AFL-CIO | American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations |
ALRA | Agricultural Labor Relations Act |
ALRB | Agricultural Labor Relations Board |
AWFWA | Agricultural Workers Freedom to Work Association |
AWOC | Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee |
CRLA | California Rural Legal Assistance |
CSO | Community Service Organization |
IFPAAW | International Federation of Plantation, Agricultural, and Allied Workers
ILWU | International Longshoremen Workers Union
ITWF | International Transport Workers Federation |
MLK | Martin Luther King, Jr. |
NAWU | National Agricultural Workers Union
NEB | National Executive Board of the United Farm Workers
NEP | New Economic Policy, Richard M. Nixon administration
NFLU | National Farm Labor Union |
NFWA | National Farm Workers Association |
NLRA | National Labor Relations Act |
NLRB | National Labor Relations Board |
SCFC | South Central Farmers Committee |
SDS | Students for a Democratic Society |
SNCC | Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee |
TGWU | Transport and General Workers Union, Great Britain
TUC | Trade Union Congress, Great Britain |
UAW | United Auto Workers union |
UFW | United Farm Workers union |
UFWOC | United Farm Workers Organizing Committee
USDA | U.S. Department of Agriculture |