he take care of her?” I want to know. If he wants to use a Titaness as leverage, for whatever reason, he needs her to be alive. We’re only allowed to kill them if there’s no other option left.
“No, he’s starving her. Torturing her.”
“Sick bastard,” Andreas curses.
“She only has water from the river.”
Andreas’ eyes grow wide. “What? She drinks from that river?”
“Yes, I think so. Why?”
“It’s the river of forgetfulness.”
“Laurel,” I say placidly, “I know you want to help your friend, but it’s not up to you. It’s way too dangerous to go down there again.”
“Rory needs food, Sam. And I’m the only one who can provide it for her.”
“Sam is right, Laurel. As much as I want to help her, I’m not sending you down.”
Laurel eyes us both, hands on hips, and mad as hell. “Fine. If you two won’t give me ambrosia, I’m going to turn every drawer and cupboard upside down to find Adrian’s. I’m sure he keeps some stock in the mansion.”
“Oiphō,” I curse under my breath. Annoyed and agitated, I walk to the entrance and look outside. Storm is still keeping watch.
“Rory asked for ambrosia, and I’m going to get it for her, one way or the other. Once she’s immortal, Adrian will have a hard time killing her. It’s up to you how to get her out of there, but at least we’ve bought her time.”
“Sounds like a very bad plan,” I call.
“It’s the only plan we have.”
I swivel around and in three long strides I’m standing in front of her. “Adrian will know right away. One look at her and he knows she’s immortal. Where do you think he goes looking for answers?”
“Let him come,” she says, cocking her chin. “I might have some power over him.”
“He’s desperate to have my child. You can’t talk me out of this, Sam.”
“The hell I can’t. We need to head back, it’s getting light.”
Laurel turns to Andreas. “Can you get me ambrosia?”
“I need time to think about it, Laurel.”
“Rory doesn’t have time.”
“We’ll find another way. You know her, she can hold her own until we come up with a plan.”
“Andreas,” she whispers, “you haven’t seen her. She’s far from the tough woman you think she is; she’s like a butterfly with a broken wing – shattered.”
Andreas closes his eyes, and God knows I feel for him, but I’m not sacrificing my girl for his.
“I should have pushed harder to take her to the border. She wouldn’t let me. She wouldn’t forgive me for not being honest with her.”
“Yeah, well, you’re not the only ones with trust issues here,” I say, gazing at Laurel.
Laurel touches Andreas’ arm. “She wanted you to know that whatever happens, she forgave you.”
Andreas walks toward the fountain and tightens his grip around the edge.
I catch Laurel’s gaze. “We need to go.”
“I’m not leaving until one of you offers me his ambrosia. If not, I’ll bring her food and water. I’m not going to let her drink from that river. What will it be, Sam, because I’m going down again.”
“I’ll get you the ambrosia,” I say softly.
“When?” she asks ruthlessly.
“We’ll be at the palaestra later today. I can get away. I’ll come up to your room and give you some instructions on it.”
“Thanks, Sam.”
“Don’t thank me yet. I may still change my mind.”
“You won’t.”
“Don’t be so sure. Go now. The others will rise soon and I want you back in your room before they do. Storm will guide you back to the hotel so you won’t get lost.”
“I’ll go.”
I yank her back one more time and close my mouth over hers. “I can’t lose you again, Laurel, so you’d better be sure you can take him on.”
“I can, Sam,” she says softly, taking my face in her hands. “I can handle him.”
I just can’t seem to get enough of her taste.
We break away from our kiss when Andreas clears his throat. “You’re unbelievably brave, Laurel, but I’ve told you that before. I can see why Sam has fallen hard for you. Will you do me a favor?”
“Sure,” Laurel smiles, her mouth still wet from my kiss. She wipes it dry with the back of her hand. The tension is gone now that she’s got her secret out.
“Tell that Titaness that she’d better not fucking dare give up and that I’ll come for her.” Andreas drops an affectionate kiss to Laurel’s forehead. I don’t believe what I’m seeing, but I’m smiling on the inside. “And I’ll come for you too. We’ll get you out of there, Laurel. That’s a promise.”
“Thanks, Andreas.”
“No. Thank you.”
“Okay, enough with the sweet talk, Andreas,” I butt in. “She needs to go.” I take Laurel by the hand and usher her outside. “I need to talk to Andreas, and it’s better if you walk alone. Once you reach the temple complex, send Storm back, okay?”
“Okay, Sam.”
“See you later, baby.” I don’t need to tell Storm to go with her. He’s already fallen into step with her. I walk back inside. Andreas leans against the wall, arms crossed. “Are you all right?”
“No. I’m fucking miles from all right,” he spits out. “Fucking hell, Sam. Olivia watched Adrian all night. He could have never left his house without her seeing it. That brings me to one conclusion.”
“Yeah, that he used his fucking cap of visibility.”
“Bastard. He isn’t allowed to use it.”
“He never liked to play by the rules.”
“If he rats us out, it’s game over for us. They’ll set up an áreios págus.”
“I don’t understand any of this anymore, Andreas,” I sigh. “What’s wrong with this vision of Apollon? Laurel will never fall for Adrian. She’ll never give birth to his child.”
“You want to know my theory?”
“Please, enlighten me.”
“Remember the vision never revealed the father of the child? I think they lied. I think you were in the vision. You are the father of this demigod, Sam. Not Adrian. She’s named after a tree – a tree sacred to Apollon. It’s just seems too much of a coincidence. I’m telling you, it’s a fucking sign.”
“Bullshit. I could never–”
“No, she probably wouldn’t survive, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get her pregnant. I hope you wore a rubber last night.”
“Shut up.”
“Listen, they knew Laurel was our chosen one, but they also knew it would be a great risk if she was to be pregnant with your child.”
“Are you saying they simply switched me for Adrian?”
“For the greater good. And I’m almost positive Hades has something to do with it. None of our parents would favor Adrian.”
“That explains why Apollon helped Laurel and her mother escape to Europe.”
“By causing her parents to divorce.”
“Yeah, that sucks. Everything sucks.”
“Okay. Let’s keep our heads together before we find ourselves in a slumber. If my theory is right, then, Sam, you’re Laurel’s biggest threat, not Adrian. She can ward him off, but she can’t ward you off. You need to stop banging her.”
“And you need to stop using that word.”
“I’m serious, Sam.”
“Yeah,” I snarl, annoyed by the fact that my best friends are constantly interfering with my sex life. “I’ll keep my pants zipped until she turns twenty, all right?”
“That’ll do. Now, this is the second time the Keepers have lied to us. We were here first, not the Titans. Our beloved granddad is using us. For what?”
“So you believe Gaia?”
“I’m leaning in that direction. Sam, if I’m going to get Rory out, and I will, I can’t come back to Olympus anymore. If I do, I risk the slumber.”
“You’re breaking the circle.”
“I am. That will be the end of us.”
“I guess I’ll be doing the same. I’ll never give up on Laurel. I’m getting her out of the mansion. Adrian will never let her leave, even if she thinks he will. He’ll use everything within his power to get her pregnant.”
“We’ll get the girls to Titan territory. What about Laurel’s family?”
“I’ll deal with them later. First, the girls.”
“We tell the others?”
“No. The less they know the better. For now.”
“Why do you think he’s keeping Rory a secret?”
“Because he’s insecure about the vision. If everything falls apart, he’ll use her as leverage.”
“Or he’ll use her to keep Laurel by his side.”
“Or that.”
“Thanks, Sam, for giving Laurel ambrosia. I owe you.”
“No! You owe Laurel. Don’t you ever forget that!”
“I’ll protect her like she’s mine. You have my word. After this weekend I’ll come to your place and we’ll start planning.”
“I’ll put the ambrosia on ice.”
“We’ll get our women back, and the Keepers can go fuck themselves.”
I can’t help but laugh. Thinking that in a hotel room is one thing, saying it out loud in a place of worship is a whole different thing. “You need to sacrifice an ox.”